here's my problem; i have taken the castle and made a nice little storage area for myself.
but my settlers kept taking my stuff. mainly weapons. i say kept because i moved house to home plate in diamond city.
and i had a unique minigun (NOT legendary) that did additional fire damage. 15 i think.
anyway, i felt like using this gun again and i looked for it in my weapons/armor storage. and it was gone.
i was understandably pissed so i went back to the castle to check the inventory of every npc in there and i found a legendary plasma gun (ignores armor) and my silver submachine gun.
but not my unique minigun. so i figured that a provisioner must have taken it. how do i find that provisioner ? like whats the best way ?
could a settler/provisioner have taken the gun and gotten killed in an attack ? and then the body disseapeared ? (my castle is attacked alot) can settlers even be killed in attacks ?
i have only seen them go down like essential npc's do but on the internet people have said they actually can die.
does anyone have any advice ? or an outright solution ? i play on the ps4 so console commands are not an option.
i did not store it in an already existing container. i made the container i stored it in myself.
and i am not going to use my workshops to store my stuff because i simply dont want to.