Lost all stats.

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 2:10 am

Crysis 2 crashes, I reopen the game, all ranked stats, weapons etc have been completely wiped including campaign. The only thing that remains is the icon thats I'm rank 17 supposably. (correction now rank 5)
Okay now its all back for some mysterious reason but still doesn't explain the fact campaign being deleted.

Was wondering if anyone has the same problems or similar ones? Such as: Last Game played and you exit, the stats from it don't count as well with weapons just unlocked.

Also, Feline, possibly limiting 3 to each team or 2. Got over 9000 people running around with Felines'. Range can some what compensate this but with Crysis 2 how ever the maps are much smaller and long engagements are less frequent.
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