Lost all singleplayer unlocks

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:27 am

Yesterday i was almost finished with the game and was on the last level when all of a sudden my computer crashed.
After restarting my control config and all my unlocks (music, collectibles etc. etc.) was gone, thankfully the savegame was intact though so i could continue with the last part.

But as it stands i only have the unlocks from the very last level now (so like one flashback, and a couple of music tracks).

Anyone else been having this issue? I've read that allot of people loose their unlocks in multiplayer, but i haven't tried MP yet.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:19 pm

Yeah man, I actutally lost my savegame file as well =/ **** is supah weak....but ever since then I decided that Im not going to play the game until the DX11 patch finds its way to the interwebz
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Jarrett Willis
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