At a loss - Need advice on merging RACE entries

Post » Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:35 pm

So I've spent all day on this, and think it's finally time to turn to outside help as I hope it's far easier than I've made it. My problem is as such:

I'm trying to make Race Balancing Project compatible with my race mods by creating a patch esp (most of them are just alternate textured versions of the default races for use in quests/NPC replacers and I'd like them to have the same stats/powers.)

Now the way I figured it would go, is I'd open up the mods in question in Tes4Edit, drag and drop the lore/stats/etc from RBP esp into their appropriate mirror races, and zip up the esp all happy like. But I guess I never realized that T4E doesn't allow you to open up two instances within the same window, or drag and drop between multiple instances. Is there any way for me to trick it into letting me? I tried creating dummy entries separately and mirroring the form IDs/Editor IDs, but it didn't work. The problem is that RBP doesn't even have entries for the races, and since I can't drag and drop... Well I can enter it all manually, it's just a LOT to enter that way and I'm a stickler for efficiency (though this time it's biting me in the ass.)

I'd be open for another way of doing this if it's possible. I expect to do more of it in the future, hence the search for an effective solution. I tried the other TES utilities that I'm aware of, but they all seemed even less effective in this instance than TES4Edit. And editing races seems even less possible in the CS/ECS. I wasn't even able to change racial abilities, and drag/drop is definitely out of the question there (though it's a lot easier to enter data... just doesn't seem to let me.

Any miracle workers care to tell me that I'm being a real idiot and missed something right in front of me? Please say yes. That is what I'd like to hear. After 7 years, I reallyyyy hope this isn't as clunky as it feels, and it's just me. It's like being back in NWNScript all over again.


Please. Thank you. Much Appreciated. <3 <3 <3 xoxoxo
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