This Rp is a story run adventure Rp which means you will only Rp NPC's that effect your character such as: Attackers, traders, friends, etc, etc but nothing else. You cannot move the story along and please don't move time along as that only complicates things. This Rp is run by me and you will follow the guidelines or I will personally tell you to leave.. I don't like it when people mess things up.
The usual list:
Only I may create a new thread.
Follow my character sheet.
Don't move time along.
Don't character control without the persons permission.
Don't go all uber please - I will tell you whether or not you've broken this rule - Just be realistic.
I would love it if you could speak in a language we all understand.
Keep it real.
Romance is fine, I don't care quite how far you go, but ofcourse.. six scenes aren't allowed by forum rules so.. No explicit stuff, please?
No enchanted weapons/armour/clothing/etc to start off with - These are to be very rare.
PM all your character sheets to me.
OOC chat is to be kept at a minimum.
A few pointers.
Spellcheckers - http://www.iespell.com/, http://spellbound.sourceforge.net/
In this RP you can RP an Asluitian or a non-asluitian. Asluitians are people that have "Daemons" which follow them around and are in a sense - A part of your character. For when born, an asluitian's soul is ripped and that ripped part transforms into an animal.
This daemon will transform at will until it's asluitian partner goes through puberty. When the Asluitian child hits puberty, their daemon may at anytime change into a animal form that they can never leave - For some it's the hour of their 13 birthday, for other's it's the 2nd month into their 19th year. The daemons final form is dependant on alot of things - What it has done, how it has done them, the care it has recieved, whether it was happy/sad/angry. When the asluitian and the daemon are seperated by around 10-15 metres they will both experience extreme pain. When the asluitian or the daemon are hurt, both will feel this pain.
The character sheet
Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')
Asluitian: (Yes or no..)
What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)
Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet...)
Weapons: (Don't just go Longsword.. What material? Any patterns? And remember.. Your character can't hold every weapon under the sun) - Remember, if you're part of the secluded moons, you're not going to have great gear, even more so if you were simply a child under it's protection. It was a poor and badly equiped group of people not a military organisation.
Armour: (Don't just go leather armour, what colour? What material? Any patterns?)
Clothing: (All the points from the above.)
Daemon Name:
Daemon six:
Daemon Creature: (Put N/A if your daemon has not settled)
Daemon Personality: (Cruel? Proud? Aggressive? Passive? How does your Daemon think?)
It is the 21st year of the 4th era. It is an Era of peace for the Empire, people unite to help rebuild what was destroyed, Kvatch is now a grand city, a statue of the hero of Kvatch and the Captain of the guard are made and placed in the centre of the town, aswell as a memorial for those lives that were lost. Parts of Bravil are being rebuilt, the emperor has asked his allies to aid in the repair of the city and they come in their thousands to help create a better city for those that lived in the slums. The Imperial City stands just as glamorous as it once did, the white gold tower shining proudly.
However, deep in the slums of Leyawiin, a disease is spreading. It is unknown to most save one: A necromancer called Robyn Al Moard, a dunmer mage intent on destroying all that the Empire stands for. His filthy touch reaches out to almost every underworld organization, he is infamous and looked at with awe by many. For his magic is without equal, his knowledge knows all and his evil is endless.
The disease this monster spreads causes new born children to lose part of their spirit and see it turned into a creature that reacts to both emotion, surroundings and views of the child. The temple sees such a thing as evil, the work of the daedra! And has ordered that every child with this disease to be murdered or brought upon the temple where they will undergo various tests.
For years babies are murdered brutally, families mourn and people begin to eye the Temple with suspicion, the Temple no longer begins to kill the children, fearing that anymore lives lost will result in an uprising, but instead they take them away to their secret shrine and continue their tests, the children send letters to their parents and are given an education. But while they sleep their bodies undergo harsh and horrifying tests. All of which are secret, all of which go unnoticed.
However, a cult arises, a cult made up of men and women, all of whom are sick of their children being taken. Are sick of not seeing their loved ones and wish to do something about it. The cult is named: The Secluded Moons and they secretly protect diseased babies, calling them; Asluitians (As-lu-tians). The cult raises the children, and for 20 years they go unnoticed. But Robyn's grip is powerful and seeks to reveal these outlaws to the Temple..
This is where the Rp begins (4E year: 46), your characters are members of this cult, whether they're Asluitians or not. They start within the confides of their underground temple just outside of Leyawiin. Life is going on as normal, lessons are being taught, training is taking place and plans to find the missing children continue.. However, the cult does not know, that within minutes, several hundred Imperial Legion soldiers will be crashing down their door and charging into the Cults sacred place and will kill everyone and everything.
The objective of this Rp is to live long enough to find the lost children, revenge your dead companions and bring to light what the Temple have been doing AND stop the disease from spreading further.
Alliances shall be forged, men and women will die, forces will fall but we will never stop! Let it be known, the Temple's days are numbered! May their gods save their souls for there will be nothing else when we've finished with those bastards!
Quote from The Secluded Moons.
Author - Aliay, leader of The Secluded Moons.
(My character is not Aliay)
Opening Post:
Aliay walked through the corridors, her footsteps were light and her body moved with a grace that complimented her beauty. Aliay; the woman who had created The Secluded Moons was both beautiful and bright, the woman was known for her loving nature but brutal agression. She was a double sided blade, cross her in battle and you'll pay dearly, but show her kindness and you'll be rewarded.
She had the looks of an Altmer but she had Imperial blood in her also, her black hair was wavy and fell just below her shoulders, her petite frame was curved, slim and well toned. She held a smile that made it hard to say no. She was loved by everyone who knew her.
She was in a good mood, they had learnt that the Temple was scared, they feared that their research might come into the open, they would surely come out of hiding, The Secluded Moons was a cult full of all sorts of people, assassins, thieves and diplomats, the secret resting place of the cult was huge, it expanded into several halls, rooms, corridors, shops, meeting places, centres and in the middle was a large shrine. It wasn't very well defended, but they didn't have much space for that. The huge mass of people made it hard to build anything else.
Her daemon rested on her shoulder, it was a large spider, it's eyes watching the people that passed her. "More and more flock to our sacred place everyday, we can't hold them all for much longer." The spider whispered, it's voice was deep and caring, it held a heavy Imperial accent. She smiled sweetly and nodded her head, the very same thought was being debated within her mind.
She passed a torch, her figure casting a shadow against the wall, her fur boots and leather trousers were accompanied with a loose cloth shirt and a steel shortsword that rested in it's scabbard. A guard dressed in full iron saluted her, the rustle of his armour was accompanied by the discussion coming from the room he was guarding. She stepped in and the voices stopped. "Aliay" greeted a tall orc who was wearing simple clothing, "We may have a problem."
p.s. Svalbard is norwegian, for shizzles.