» Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:28 pm
TBH I don't think levelling should exist in a competitive multiplayer game; because it isn't based on skill, it means that the people who play longer (ie have less of a life) have an unfair advantage... @spyke333 yes it's not right, you should be allowed to use what you earned. Crytek should seriously listen
As for the problem, are you playing on ranked servers?
Get real, there's hardly an advantage here. The Scar is probably the best gun you can choose from and you begin with it. The second sniper rifle that you get at 39 doesn't even one-hit kill. It's the same as the first one except it drains energy. It's a completely valid progression system. The first one in ages. You get attachments, guns, and flashy dog tags as you level.
You get the attachments as you use the gun more and more. So you actually have a purpose to use every single gun. Instead of what you're asking for.. Which is a bland vanilla game that wouldn't sell more than dog food would at your local grocery store. No one wants just a plain game with a ladder. They want a purpose, an objective to complete WHILE they compete for the ladder. Which is entirely logical.
You've played World of Warcraft too much. Don't confuse some dumbed down mmo to a FPS.