Lost Caps... Lots of em'

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:49 am

I noticed I'd accumulated over 580 Pre-war money and about 10 Gold Bars, I was low on Caps so decided to make a move of getting lots of Ammo and Aid and some extra Caps in the process. I went to Diamond City and started first with the weapons guy (Arturo?) I had started w/400 Caps so I bought some ammo and a few Aid items. I was down to about 100 Caps that's when I started selling my Pre War money, he had about 1700 Caps in total, so I sold about 1600 in Pre War money (I popped some Graqe Mentats just before the barter)... But after a few minutes I looked at my Caps total and noticed I only had about 700 Caps when I should have had at least 1700. To test my obvious suspicions, what I did is, I sold him 1 Mentat and noticed the amount (26Caps) never went into my total Caps stash. I went over to the female NPC next to 'Arturo and did the same thing with the 1 mentat, no Caps came back to me. I ended up with about 200 Caps, lost about 300 Pre WarMoney and 4 gold Bars, but still had my ammo, aid and Shipment of Gears... so I chalked it up as a loss. (Next time I'll do a QS before bartering). I went back to Sanctuary and tried the same thing with Carla, sold her 1 mentat but never received the 26 caps. sorry this was so long but I had to explain what happened in detail, maybe others are having this issue? Will this be fixed if just one person is experiencing the problem? I'm not familiar with tech support gaming forums.

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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:41 pm

Reload game. Reload from PS

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Felix Walde
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