» Thu May 03, 2012 9:26 pm
The Brothehood have been around longer than NCR. They have been all over California taking all the good tech for themselves. There was a time when the BoS traded with outsiders. Lore tells us they have their own state in NCR.
So taking Lost Hills would be alot harder than just taking one bunker. I would imagine they had many bunkers and maybe even above ground towns. The Mojave BoS chapter, ran into their bunker after they lost to NCR. They only lost to NCR because they ran out of ammo. They only ran out of ammo because they were cut off from the main BoS back west.
I think we can all say its safe to say that the BoS are on the losing end of a war with NCR. So much so NCR don't even talk about the war back West in New Vegas. Still I can't see Lost Hills falling (without a canon mention of it in game). Maybe its under seige, but I am guessing they have some awesome fire power and a mountain of ammo, keeping NCR at bay.