Losing well rested bonus.

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:30 pm

Has anyone else noticed since 1.9 that if you rest and get the rested bonus and then save and log out shortly or immediately afterwards, when you log back on your rested bonus is gone? I have always used resting as a save and stop point when I am done playing so I know this was never an issue before. I know this is not that big of a deal compared to some of the other 1.9 issues but I am really just curious.

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emily grieve
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:51 am

Actually that happens in varies places and has been since 1.4 you don't really seem to loose them they just show up unexpectedly and there seems to be a glitch in the "Save on Rest" and "Save on Wait" settings clear them BUT leave "Save every 15 minutes" if you are experiencing hangs as well, it's seems to be 'In Game Timer" get out of synce...


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Shae Munro
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:06 am

Oh, I guess I just never noticed before. I do all my saving manually, all of the "save on ----" are disabled. Everytime I have saved after resting, turned off and came back, the rested bonus was still showing in "active effects". The other day was the first time I have ever noticed it not being there.

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