Lost Innocence - Part 1

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:01 am


This Rp is a story run adventure Rp which means you will only Rp NPC's that effect your character such as: Attackers, traders, friends, etc, etc but nothing else. You cannot move the story along and please don't move time along as that only complicates things. This Rp is run by me and you will follow the guidelines or I will personally tell you to leave.. I don't like it when people mess things up.

The usual list:

Only I may create a new thread.
Follow my character sheet.
Don't move time along.
Don't character control without the persons permission.
Don't go all uber please - I will tell you whether or not you've broken this rule - Just be realistic.
I would love it if you could speak in a language we all understand.
Keep it real.
Romance is fine, I don't care quite how far you go, but ofcourse.. six scenes aren't allowed by forum rules so.. No explicit stuff, please?
No enchanted weapons/armour/clothing/etc
PM all your character sheets to me.
OOC chat is to be kept at a minimum.

A few pointers.

Spellcheckers - http://www.iespell.com/, http://spellbound.sourceforge.net/

In this RP you can RP an Asluitian or a non-asluitian. Asluitians are people have small "Daemons" which follow them around and are in a sense - A part of your character. For when born, an asluitian's soul is ripped and that ripped part transforms into an animal.

This daemon will transform at will until it's asluitian partner goes through puberty. When the Asluitian child hits puberty, their daemon may at anytime change into a animal form that they can never leave - For some it's the hour of their 13 birthday, for other's it's the 2nd month into their 19th year. The daemons final form is dependant on alot of things - What it has done, how it has done them, the care it has recieved, whether it was happy/sad/angry. When the asluitian and the daemon are seperated by around 10-15 metres they will both experience extreme pain. When the asluitian or the daemon are hurt, both will feel this pain.

The character sheet

Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')
Asluitian: (Yes or no..)

What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)

Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet...)

Weapons: (Don't just go Longsword.. What material? Any patterns? And remember.. Your character can't hold every weapon under the sun) - Remember, if you're part of the secluded moons, you're not going to have great gear, even more so if you were simply a child under it's protection. It was a poor and badly equiped group of people not a military organisation.
Armour: (Don't just go leather armour, what colour? What material? Any patterns?)
Clothing: (All the points from the above.)



Daemon Name:
Daemon six:
Daemon Creature: (Put N/A if your daemon has not settled)

Daemon Personality: (Cruel? Proud? Aggressive? Passive? How does your Daemon think?)



It is the 21st year of the 4th era. It is an Era of peace for the Empire, people unite to help rebuild what was destroyed, Kvatch is now a grand city, a statue of the hero of Kvatch and the Captain of the guard are made and placed in the centre of the town, aswell as a memorial for those lives that were lost. Parts of Bravil are being rebuilt, the emperor has asked his allies to aid in the repair of the city and they come in their thousands to help create a better city for those that lived in the slums. The Imperial City stands just as glamorous as it once did, the white gold tower shining proudly.

However, deep in the slums of Leyawiin, a disease is spreading. It is unknown to most save one: A necromancer called Robyn Al Moard, a dunmer mage intent on destroying all that the Empire stands for. His filthy touch reaches out to almost every underworld organization, he is infamous and looked at with awe by many. For his magic is without equal, his knowledge knows all and his evil is endless.

The disease this monster spreads causes new born children to lose part of their spirit and see it turned into a creature that reacts to both emotion, surroundings and views of the child. The temple sees such a thing as evil, the work of the daedra! And has ordered that every child with this disease to be murdered or brought upon the temple where they will undergo various tests.

For years babies are murdered brutally, families mourn and people begin to eye the Temple with suspicion, the Temple no longer begins to kill the children, fearing that anymore lives lost will result in an uprising, but instead they take them away to their secret shrine and continue their tests, the children send letters to their parents and are given an education. But while they sleep their bodies undergo harsh and horrifying tests. All of which are secret, all of which go unnoticed.

However, a cult arises, a cult made up of men and women, all of whom are sick of their children being taken. Are sick of not seeing their loved ones and wish to do something about it. The cult is named: The Secluded Moons and they secretly protect diseased babies, calling them; Asluitians (As-lu-tians). The cult raises the children, and for 20 years they go unnoticed. But Robyn's grip is powerful and seeks to reveal these outlaws to the Temple..


This is where the Rp begins (4E year: 46), your characters are members of this cult, whether they're Asluitians or not. They start within the confides of their underground temple just outside of Leyawiin. Life is going on as normal, lessons are being taught, training is taking place and plans to find the missing children continue.. However, the cult does not know, that within minutes, several hundred Imperial Legion soldiers will be crashing down their door and charging into the Cults sacred place and will kill everyone and everything.


The objective of this Rp is to live long enough to find the lost children, revenge your dead companions and bring to light what the Temple have been doing AND stop the disease from spreading further.

Alliances shall be forged, men and women will die, forces will fall but we will never stop! Let it be known, the Temple's days are numbered! May their gods save their souls for there will be nothing else when we've finished with those bastards!

Quote from The Secluded Moons.
Author - Aliay, leader of The Secluded Moons.


(My character is not Aliay)

Opening Post:

Aliay walked through the corridors, her footsteps were light and her body moved with a grace that complimented her beauty. Aliay; the woman who had created The Secluded Moons was both beautiful and bright, the woman was known for her loving nature but brutal agression. She was a double sided blade, cross her in battle and you'll pay dearly, but show her kindness and you'll be rewarded.

She had the looks of an Altmer but she had Imperial blood in her also, her black hair was wavy and fell just below her shoulders, her petite frame was curved, slim and well toned. She held a smile that made it hard to say no. She was loved by everyone who knew her.

She was in a good mood, they had learnt that the Temple was scared, they feared that their research might come into the open, they would surely come out of hiding, The Secluded Moons was a cult full of all sorts of people, assassins, thieves and diplomats, the secret resting place of the cult was huge, it expanded into several halls, rooms, corridors, shops, meeting places, centres and in the middle was a large shrine. It wasn't very well defended, but they didn't have much space for that. The huge mass of people made it hard to build anything else.

Her daemon rested on her shoulder, it was a large spider, it's eyes watching the people that passed her. "More and more flock to our sacred place everyday, we can't hold them all for much longer." The spider whispered, it's voice was deep and caring, it held a heavy Imperial accent. She smiled sweetly and nodded her head, the very same thought was being debated within her mind.

She passed a torch, her figure casting a shadow against the wall, her fur boots and leather trousers were accompanied with a loose cloth shirt and a steel shortsword that rested in it's scabbard. A guard dressed in full iron saluted her, the rustle of his armour was accompanied by the discussion coming from the room he was guarding. She stepped in and the voices stopped. "Aliay" greeted a tall orc who was wearing simple clothing, "We may have a problem."

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:36 pm


Thread 1 - None so far.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 am

Name: Bugarn gro-Xerca
Nickname: Garn
Race: Orc
six: Male
Age: 42
Asluitian: No

What your character is good at: Axe, Shield, Short Sword, Athletics, Medium and Heavy Armour, scouting and armourer.

Appearence: Garn isn't anything fancy to look at, he has large, sharp tusks that are cracked and show sign of use. Like most orismer his body is well built, with muscles larger than most legion warriors,skin tougher than most hides and skin more green than most lizards, he's quite a dominating figure.
Hair: Bald
Height: 6'4"
Eyes: Grey
Scars/Tattoo's: Aside from a few tribal tattoo's of his clan back in the Dragontail Mountains, he has no obvious scars.

Weapons: Heavy steel axe with crude etchings into the blade, the etchings appear to be show scenes of battle. The hilt is covered in deer fur and lined with leather for support, the most prominant feature of the weapon is a streak of ebony that goes across the blade. He also carries a steel reinforced round shield which has similar crude etchings except there is a large ebony boar etched onto the front, it covers most of the shield and is battered and cut in several places.
Armour: Most of his armour is of rusted steel plates but he has managed to find several pieces of quality steel which he has put together to create the rest of his steel armour, needless to say it doesn't look impressive or particularly strong but it fits him like a glove.
Clothing: He wears cloth rags when not in his armour.
Inventory: He has a repair hammer or two in his pack aswell as maps, he very rarely travels so he doesn't usually pack.

Personality: Garn is very protective of his causes, as part of Clan Xerca he is protective over his families honour and rite, as a member of the secluded moons he is extremely protective of it's cause. He joined the secluded moons because it was the honourable thing to do, his own child had been taken by the church and he seeked revenge and to reclaim his families lost honour that the incident caused him.

While not bright, he's not stupid either - A well worn veteran of many battles he is no longer blinded by rage, hate and other emotions and usually thinks with a clear head. Ofcourse, he has a short temper and it is well known that you should show respect and tread lightly when around him. During combat he is fearless which is often called stupidity and rightly so as his frenzy often lands him with more injuries but better results.

Misc: Extremely proud of his family and very loyal to his friends and the secluded moons. Dispises everything about what the church is doing but doesn't hate the church, he doesn't trust mages or religious fanatics.

He believes deeply that he is doing the right thing and would be ashamed to think otherwise.

OOC: I will allow everyone sometime before the attack begins, this'll allow you all to RP your character and interact with your surroundings before we all have to flee.

ic: "Cheers Garn." laughed a bartender as he watched Garn bring in two large crates of beer, "I'm sure everyone else will be saying the same thing when they realise we've got stuff like this in my pub too." He added eagerly and patted the Orc on the back. Garn smiled and rested against the stone wall.
"You wouldn't mind if I had the first pint would you?" He asked, wiping his brow with a cloth, the heat inside the tunnels didn't help when doing heavy lifting, it made it harder to breath and you sweated more, especially towards the middle of the underground base where there was less ventilation. "Ofcourse not friend! Here, have this one on the house." The bartender exclaimed as he brought out two pint glasses and began to fill both up.

While Garn waited for his brew, he looked around the room, this pub was one of the newer shops to arrive but even then there was plenty of wooden furniture, a music stand and a large bar, "You've done well for yourself here, how's business been?" Garn enquired as he took a large gulp of the cooled beer.
"Business? Hmm, well, not as good as the pub in Cheydinhal, but there's more money there than here. I've been lucky and managed to get a cheap spot here, but between you and me, I was a bit surprised I had to actually, you know.. Pay to have space here - Not that i'm complaining, it just seemed a little odd." The man replied as he too began to drink.
"They've gotta make money somehow mate, how else are they able to fund things? Keep the teachers here, keep the guards loyal?" Garn shook his head and smiled, "No matter how much it costs, you wont regret moving in. There's talk of us creating a new base north-west from here, haven't really heard much but they're apparently beginning to select shops and so forth that they should bring along - You know, to make sure we're able to keep it going." With that, Garn put down the empty beer glass, said farewell to the barkeep and walked out of the pub.

The main tunnel leading towards the center of the complex was extremely busy, people were doing food shopping, socialising and in some cases, bartering over rabbit and deer. He liked to see the secluded moons base like this, he was more sure about his job when everything was going fine and people were enjoying himself. A large smile crossed his face as he saw a little girl playing with her daemon who was assuming the form of a butterfly.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:37 pm

Name: Fulk de Alcaire
Nickname: N/A
Race: Breton
six: Male
Age: 59
Asluitian: No

What your character is good at: Fulk is a skilled warrior, having honed his abilities over years. His greatest skill is in the Axe, but he is also competant with the Spear. Because his body is not as agile as it used to be, the man preferes to fight in Medium Armors, like chainmail. Over the years, he has had to go out on his own, and an interest in Alchemy sprang up. Having come from a high-born family, Fulk knows his Etiquette, has good Penmanship, and can ride a horse quite well.

Appearence: Fulk may have once been a handsome man. But years of travel and battle have taken their toll on this aged warrior. Wrinkles adorn his face like a mask, making him appear older than fifty-nine.
Hair: Short/Grey/Rogue Knot
Height: 5' 10"
Eyes: Blue
Scars/Tattoo's: Fulk boasts numerous scars. His most prevalent one is an ugly wound that runs from his left-shoulder, down his back, ending at his right hip.

Weapons: Fulk carries with him two weapon. The first is a long spear. Like most spears, the shaft is made of wood. The head of the weapon is constructed of steel. His other weapon is a stout war axe also made of steel. The blade of the axe, however, is silver. Both of these weapons are simple and unadorned, but effective.
Armour: http://hsfeatures.com/features04/images/anglosaxongp_1.jpg
Clothing: When not armored, Fulk prefers to wear a simple green tunic and leggings.
Inventory: A mortar and pestle, belt-pouches with herbs, 221 gold pieces.

Personality: Fulk is not exactly one who can be called friendly. He is very gruff, and his little tact. He has no problem calling a spade and shovel, and will not hesitate to call a person out on their misdeeds. However, he is rarely outright rude, and when dealing with his betters, is the model of courtesy.

Misc: Does not like Khajiit or Orcs at all. Misogynistic.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:55 pm

Name: Martin Fox
Nickname: N/A
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Age: 23
Asluitian: No

What your character is good at: Long blades, Shields, Heavy Armor, Atletics, and repairing armor.

Appearence: http://media.photobucket.com/image/medieval%20warrior/giantie2/medievalwarrior.jpg?o=16
Hair: Long hair that reaches to his shoulders. It is brownish, with a hint of black
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Blue
Scars/Tattoo's: He has a multitude of tattoos that cover his torso. Most of them are symbols of the god Arkay. They are a reminder of his time in the temple

Weapons: He has a steel longsword that has a custom made handle. The handle has the markings of Arkay, which he aquired when he was made a knight. He has scratched out several of the markings but most remain intact.
Armour: His armor is a mix of chainmail and iron plates. He has a tabard of the arkay temple that is ripped and shreded but still looks halfway decent.
Clothing: Simple clothing is all he wears when not wearing his armor. Which is almost never.
Inventory: A few books on the nine divines, 23 gold pieces, a cerimonial dagger, and some rations that he keeps randomly.

Personality: Martin is rightious and pious. He used to uphold the word of the Nine when he was a knight for the temple. As a member of the Arkay knights, he was determined in his fight against daemons, witches and heretics that the temple found "dangerous". When in battle, he is without emotion, but when caring for the weak and helping thosae around him, his true side shows. Underneath all the armor, he is just a man who is trying to find his way in life.

Misc: He is an exiled knight that was looking for a home. His sister was taken by the temple and he renouced his oath to the Nine. He was a hunted man until he found out about the Secluded Moons. After a while, he tracked them down and joined the very people he had hunted. He provided knowldge on the Temple's inner workings.

Martin roamed the streets of his new home, without an end objective. The days were long and boring and he longed for a chance to prove himself with more than just talk. He wanted to fight the people he had once been loyal too. To bring the same pain to the temple as they had brought him. His intel on the temples movements and highher level operations had been successful, but the information coul donly last them for a short amount of time. Eventually, his usefullness would run out and he would have to find another thing to keep himself busy all day.

Turning left, he looked down an alley and just waited. He waited for nothing. He waited for something to happen to him. He wanted action and the ability to prove himself.

An old tavern was based in thsi area and Martin decided to peek in and see if anyone there could offer him a job. Just something to make the days go by faster. He walked in and sat next to an Orc taller than himself.

"Barkeep, some brandy , if you would be so kind" he said, trying to not interupt the conversation the two were having.

EDIT: Once again, I svck at spelling. I'm also very anol about spelling. The two don't go together very well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:09 pm

Name: Leliana
Nickname: L (not many people call her this)
Race: Imperial
six: Female
Asluitian: Yes

What your character is good at: Archery/Marksman, Blade, speechcraft, Athletics/Agility, Slieght of Hand, Sneak

Appearence: Leliana looks almost exactly like the woman to the left of this picture, except for the hair (which is dark brown and a bit longer than shoulder length) http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7538/dragonageleliana2k.jpg
Hair: Dark brown and a bit longer than shoulder length, loose
Height: 5'8 (five foot eight incase i didnt put it properly)
Eyes: Blue
Scars/Tattoo's: None

Weapons: Steel bow on her back and two Steel Daggers on her lower back
Armour: Look at the armour in the appearnce section picture BUT the metal armour piece going down the right arm isnt there, im just going to call it redscale armour as it hasnt got a name
Clothing: Just the armour apart from a necklace with an attached arrow head
Inventory: Pouch with 200 gold, Arrows/quiver, a few health potions and a couple of vials of poison

Personality: Happy and upbeat, Leliana is quite happy to engage in conversation. Is very opinoinated and Dosnt trust many people, HOWEVER just because she might not trust you does not mean you cant be her friend, if you break her trust you'll never get it back. Enjoys singing and has a way with words, always tries to cheer people up if they are sad/depressed. Despite some of the hardships of the life she leads she stays quite Feminine and takes what care into her appearance that she can. Leliana never really believed in the nine, never having reason to, especially if the temple of the nine "disects" asluition's like the rumours say, however she cant help but find some fasanation in Akatosh, infact she'd always been intrested in dragons not just a supposed "godly" one. Leliana can be really mean somtimes, although generally nice but if somone ticks her of stand back.

Misc: Very profficiant with a bow, not quite so skilled with Blade's so she relies more on agility and outmanovering her opponnent in a close quarters fight. Dont play any sort of gambling game with her because you wont win, has a nack for speaking people around to what she wants and can take alot of things without people noticing. Has spent alot of time training with a bow.

Daemon Name: Snow
Daemon six: Female
Daemon Creature: Snow Wolf

Daemon Personality: Proud and Aggressive when she is needed to be, apart from Leliana the only things that matter to her are loyalty and pride, would not hear a bad word said against Leliana and Loves her deeply. She share's alot of personallity traits with Leliana and is most of the time quite happy and content and enjoys being fussed, but still very proud and loyal, has small moments of behaving like a puppy every now and then. Like Leliana she has a very Feminine attitude and keeps herself well groomed.

OOC: yea we're going! i want to say first, but i guess i cant claim that lol also i like the idea of en events post ive never seen that before anyway lets go!

IC: Leliana sat in the newly formed pub, it was quiet as not many people knew it was here yet. Playing with one of her dagger's she threw it into the wooden table, then pulled it out and threw it again and then scratched the table with it

"The bartender's looking at you" whispered Snow, The snow wolf layed down by Leliana's right side her crisp white fur glistned in torch light it was that clean. Leliana turned her gaze over to him

"oh urm... sorry" she shepishly put the blade back in its sheath on her lower back, she gave him a brief smile and turned back to the man on the other side of her table

"come on pick one" she said in a mocking voice, Before her on the table sat three shells and one hundred septims and under one of those shells was an arrow head. The man was puzzled he'd heard about this girl and how no one should gamble with her he couldn't resist the challenge and now wished he had, tapping the the top of the middle shell he leant back and sighed as Leliana picked up the shel to reaveal nothing she smiled and said

"Better luck next time Marick" She gathered up the septims on the table and walked off stoping to give the bartender twenty septims for the state of the table. Maric started turning over the shells franticly still only to find nothing

"Looking for this?" Leliana asked holding a piece of thin rope with aformentioned arrow head attached to it

"C'mon Snow" She left the man with a smile and snow trotted after her

"Your going to get in trouble one day for stuff like that" Snow commented as they walked out the door past an orc carrying a couple of crates, she thought it was Garn but she didnt get a good look

"Don't worry about it Snow we'll be fine" Walking along she gently rubbed Snow's head.

The corridors and halls where warm, it got warmer the further they went in suddenly Leliana turned around and headed upwards where it got cooler. There was plenty of rooms down here, Leliana and Snow passed one room and she stopped and looked through the door, it was a classroom it was hard for the teachers here some of the younger kid's couldnt help but play with their Daemons and wouldn't concentrate it made Leliana remember her time in school with Snow. Eventually they got to the door that lead out of the secluded moons base, supposedly the door was well hidden from the outside. The two door guards stood talking as some light streamed through the cracks in the door as did fresh air

"hey guys" the two guards grunted as she sat down on the floor near the door ans ran her hand's through her dark brown hair and turned to Snow

"we'll see what its like out there one day" stroking Snow's head Leliana breathed in the fresh air that creeped through the door it was crisp and refeshing, she layed her head against the wall and thought in a bit after enjoying the fresh air she'd go and so some training with her bow.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 pm

OOC: Yeah, I think that's it...

Full name: Richard Deek-Vad
Name for other RPers to call your character: Whatevs...
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Focus: Killing things.
Skills: Axes, Blades, knives, marksman (to some extent) and Wilderness survival.
Asulitian: Yes please.

General appearance: Richard is physically well trained for a breton. When he walks, you can an agility in his walk, one commonly found in fighters relying on agility, not strength. Not really favoring his strength, Richard relies more on his ability to move his body, his agility, when fighting. Often looks tired, as though he gets too little sleep. He's pretty lazy when it comes to shaving himself.
Hair: Dark blond-ish. Half long, looking like it haven't been combed for months.
Eye colour: Light Blue.
Height: 6ft
Mental description: Not really a silent type, but he doesn't always say what he means. Might also be a tad sarcastic, but usually doesn't mean any harm by it. Generally okay with most people.

Weapon: A steel axe is tied to his waist on the left side, a longsword to his right and several daggers are hidden on his body. Also has a crossbow strapped to his back.

Clothing/armour worn most often: Dark colours, as though he wants to keep out of sight in the night. Wears a couple of leather boots and a brown cloak.

Inventory: Quiver with 20 crossbow bolts, waterskin, some septims, meat. And like his brother he packs it all in a backpack.

Quick Bio: When Richard ended up with a D?mon, his parents were horrified. They still tried giving Richard a normal upbringing, but he left them at the age of 17 to be away from people. Over the years, he'd learned that if you look mean enough, people usually won't give you a hard time. Oh man, what a short bio. I think I'll actually just leave it at this because I'm lazy and svck at writing epic bios.

D?mon Name: Pam.
D?mon six: Female.
D?mon Creature: Ferret.

D?mon Personality: Pam tries to keep Richard out of harms way. While Richard tries to secure safe passage with intimidation, Pam is more for the more sneaky approach. She manages to persuade Richard from time to time aswell, and he's generally fond of her advise.

"Speak to the hand" Richard said, sounding very cheesy, as he dodged the other man's first, and at the same time rammed his own right hand into the redguard's face. His plan had been to have a spot of fun on this man's behalf, just to have a laugh. This redguard, however, did not think it fun. It had also dawned for Richard that he probably supported the temple, since he'd been even more enraged to find himself being pranked by a man with a d?mon. Not that Pam paraded around all day, it was just so hard to hide her under the jacket when you were fighting.

"Your mother was a damned daedra worshipper, you should be ashamed of yourself" the redguard said, as the violent aggressions brought Richard with his back to the wall. "Should've killed the lot of them"

"Don't you talk about my mother lik..." Robert replied, but was cut short by a glasgow kiss, originating from the angry redguard. Oh lord Richard thought, as his head felt like a thousand guars had chewed on it. He quickly evaded the man's fist again, and put his knee in the offender's gentler parts.

"Lets get out of here, Pam" he said, and he and the ferret ran off, as the hurt redguard limped after, probably having a horrible time. Richard headed for the underground caverns of the Secluded Moons.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:17 pm

Name: Curtis Bennett
Nickname: Curt
Race: Breton
six: Male
Age: 20
Asluitian: Yes

What your character is good at: Dabbles in Necromancy, Conjuration, Restoration, Mysticism, Alteration, Destruction, and, of all things, Woodcarving and Sewing. All of this is self-taught, so can be haphazard and unconventional.

Appearence: Curtis is mousy and thin, and obviously doesn't take care of himself. He usually has something smudged across his face (ink, dirt, and, most disturbing, dried blood). He carries himself with chronic fatigue, but nonetheless has a twitchiness about him. When around people, he unconsciously shies away and closes in on himself.
Hair: Long brown hair, usually tied back with a strip of black cloth and rarely brushed. Wisps of hair tend to fall in his eyes.
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: Unnaturally wide hazel eyes, with deep shadows underneath.
Scars/Tattoo's: Various small scars on his hands and feet, mostly cuts and burns from careless experimentation.

Weapons: Curtis has a twisted staff that he carved out of a fallen branch over several consecutive nights, with eerie ghostly figures carved up and down its sides. At its head is a gaunt, cowled face with dead eyes... something that has worried his foster parents to no end.
Armour: None
Clothing: Curtis wears dry, earth tones. His current clothing is a simple white linen shirt (with a tear in the right sleeve), a brown vest with many pockets haphazardly stitched on with mismatched colors (one is green, one white, one tan). His pants are black hide, because he would tear up anything less durable, with a brown leather belt around his waist.
Inventory: In his vest pockets, Curtis keeps various odds and ends: twine, a rubber ball, a small switchblade that he uses as a carving knife, needle and thread, a spyglass, burn salve, 4 Septim pieces, an empty soul stone, 2 beeswax candles, and a tiny, cleaned off rat skull. At Savanah's prodding, he rarely leaves the house without a flask of water hanging from his belt.

Personality: Curtis is very curious about the world, but also very careless, and is often lost in his own little world. He wants to know everything about how the world works, and has no compunction about breaking several laws of decency to figure it out. He has a case of chronic insomnia, which gives him plenty of times to fiddle with things at night: a habit that unnerves his housemates and neighbors to no end. He can also be slightly manic, is nervous around people (even ones he knows), and is severely claustrophobic.

Personal History: Curtis's parents were not part of the cult, but they did try to save Curtis when he was born. For the first five years of his life, they kept moving and hid from the Temple, afraid of what they would do if they ever caught their son (His father was a professional thief, so he knew how to properly hide and prepare his home). Eventually, Temple representatives caught up to them, and the advlts put up a fight while Curtis ran and hid in a special compartment under the floorboards of their current shack; his parents were killed right above his head. The Temple representatives couldn't find Curtis, despite spending most of two days looking for the boy (his father and mother (a mage) had made the compartment unfindable, both physically and magically). Three days later, after hearing about the commotion, someone from the Secluded Moons came by, heard Curtis crying, coaxed him (with the help of his Daemon) to come out, and spirited him away. He's lived in a foster home, with a couple other orphaned Asluitians, ever since.

Misc: When caught up in something, Curtis will often hum softly to himself... especially if he hasn't slept in a while.

Daemon Name: Savanah
Daemon six: Female
Daemon Creature: http://www.neilkhandke.co.uk/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/BarnOwl23ws.jpg.w300h315.jpg

Daemon Personality: Savanah acts as Curtis's protector and his conscience. She is proud, noble, and protective, but nonetheless has a measure of common sense that Curtis does not. Whether it is by gentle prodding or more direct methods (Curtis still has a couple old talon scars from her scolding), she seeks to do right by the boy (well, man now). Her general demeanor is gentle and friendly; a striking contrast to Curtis's more nervous tendencies.


Clean the joints, a dab of Restoration to restore their mobility...

"Three days."

Don't forget a protective spell on the bones, else they'll shatter into pieces. They're brittle little things.

"Two nights. And you haven't even tried to get some sleep."

Curtis ignored her, peering close over the tiny skeleton on the wood table in front of him as he cast spell after spell. There. Now all that is left is to animate it

A final touch, a final spell, and the rabbit skeleton began twitching and shifting. Slowly, it rolled onto its feet, and remained unnaturally still, but Curtis knew that it was just waiting for orders.

He sat back with a smile, and finally spared a glance at the owl who was perched across the room, on a ledge above the rough-cut doorway. Her gold and white feathers were fluffed up in disapproval, and her big black eyes watched him steadily, ignoring the undead rodent on the room's only table.

"There," she said. "It is done. You have no more excuses, so let us return home and get some rest."

Curtis turned back to the undead rabbit and promptly commanded it to "hop". It did, with a soft clatter of bones, but no ominous creaks or breaking. Savanah gave a chirrup of protest.

The young Breton was in a side room he'd set up as a sanctuary, near the entrance of the Secluded Moons' underground complex. Just enough fresh air filtered through these halls to make Curtis feel less claustrophobic, so he escaped to this little study as often as possible (though it was little except an unused side chamber that he'd dragged a table, a chair, and a couple boxes of candles, food, and other cheap supplies into). He didn't mind such simplicity, as it suited his pursuits just fine, and the fresh air helped his nerves. Deeper in the cavern, he felt like the walls were tightening around him. Because of this, he hadn't had a good night's sleep in fifteen years.

Curtis took the small rubber ball--an old toy of his, maybe from his parents, though he didn't remember it--out of one of his many mismatched pockets and tossed it around the room. After a mental command, the undead rabbit sprang after it, chasing the toy in a show of agility and speed.

It wasn't the first creature Curtis had ever reanimated, but it was one of the larger ones. In the underground caverns of the Secluded Moons, one simply did not run across many wild animals. Curtis had to make due with whatever small burrowing critter found its way in. Moles... mice... a lot of insects... the rabbit, though: that was a boon.

There was a soft fluttering of feathers, and that was all the warning there was before Savanah swooped down on the undead rabbit, plucked it up, and smashed it against the wall. Curtis winced (three days' work, destoyed), but the level gaze his Daemon gave him after settling back on her perch was difficult to ignore.

"You've finished your little project," she said. "Now, it's time to be a real human for a couple days, remember? And real humans..."

"...eat, sleep, and bathe," Curtis finished with a sigh. Relenting, he disposed of what remained of the rabbit, returned the rubber ball to his pocket, and started gathering up his tools. Now that he was aware of it, he was shaking slightly, out of both exhaustion and hunger. He'd eaten some dried provisions over the last three days, but he never remembered to eat enough when he was on a project. (When he'd made the vest he was wearing, he'd almost passed out from hunger.)

He finished packing quickly, as he didn't have much, and grabbed the ornately carved staff that he'd laid by the door. Once he was ready to head back home and show the Reinuses that he was still alive (he still lived with his foster parents... no one thought him stable enough to live on his own yet), he cast one last look around his little sanctuary. Then, he magically snuffed the candle on the table and headed out into the too-narrow corridors of the Secluded Moons. Savanah fluttered down to perch on his shoulder, nipping his ear affectionately to show her approval. Curtis didn't bother to hide how dejected he felt. He was already thinking about what his next project would be.

Savanah never approved of his experiments... but she tolerated them, bacause she knew how much Curtis needed them. If he couldn't feel that little flash of empowerment, that jolt of insight each project brought him, he really would go as insane as everyone seemed to worry that he already was.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 am

Name: Terra Megdar
Race: Altmer
Gender: Female
Age: 51 (Appears 20)
Asluitian: No

Skills: Terra has devoted much of her magical study to the school of restoration, with some supplementary work in alteration and mysticism. She is particularly adept in the field of alchemy, able to produce a wide variety of restorative salves and balms. Finally, she is known to enjoy the occasional stint of scholarly research.

Appearance: As is to be expected given her Elvish heritage, Terra is built of a tall, slender figure, accentuated with delicate, feminine curves. Her skin is a paler hue of gold than most of her kin, and the air of arrogance one normally associates with the Altmer is also notably lacking, replaced instead by a gentle kindness. Most of the time.
Height: 6'0"
Hair: Bright blonde, worn straight and to her hips
Eyes: Bright green

Personality: Normally, Terra has a remarkably kind and compassionate demeanour, fun loving and outgoing, and eager to help those in need. She is, however, her father's daughter, and if provoked by excessive stubbornness or outright stupidity, becomes quick tempered, overly critical, and slightly frantic.
Weapons: None, save a powerful telekinesis spell.
Clothing: A simple white tee shirt, along with a pair of loose black slacks, and a pair of light weight leather boots.
Inventory: Small marble mortar and pestle, and a small satchel of emergency herbs
Misc: ?Has a phobia of guars, but is surprisingly comfortable around cliffracers
-Has a particular soft spot for chocolate liqueurs


Life was good.

Terra hummed contentedly to herself, a particularly interesting tome cradled in her lap, her eyes savouring every word as she read. One of the magisters at the Arcane University had come up with the most interesting theory regarding mortal exposure to the untamed Magicka of Oblivion, citing examples from the Oblivion Crisis as proof. In the background, the near constant pattering of feet by her door, in all likelihood the children housed by the Secluded Moons, produced an almost comforting white noise, and the delicate aroma of apple and pumpkin, lightly spiced, wafted from a large pot over the fire, containing her latest batch of restorative potions.

Enthralled by the eye-witness accounts of the Bruma city guard she was reading, Terra flipped the page of her book. She was comfortably set up in what could only be described as her makeshift offfice inside the 'cultist' compound, the moderately sized room situated reasonably close to the classrooms; just the way she liked it. Something about being close to all that learning just made the young (by Elvish standards, you understand) woman feel more comfortable.

Absently, Terra brushed aside an out of place strand of blonde hair, her soft lips curving upwards in a slight smile.

Yes, life was good.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:57 pm

"No! Keep your shield up. This isn't a sword you're using. It's a spear." Fulk de Alcaire was shaking his head in disgust as his "students", if he could even call them that. He was not exactly impressed with these children, ranging from ten to fifteen. While he was aware that a spear could be an offensive weapon just as well as defensive, he knew that there were better weapon to cleave a skull. "Stay behind your shield," he corrected again, "And thrust out. Don't listen to those who say hiding behind a barrier is for cowards; it'll keep you alive and free of holes."

Time went by and soon Fulk called for an end to the lesson. As the students stacked their weapons in the corner, one of them came over to the aged man, a questioning look on her face. "Sir Fulk?"

"I am not a knight, girl. Fulk will do."

She blushed in embarrassment, "Alright. Fulk, when will you teach us to use swords?"

"Pah!" Fulk spat onto the ground in disgust, "Everyone always wants to learn swordsmanship. But you won't learn that from me. Maybe that beast, Bug, will teach you. Give me an axe and I'm content."

With the hurried departure of his proteges, Fulk felt free to finally take his leisure. He hadn't had a drink in awhile. Maybe it was time to wet his throat a bit, get some alchohol into his system. From that last lesson, he certainly felt as if he needed it. Leaving the training hall, he strode down the tunnels, the axe dangling from his hip occasionaly clinking against his mail coat. However, he didn't feel like going to the Secluded Moon's pub, and opted to indulge in his personal cache of whisky when he got back to his chamber.

You're getting too grey, old man. Too grey and too stiff.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:09 pm

Opening her eye's and taking one last breath of the fresh air that seeped through the door Leliana got to her feet and made her way to the training area. Passing the pub it was very obvious word had gotton round by the amount of noise coming from inside

"Oh i can see the drunks wandering halls waking everyone up at night!" Snow commented sarcasticly, Leilana chuckled at Snow's comment and carried on walking, reaching her room Leliana went inside to retrieve her bow. Her room wasnt big, it consisted of a bed, chest and some shelve's not much but it was hers. Walking down the hall she hooked a right and entered the training area, it was amazing how deep the secluded moons base went. Entering the training area she passed Fulk who looked like he'd just finished a training session with some of the kids, She liked Fulk he tought her to fight when she was younger however it never turned out well seeing as Fulk was a spear and axe man while Leliana became a good shot with a bow instead

"Hey Fulk, just finished a session?" Leliana kept walking, if he wanted to talk he'd turn around and speak, but if the training session didn't go well she wouldn't of been suprised if he didn't stop to talk. Leliana had a thought that one of the kids might have asked about swords, never ask Fulk about swords. She set up the training dummies in diffrent positions and placed her self a fair distance away, Snow sat in the corner and watched in amazment, she was fascinated by Leliana's skill with the bow but especialy she enjoyed watching the arrow as it left the bow and hit the target. Eye's wide open and head going back and forth following the arrows she commented

"Shoot that one in the eye" Leliana pulled the last arrow from its quiver and shot the dummie, in the eye no doubt, Snow acted like a kind of trainer for Leliana occasianolly calling out specific part on a target to keep Leliana on her toes. Retrieving the arrows that where in the dummies she set herself up again only this tiime to quickley draw her two daggers and threw them into two of the targets she then carried on shooting.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:11 pm

Name: Diana Regales
Nickname: N/A
Race: Imperial
six: Female
Age: 21
Asluitian: Yes

What your character is good at: Daggers, Shortsword, Athletics, Acrobatics, Telekinesis, Destruction, Painting, Dancing

Appearence: Diana is a pretty young woman. She stands at 5 feet, seven inches and has a slender, curvy body. Her face masks her artistic side and shows only coldness and determination and she rarely smiles. Even her eyes are cold. Except for a small scar above her eyebrow, she has no noticeable scars.

Hair: Diana has long, silky smooth, golden blonde hair that reaches past her shoulders and is combed neatly

Height: 5 feet, seven inches

Eyes: Bright blue, yet cold

Scars/Tattoo's: One scar above her right eyebrow

Weapons: Diana wears a curved, steel shortsword on her back as well as an iron dagger on her hip. The shortsword is very well crafted and sharp to the touch. It also has a strip of white cloth wrapped around the handle.

Armour: N/A

Clothing: Diana wears a padded black, button-up blouse with the sleeves rolled up and tan leggings with knee high, high heeled leather boots.
Inventory: 13 septims, a small notebook with different drawings.

Personality: Diana is very cold and unforgiving to just about everyone. She doesn't bother making friends as she learned not to trust anyone at a very young age but she is able to work in teams as long as their back is to her. She does show mercy to innocents, but she shows little to her enemies.

Misc: -Artistic

Daemon Name: Orpheus
Daemon six: Male
Daemon Creature: Honey Badger

Daemon Personality: Orpheus, like Diana, is very cruel and cold. He knows not to trust others and makes sure that Diana doesn't get too attached to anyone so that she will not be hurt if they betray her. He is very protective of Diana and looks at those who try to get close to her as enemies and possible traitors.

"Do I really have to pose for this?" Orpheus asked in a bored tone.

"Yes, now sit still and be a good badger for once." Diana let a small smile creep up her lips. She knew that Orpheus hated being called a good badger.

"You should really spend more time honing your combat skills in case we are attacked. If we are in fact attacked then you need to know how to defend yourself in case I am preoccupied with a foe. You can't hope that throwing a notebook at them will stop them."

Diana groaned impatiently. "I can hold my own in a fight Orpheus, now shush, I'm almost done." She made a few more corrections then put down her notebook. Orpheus got up the moment the notebook was out of her hands and walked over to where Diana sat with her legs crossed.

"Diana, why don't we go to the training grounds?"

"You just won't let this go will you?" She said with a sigh.

"No, you must be prepared if something happens to the Asluitians."

"If I go will you leave me alone?"


"Fine, go fetch my sword." Orpheus ran off to obey while Diana pulled on her high heeled boots. He returned less than a minute later with Diana's sword in his teeth. "Thank you." She said with a pat to the head. She strapped the sword to her back and stood.

"Let's go." She said dryly. She almost closed the door when she remembered her dagger. She saw it on the table across the room and used her telekinesis. The dagger floated across the room and into her outstretched arm.

"Show off." Orpheus said. Diana smiled and closed the door behind her.

Soon they were at the training grounds together. They saw a Fulk de Aclaire, the old Breton and a young Imperial woman, close to Diana's age, training with her bow.

Diana ignored both of them and picked up a spare practice sword. She began to whack at the dummy fiercely while Orpheus watched with a critical eye.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:03 am

Name: Kalila Rhianne Blackstone
Nickname: none
Race: Breton
six: Female
Age: 21
Asluitian: Yes

What your character is good at: For as long as she can remember, she wanted to be a battlemage. She has trained in Destructive magic and Alteration. She is better with a Blade than any blunt weapons and relies on Heavy armor. She has a basic knowledge on how to repair swords and axes, but not armor (so a basic Armorer skill)

Appearence: http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o46/Jacki_Dice/l_3766d3cabe721b574cdac589cb22dbec.jpg
Hair: Long, straight black hair. She keeps it in a ponytail when training/fighting
Height: 5'5"
Eyes: Green
Scars/Tattoo's: The name "Clarissa" is tattooed across her collar bone. She has various scars, mostly from training accidents, on her hands and arms.

Weapons: A steel longsword. The blade has been sharpened almost religiously by Kalila. The hilt is nothing special
Armour: Random pieces of steel armor, some found, some possibly stolen. Its not nice and shiny. Its old and worn, even dented in some places.
Clothing: A red blouse, form fitting, but not skin tight and black cotton pants. The blouse is styled to look like a corset and the long sleeves have violet embroidery decorating them. Her shoes are basic leather ones. FORGOT TO ADD: Training clothes: a white tank top, short tan shorts and her leather shoes.
Inventory: 100 septims, repair hammers, weak healing potions, a ball of yarn

Personality: Kalila is driven by the death of her younger sister, Clarissa, who was also an Asluitian. She spends most of her time practicing magic or strengthening her body. She isn't aggressive towards everyone, though it is the one way she knows how to get information out of people. Her constant training has deprived her of social skills, making her awkward at times. It is very possible for her to work in a group, but she sometimes had trouble communicating what's on her mind.


Daemon Name: Mirage
Daemon six: female
Daemon Creature: Black Jaguar (still acts like a kitten)

Daemon Personality: Mirage is a rather playful cat. She likes to play hide and seek, though not so much with the people. She only approaches them is she's really bored (Kalila doesn't play with her much). The only people she takes an immediate liking to are Khajiit.


"Under the bed."

Kalila was panting hard. Her body dripped with sweat.

"In the cabinet."

She ached all over, namely her arms and thighs, but she kept going.

"In the hallway."

Her legs were spread apart and she was crouching, as if riding an invisible horse. She held her fists in a right angle at her sides, thrusting them out one at a time.

"Behind the bed."

Mirage stuck her furry head up from behind the bed. She pounced on it, jumping up and down. "You found me! You found me! Now it's your turn."


Mirage slumped down, her hands on her paws. She growled softly. "But Kalilaaaaaa! You've been going for hours!"

"You're exaggerating."

"No, I'm not!" She hopped off the bed, slinking between Kalila's legs. She began to nuzzle her head against them. "Pwease..." She sat in front of her, staring up with her large gray eyes.

Kalila stopped. Those eyes could always get her. She stood up straight. "Oh, alright fine. Let's go outside."

"Can you bring my yarn?"

"Of course," she said, grabbing it out from under the bed. She tossed it up in the air, allowing Mirage to jump on her as they walked. So what if this was training for Mirage? What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:32 pm

ooc: Sorry about not posting, I had a busy evening.

ic: High Priest Hollis - Cyrodiil - Outside of the secluded moons base.

"Brother Hollis, this is a great day for Aedra, wouldn't you agree?" Asked a typically imperial voice.
"No, the Aedra have no feelings when it comes to these Asluitians, they do not feel anger or hate, this is just a step in the wrong direction - We are correcting this. This is a great day for us Brother." Replied Hollis, being one of the most powerful men in the province had obviously swollen his ego as he stood tall and puffed out his chest. "Commander, are your forces prepared to charge through their gates?" He turned to face a soldier in gold and red armour, the man was Nordic and had a powerful air about him.
"Our battlemages are preparing to destroy their gates within minutes. There will be nothing in the way to stop us from succeeding." He replied, bowing slightly to Hollis for Hollis unofficially outranked him.
"Good, and their secret exits?"
"We have yet to find any, but I've posted scouts and huntsmen around the countryside, they will find anything that escapes." He stated dryly, the man knew Hollis wouldn't be pleased with this, but Hollis hadn't tried finding their secret entrances - It was like finding a needle in several different haystacks.
"Very well." Hollis replied, biting his lip slightly. "Begin your attack when you are ready. I will head back to the Imperial City now - Be sure no one escapes Commander, your life depends on it."


Garn - Cyrodiil - Secluded Moons Base

Garn continued to push his way through the base, he wanted to get back to his quarters, he had a vintage Ale he had imported not more than two days ago and hadn't had a free moment to try it. Luckily - Being an orc, people generally got out of your way, ofcourse there was the occasionally bystander you had to politetly move past but alot of people were either intimidated, respectful or disgusted with Garn.

At long last he made it to his quarters - Situated close to the residential area, it was currently quite quiet. He withdrew a small key and unlocked his door, the room was small, with only a couple of candles lighting it, there was a table and a few chairs, a cabinet and to Garns relief - A large bed. He took off his boots and began to walk across the rugged flooring, letting his toenails sink into the soft fur.

He sat atop his bed and began to unwrap a parcel, inside it was a large bottle of imported nordic ale. Garn smiled happily and quickly walked over to his cabinet and withdrew a pint glass. He chuckled to himself as he poured it, the liquid was thick and had a heavy scent of acorn. He raised the full glass to head height and looked at it for a moment, watching the light dance shadows through the dark brown brew.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 am

OOC: A man named Hollis as a religious zealot... I like it.


Richard had got himself back into the infamous hideout without further confrontation with anyone. His head hurt too much to make any witty remarks should he have wanted to, anyway. But here at the underground lair of the Secluded Moons, he had a room with a bed. And that bed was going to relieve him (and Pam) of the headache. Not that he had anything better to do anyway, having a d?mon kinda limited his job opportunities. Atleast his decent job opportunities, not that Richard cared too much.

"Ah well, the bed sure does look inviting, doesn't it Pam?" Richard said, headed for the bed.

"If it's going to make this headache go away, sure. But why in Cyrodiil did you have to go pick a fight with that man? He was huge as a house and hadn't done squat to you. You're careless, you know that, and I have to pay the price." Pam replied, somewhat annoyed at Richard. The ferret climbed on top of a table by the bed, where she found a pillow to lay down on. "You'd better heed my advise and back down the next time."
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:19 pm

ooc: Sorry I'm late, folks. Awesome to be here, though!
Name: Ja'Rikki Tamara Kem'Pale
Nicknames: Rikki, Ja'Ri
Gender: Female
Race: Khajiit
Age: 19
Asluitian: Yessir

Focus: Magic
Skills: Ja'Rikki has spent most of her life among the ranks of the Mage's Guild. As such, her magickal skills are well developed; she can use most forms of Destruction spells, specializes in certain effects of Alteration, has skill with aspects of Mysticism and Illusion, and can mend the wounds of herself and others with Restoration. The scholarly pursuits of Alchemy and Enchanting are her biggest assets, however, and most of her free time is spent in efforts regarding the two.

Before she had to flee to the Secluded Moons, she spent much of her time climbing and jumping between buildings in Cheydinhal or running through the forest near her home with her Daemon. As such, she is very athletic and acrobatic for a magickally-inclined individual.
Birthsign: The Steed

Eyes: Soft, watery blue.
Hair: A dark, red-orange, like her fur color with blood red at the tips. Falls messily to her mid-back. Rikki wears her locks in a rough ponytail when working or outside.
Skin & Fur: Rikki has normal, peach colored skin with a few dark freckles on the bridge of her nose, her cheeks and her arms. This is covered with fur of a burnt sienna tone with a patch of off-white on her belly and chest as well as white tufts on her ears and a similar stripe at the end of her tail. The fur itself is about half an inch long everywhere but her face, where it measures a quarter of an inch.
Height: 5' 8"
Build: Slim, as per her occupation, but athletically so.

General Description: Ja'Rikki holds the semi-elven appearance of her mother, with the ears and tail of a normal Khajiit but few other cattish features. Her chin is softly rounded and her cheekbones are sharp and pronounced. Rikki's eyes are big, looking as though her body hasn't quite grown into them, and have a neverending look of curiosity in them. Her nose is catlike, pink and wet on the end.

Ja'Rikki's body lacks femininity in many ways, her various womanly features only slight at best, though this fact does not bother her in the least. Her limbs are surprisingly well toned for a a magic user as the result of lots of running in her free time and her habit of climbing buildings and trees when bored.

Tattoo, Scars & Piercings: A few scars dot Ja'Ri from alchemical and enchanting mishaps, as well as the occasional slip in a tree. Her ears bear three earrings, all gold, two in the left ear, one in the right. Nuvee won't let her get a tattoo as he says it'd hurt him too much.

Clothing & Armor: Rikki's primary outfit consists of a short-sleeved purple tunic with black lace at the edges, the garment ending just short of her knees in a ruffled flare. Below that, she wears brown doeskin leggings and sturdy, calf height brown leather boots. Ja'Ri usually covers her hands with flexible leather gloves, fingerless to allow her the dexterity she needs for her work. When the weather turns for the chillier, she adds a warm, body-hugging long sleeved shirt beneath her tunic and tucks the sleeve ends into her gloves.

This is just her preferred method of dressing herself, however. Rikki is not a fashion-conscious creature and will wear just about anything that's comfortable. The only things she will never go without are the enchanted emerald-and-silver necklace her mother gave her when she was sixteen and a thick leather belt that she wears about her midsection, covered in pouches for her soulgems and ingredients and holsters containing the flasks and vials she uses for her work.

Inventory: Rugged leather backpack containing spare clothes, a ceramic jug of rum, a mortar and pestle, a blanket, a cloth satchel of jerky, a standard strength Restore Magicka potion and two similar health potions. Kept packed for ingredient-gathering excursions.

Her belt contains, at the present moment, various pouches filled with fresh and dried ingredients from the area near the Moons base, an engraved steel flask of rum, two common and three petty soulgems, a Shield potion, a warming potion, a vial of sleeping powder, three exploding fire potions, and two each of her own Restore Magicka and Restore Fatigue brews. An additional pouch at her right side contains about 120 septims, all the money she owns.

Weapons: Ornate silver dagger, one of two gifts from her mother awarded on her sixteenth birthday, covered in Ta'agra carvings. Rikki keeps it in a leather sheath at her right thigh.
Destruction: Medium-strength spells of all three elements, though she cannot get Frost effects to work well at a distance and her strongest is a fireball incantation. Knows a Poison spell, but this is only powerful enough to make someone sick to their stomach and cannot actually cause damage. Neglects the rest of the school.
Alteration: Most of her spells here accentuate her hobby of running and climbing. Slowfall keeps her from getting injured (when she remembers it in time), and Feather and Jump effects of high strength assist her in leaping between things with relative ease. She keeps a Water Breathing spell on hand for exploring rivers and lakes, and fights with her older brother made her learn Shield and Burden effects for use in combat, though she has never been in life-or-death battle before.
Mysticism: Though her interest in the school was originally for trapping souls, she had learned spells other than Soultrap as well. Magick to detect keys and enchantments, as well as a Telekinesis spell for snatching distant objects while sitting at her desk were learned later.
Illusion: Rikki knows only Silence, Paralyze and Light effects, and all but Light are of fleeting duration and cost her too much magicka to be used often.
Restoration: A mild Restore Health spell and a Cure Poison incantation are the extent of her Restoration knowledge.

Personality: Ja'Rikki is naturally trusting of people she judges safe or friendly, to a point. Further trust has to be earned over time. To earn her enmity or fear is often to never speak to her again.

When interacting with people, Rikki is often stubborn and defiant if she is told anything she doesn't like. It's almost impossible to get her to obey if she doesn't feel like it. She speaks her opinionated little mind, mouths off and seems to sense when discipline for her actions is imminent, vanishing at the perfect moment to avoid being reprimanded. If you can earn her trust, though, Rikki can make a very sweet and loyal companion.

While she may be an advlt, Ja'Rikki's maturity (and attention) is a fickle thing that comes and goes without warning. One minute she may be diligently working on an alchemy project, the next she is darting outside to play with a bug she saw outside her window. She throws jokes into serious conversations and becomes suddenly serious during lighthearted chats, all without any apparent provocation.

Brief History: Born on the outskirts of Cheydinhal, Rikki grew up as the youngest of two, and the only girl. Her family was very supportive of her, even knowing she was an Asluitian, and helped her get into the Mage's Guild at the age of twelve. Until Nuvee settled when she was fifteen, she had him turn into a bug and hide in her blouse while she worked, and after, she brought him to the Guildhall as her pet, and he sat on her desk watching her work.

They took great care not to let anyone see them talking, but just past age sixteen, she was caught arguing with her 'pet cat.' When the guildmember confronted her, she knew what she had to do. To protect her family from the wrath of the Temple, she ran away far into the forest, traveling with her Daemon to towns who didn't know who she was for the next year until a Secluded Moons member recognized her for what she was and brought her to her new home.

Other Traits/Oddities:
- Has a habit of licking her fingers and twiddling with her left ear when nervous.
- Has an odd affinity for rum; she can usually be found sipping from a flask of it when working.
- Likes to bite. Generally, it's a playful sign of affection.
- Rikki is a splendid artist, though she rarely has the materials needed to paint or draw.

Daemon Name: Nuvee
Daemon six: Male
Daemon Creature: Small, black and white cat with yellow eyes. [http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/Aulakauss/RP%20pics/Nuvee.jpg]

Daemon Personality: Nuvee shares Ja'Rikki's playful personality, though in a dryer, more sarcastic manner. As she lacks one, Vee is often forced to play her voice of restraint, steering Rikki back on course when she distracts herself. Vee is generally logical and intelligent, though he is quick to submit to others, save for Ja'Ri herself, whom he argues incessantly with. Like his larger counterpart, he is kind to others unless given a reason to feel otherwise.


"Vee, get back. I don't know what's gonna happen when I drop the last part in," Ja'Rikki sat hunched over her desk, carefully cutting portions of ingredients for the bubbling concoction thereupon. A house cat sat watching the Khajiit, a tiny, furry sentinel. It shook its head and opened its mouth, but a rather than a meow, a smooth male voice poured out.

"If I didn't know better, Ri, I'd say you were trying to blow yourself up," Nuvee tilted his head for a moment, then edged closer to the brew, sniffed it, and recoiled violently, "Though I do think you're going to poison yourself one of these days."

"I know what I'm doing, Vee. Just..," the Khajiiti woman waved her hand at her bed, "Go over there for a sec."

Obediently, the Daemon did so, bouncing from table to floor then bed in a single, graceful motion. From his new cushy perch, Nuvee gave the best smile he could given his form. "Okay, but when you get a gut ache, I suffer, too. So be careful."

Carefully pinching a little bit of glow dust in her hand, she sprinkled it into the vial. It turned purple, then began to foam. Nuvee started to laugh.

"Aw, son of a.." Ja'Rikki closed her eyes for what she knew was imminent and, sure enough, the potion exploded. The force of it kicked her off her stool and into the side of her bed, where she bounced off and landed on her face. Rolling over and opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was her Daemon rolling on the bed with laughter. He paused to peek over the bed at her.

"Hey, your face is purple."

"Yeah.. Yeah, it is.." Rikki sighed and pushed herself off the floor. Grabbing a rag, she wiped the violet off her face, tossed the rag in a corner and sat by Nuvee. "I don't get it.. I did it right this time, I know I did."

The Daemon cuddled up to her side and purred. "Don't worry. You'll get your levitation potion yet, I'm sure of it," he reassured her. "But for now, how about a drink to raise your spirits?"

Rikki nodded and made her way to the door, ears still back in frustration. With another sigh, she made her way to the new bar in the base. She hoped they had rum.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:11 pm

ooc- Meep. Sorry about the length of this post. Two posts in, and I'm already having too much fun with this guy. :bigsmile: And DarkNova, if I got anything wrong, or assumed too much, pm me and I'll edit it.


The elderly Reinus couple were quick to welcome Curtis back home and fuss over him appropriately. Melissa immediately started coaxing food down his throat (some kind of cheap fowl), while Harold drew him a bath, despite his bad back. Milia, the youngest of their foster children (a golden little Altmer who was at least seven, but who looked and acted three), babbled hellos from amongst a pile of toys and started giving the young man an update on her miniature life. Her Daemon (in the form of a terrier puppy today) bounded around her.

Curtis took it with detached acceptance. His foster parents had never scolded him for staying up all night, and had always showed gentle concern and relief when he disappeared for days at a time, only to return a trembling, scuffed-up mess. Was that normal parental behavior, really? Or was it just that they had adopted too many orphan children (seven and counting) to pay attention to him.

No, that wasn't true. They paid attention to him: given the concerned glances they often tossed him, and the way they insisted that he remain living with them for just a little while longer... they were among those that thought Curtis was halfway to Sheogorath, and needed watching. They took care of him the way one would take care of an invalid.

Savanah nipped pointedly at Curtis's ear, probably feeling the way his emotions were headed.

Once he was fed and bathed, he excused himself and headed to his room.

The family lived in a relatively large, but sparsely decorated, unit in the cavern's residential area: their personal living unit had six rooms off the main one, of varying functions. Curtis shared a tiny chamber with his teenaged "brother" Eryk, though the Redguard and his newly-stabilized boar Daemon were no doubt off at lessons at this time of day.

Curtis dropped onto his cot, his body aching and his eyes burning with exhaustion. Savanah settled onto the only table in the room--onto an elegant wooden perch that Curtis had crafted himself. She tucked her head between her shoulders, and she went to sleep.

Curtis had every intention of doing the same. He closed his eyes, willing himself to relax, and, for a moment, it seemed that he would actually do it this time.

But then, as always, an awareness of his surroundings crept into his drifting mind. He could hear his breath echoing off the tight, stone walls, trapping him deep underground. The earth was cold and heartless, careless of whether it crushed you under its weight, and it would do so at a whim. And then no one would ever find you... you'd be trapped, alone, until you either suffocated or starved.

Curtis's eyes snapped open, his breath coming in panicked pants. He couldn't breath... the air was stale, as if he'd already been trapped. And were the walls closer than they had been? No! No, that part was his imagination... always had been.

He sat up again, shaking more violently than before. He heard a soft sigh from the table, but didn't look at his Daemon. Instead, he rubbed his eyes, and tried in vain to will his fear away.

"A sleeping potion?" Savanah suggested. "That usually works."

"No money," Curtis mumbled, rolling out of bed and pulling himself back to his feet. He redressed and gathered his things, resignation in his bruised eyes. As he took up his staff, Savanah fluttered over and landed gently on his shoulder.

"You should try meditation again."

"You know I can't. My mind can never settle down for it. That's rather the problem."

"A walk it is, then," she sighed, shifting her position to get settled on Curt's shoulder. He apologetically rubbed that spot on her back, between her wings, and her annoyance eased.

Once Curtis was ready to go out again, he headed back through the Reinuses' unit, ignoring their concerned glances as he bee-lined for the exit. But they didn't protest as he left; they never did.

It wasn't long before he found himself wandering aimlessly through the corridors of the Secluded Moons, wondering once again what they put in the lamps to keep them from smoking and suffocating the entire faction. Curtis often wondered about things like that, especially when he was tired.

He passed into the cult's training area, pausing to let a group of youngsters in practice gear pass. Curt had never been one for weapons practice (called a "hopeless case" by several of the battle instructors), but there was one subject that he'd rather liked, though he'd never seemed to have the talent for it himself.

He found a familiar office door; he could smell something cooking on the other side and, knowing the owner of this office, it wasn't food. After a moment's hesitation, Curtis knocked and tentatively poked his head in.

There she was: Miss Terra Megdar, resident scholar. She looked to be Curtis's age, but, then, she'd looked like that since Curtis was three feet tall. Curtis knew that she was as knowledgeable and wise as any human elder. As long as you didn't test her patience, that was. Curtis had done so often enough--the way Curtis had prefered experimenting with magic himself rather than listening to her teachings had often provoked the mer into some rather devastating tempers.

Nonetheless, Curtis had stopped by often enough over the years, even after he was old enough to no longer have mandated classes. Usually, he begged a potion (anxiety or sleep, usually) off of her, but he also found her scholarly conversation intriguing.

Now, he wasn't sure what he sought from her. A potion, he needed (and he showed it), but he didn't have money to pay for it, and he hated asking for charity. Then again, perhaps a little scholarly conversation was just what he needed to settle his nerves.

"Miss Megdar?" he ventured tentatively. "Have you a minute?"

She seemed to be absorbed in a book, and the Breton was loathe to interrupt her. Ah well, it was too late to retreat now.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 pm

OOC: No problems on your end, BSparrow. Thought you did a wonderful job describing Terra's personality, in fact. Just let me know if there's anything you want changed in my own post.

IC: ...from the Champion's own accounts of the Deadlands. The twin orbs of bright green intelligence that were Terra's eyes moved rapturously from word to word, drinking in the knowledge, the conjecture, like a parched man who had found a desert oasis. So enthralled was she, that she altogether failed to notice the light knocking at her door, and felt the tiny muscles in her longish, pointed ears twitch in surprise at the sound of a familiar voice uttering her name.

"Miss Megdar?" the voice, male, asked cautiously from the door. "Have you a minute?"

Terra looked up from her tome, a warm smile gracing her pale golden features as her eyes came to rest on the gaunt face of Curtis Bennet. "Of course, Curtis, come in," she replied graciously, carefully placing her book, still open, upon her desk along with several other half read texts. She turned back to the young Breton at her door, and motioned him to come inside.

She had always had somewhat...mixed feelings about Curtis, Terra thought judiciously to herself. Oh, she liked him well enough, certainly, and believed that beneath that too thin, almost malnourished exterior, he was indeed a good person. She had, in fact, always admired his academic curiousity: unlike some students, with whom teaching became the nightmarish task of simply bludgeoning them with information in the futile hope that some of it would stick, Curtis craved knowledge. He wanted to know...well, everything, it seemed to Terra. It was a trait among many well respected scholars, that longing for understanding.

Unfortunately, Curtis' methods left much to be desired. Rather than learning through lessons, as was conventional for most interested in the magical schools, Curtis seemed committed to learning through his own experiments. Which, in itself, might not have been dangerous. But Terra knew well enough that the young Breton had almost no qualms whatsoever about blurring the ethical lines of magic use.

At his best, Curtis was ambitious and headstrong. At his worst, the Breton was reckless, and downright dangerous. She could only hope that lust for knowledge didn't lead him down the same path as it had so many others throughout history, remembered now only for their twisted methods and cruelty.

But Terra quickly banished these thoughts to the far recesses of her mind, the gentle expression of her face never once faltering.

"I was just reading the most interesting treatise on magicka in Oblivion, and its effect when the mortal races are exposed to it," Terra explained with an eager tone, suspecting that Curtis might find the topic of interest. "Of course, it's all speculation at this point. But some of the theories are quite fascinating!" Cutting herself short, Terra clasped her hands in front of her, and her head inclined slightly to the side with curiousity.

"So, Curtis, what can I do for you?"
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 am

OOC: sorry for absent posts over the last day or so, will post tonight when i get home from work
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:43 pm

Terra seemed startled, at first, as she was pulled out of her reading (she had the same sort of concentration that Curtis had: both of them seemed to get completely absorbed in things that interested them), but it quickly changed into a warm smile of greeting. Curtis did his best to return it, though he could never seem to shake that initial nervousness he had at the beginning of all conversations.

"I was just reading the most interesting treatise on magicka in Oblivion, and its effect when the mortal races are exposed to it," the Altmer said. "Of course, it's all speculation at this point. But some of the theories are quite fascinating!" She cut herself off, but not before Curtis' interest had been piqued. She then clasped her hands and tilted her head, giving her ex-student her full attention. "So, Curtis, what can I do for you?"

He hesitated, now feeling embarrassed for having interrupted the scholar. What had he been intending to do, exactly? That potion over the fire certainly smelled enticing (he'd always thought that alchemical potions were supposed to taste terrible, but that was rarely the case for Terra's)... he briefly wondered what it was. He'd never seemed to have the head for alchemy... which was probably for the best, all things considered. The way he learned things, if he tried, he'd probably have either blown himself up or unleashed a poisonous cloud into the cult's hideout by now.

He slid into the room before he could change his mind, and his Daemon chirruped her approval, still perched on his shoulder. Savanah seemed to have it in her head that Curtis interacted with other people far too rarely. It was probably true, but Curtis couldn't bring himself to care much about socialization... except when it came to interesting people, like Miss Megdar.

He shook his head, his face going red with embarassment. He hid the exhausted shaking of his hands by wrapping them around his staff, unconsciously leaning on it. "Nothing in particular, really, although I've been having some difficult constructing a reliable Shield spell to fortify certain objects. I must be doing something wrong if an owl can break it." He cast a pointed eye at the bird on his shoulder. She fluffed up her feathers and gazed levelly back. Curt brought his eyes back to Terra, hesitantly approaching her desk to peer at the tome on it. "But you mentioned something about magicka in Oblivion? I was not aware that there was suitable research into the other realms to formulate anything substantial."

All thoughts of enclosed spaces flew out of his head as his mind turned onto one of his many interests. The Daedric Realms were one of the most fascinating aspects of their existence... anything that could shed light on the realms' mysteries was enough to perk Curtis right up.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:50 pm

Mirage stood on her hind legs, one paw on Kalila's shoulder and the other trying to grab the yarn. She "walked" that way until they reached the training area.

Kalila noticed the others and hoped Mirage would remain focused and not run off to play with them, at least not until they were done. Luckily, Mirage was so wrapped up in getting they yarn that she didn't seem to notice anyone else.

Kalila stopped and cast a minor shield spell on herself in order to protect herself from Mirage's claws.

"Are you ready?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" She chirped, crouching down in a pounce-ready position.

Kalila held the yarn in front of herself. "Then come get it."

Mirage jumped forward onto Kalila. Her claws caught onto the yarn and she pulled it upwards as Kalila fought for the main ball. Anyone watching might have thought Mirage was mauling her and pulling out strings of blood.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 pm

Leliana continued to to shoot the targets, arrow after arrow, target after target

"So snow what do you think? im i the best in here or what"

"Well, i have yet to see somone else shoot a bow down here, but im going to guess and say yes" Leliana smiled at Snow, She'd always been there for her, then again Demons where usually quite attached to their humans anyway. She then noticed a girl slashing wildly at one of the dummie's, Leliana recognised her as Diana, she didnt speak to many people as far as she was aware so she thought she'd go and try to make conversation when she heard

"Are you ready?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" Turning round Leliana saw a black panther jumping up and tackaling another girl to the ground

"OH MY GOD!" Leliana ran over only to find Snow over there jumping round the pair in circle's wagging her tail wildley and letting out quiet high pitched chirps. Snow had gone into puppy mode again, she did this on occasion Leliana thought it was funny even grown dogs like to play so why not a snow wolf. Snow ran around to her and begged

"they're playing a game, Can we play! can we play!"

"I dont know Snow hold on" Snow almost looked dissapointed as if Leliana had said a definitive no, she moved around to the side to see the girl and panther wrestling with a ball of yarn

"are you okay there?"
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Kelly James
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:53 pm

Kalila was relieved that her shield spell was actually decent. No more would she have to treat herself and soothe Mirage, as Mirage tended to be more sensitive to pain. Instead of digging into her skin, her claws made a clicking sound, as if Kalila's skin was coated in thick glass.

Mirage stood atop her. "I know how to get it..." She said, a mischievous tone in her voice. She opened her mouth and dragged her sandpapery tongue across Kalila's cheek.

Kalila shuddered in disgust. Her rough tongue was just so weird! She squeezed her eyes shut and when she opened them, she thought she saw a white blur circling her. She looked up and saw Mirage giddy, her head following the blur. It took Kalila a moment to recognize Snow, one of the daemons. Leliana's if she remembered correctly.

"Are you okay there?"

"I..." Kalila shook her head, unable to remember what she was about to say.

Stop being stupid, she scolded herself. Just speak--

"Oh, yes! Kalila's playing with me and I know how to get the yarn, see? Bleh!!" Mirage said, sticking her tongue out and glided her tongue on Kalila once more.

"Ugh!!" As Kalila wiped her face, Mirage swiped the clumped yarn.

"Yay!!!! I win!" Mirage said, rolling about in the yarn. Within seconds it was wrapped all over the jaguar. She stood up, crouching in front of Snow, her tail swishing wildly. "Hee hee! I'm gonna pouncle you!"
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lacy lake
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

ooc: Well, we may as well begin the invasion now. There are numerous secret entrances dotted around the complex that will lead out into the Leyawiin countryside. http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/1918/cyrodiilingame1.jpg indicated the location of a small fishing hut. One way or another, you will end up there -Remember, there are bound to be small patrols of 2-3 guards which you'll have to sneak past which shouldn't be a big problem considering the grass is so tall and it's so marshy.

Let's the Rp, begin!

ic: Aliay - Inside Secluded Moons administration room - Cyrodiil.

"What do our scouts say?" Aliay asked as she looked over a map, there were three large markers which represented the legion forces, each one positioned at one of the main gates of the complex.
"There was a runner about 5 minutes ago, she said there were around 5 companies, 3 posted outside of our main gate and two outside both of the other entrances." He pointed to the three locations, "They're also trying to find out secret entrances with scout groups, I've got some argonians picking them off as we speak."
"Alright, so our best chances of survival are to hold the main entrances while everyone else escapes?" She replied, her voice became coarse as she realised this was probably the end of her. A pause came about the room as everyone came to terms with what they were about to say.
"Yes, it seems that way." Stated the orc.
"Alright, rally the soldiers, set some of them as escorts for others, tell them to head through to Black Marsh - I know it's not the best solution." Aliay held up her hand to stop people from interupting her, "We've got good relations with alot of Argonians on the boarder, I'm sure they'll help us hide our people. Sound the town hall bell, I'm calling an emergency meeting." She ordered and walked out of the room and towards the main square. People looked to her curiously, the once energetic and enthusiastic leader of the secluded moons now looked serious but sorrowful. With small tears in her eyes she pushed her way through the mass of people.

When the bells began to ring, people joined her, they usually had monthly meetings, sometimes weekly - So alot of people were very used to the meaning behind the bells. What they weren't very used to; was the large number of armed guards that were running around to and fro.

Garn - In his room within the selcuded moons - Cyrodiil

Garn sighed as he looked into his empty glass as he heard the meeting bells ring, "Bit late for a meeting." He stated curiously and headed out of his room, as usual people were leaving their own rooms and heading out towards the center of the complex. What Garn didn't expect to see was 4 armed guards pushing their way towards one of the entrances, he frowned at the situation but thought nothing of it. Instead, he joined the line towards the meeting hall, his feet shuffling slowly against the dusty floor while the mass of people moved forward slowly.

Commander Winters - Outside of the Secluded Moons gate 1 - Cyrodiil

"Commander!" Called out an officer as he ran towards Winters and saluted, "Commander, we've had reports of scout parties dying or going missing. We believe there's a group of assassins picking them off." He added, trying to catch his breath.
"That's fine, alert the others to this threat and tell them to be wary." Winters ordered, "The attack is about to begin and we can be sure that they'll send their women and children through these secret exits, we'll find them then." He saluted the officer and turned his attention to the large mass of men infront of him, they were all trained legion soldiers, most of them carrying shields and swords but there was a large number of them with nothing more than nets and maces. "How long until we can attack?" He asked, turning his head to look at the captain beside him.
The man shrugged and called out to one of the battlemages, the wizard looked back and shouted back. "10 minutes sir." The captain reported, Winters nodded in approval, today was going to be a very good day for his rank advancement.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:25 pm

OOC: sorry about the short post just waiting for Uglius to say the legion has attacked

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! please dont jump on snow if you hurt her its gonna hurt me" Leliana frantically waved her hands in the air and smiled in a frightened sort of way. The bells rang. Snow suddenly snapped out of acting like a puppy

"They dont normally ring meeting bells at this time" Snow inquiered, Leliana looked at Diana and Mirage

"Sorry to cut this short, but we gotta go, you too hey maybe ill see ya on the other side c'mon Snow" Leliana quickley gathered up her gear and jogged of down the corridor with Snow in pursuit as, they went towards the meeting hall it got warmer. As they reached the hall people where already gathering and waiting for Aliay. leliana was tense she gripped her bow tightly somthing seemed incredibly off.
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