» Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am
As I have sat here, trying to contemplate what to say, much of it has already been posted. Lord Devil and Quantloos were very valuable members of this community. I would just like to take a moment to tell everyone, though most people seem to already know, just how devoted she was to this community. She spent near seemingly infinite amounts of time helping people in this community. So much time she spent, often times thankless time, trying to create a safe and better place. She was ultimately devoted to doing the best job that she could, for the betterment of the community. She was dedicated to high quality, to safety for the young 'uns, to politeness and fairness. All of her efforts took a significant amount of time. Time that she was most likely not compensated for, but she did out of the kindness of her heart. There really are not words to convey strongly enough how much she put into what she did.
Many of us knew that we could rest easy, as far as commenting mayhem was concerned, because LD was on the job. By the same tolken, you knew you could trust a mod that Quatloos had overseen. Both incredibly valuable occurances. Thank you Lord Devil, and thank you Quatloos. You will be greatly missed, and I am supremely thankful for all that you did.
God Bless,
Bryss Phoenix