Lost two companions and a third's personal quest won't start

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:23 am

I wrote the following and sent it to Bethesda support only to be responded to with an automated message giving me unhelpful advice and directions to post here. So here it goes.
"I am playing on PS4 and would like to know if there is any way to recover lost companions. So far I have lost Nick Valentine and X6-88. Nick was lost when I was clearing out Layton Towers. The two of us exited the apartment complex onto the roof and I dealt with the Raider leader up top. After the fight, I looked around and Nick had vanished. I have not seen him since. I never assigned him to a new area so he should have been staying at his detective agency, but no matter how many times I return he never does.
I lost X6 in a much less interesting way. I decided to work with another companion and sent him back to his default location, the SRB. When I returned to pick him back up he wasn't there. And so I wrote this out.
As I am on PS4 I can't simply spawn them in with console commands, and I can't think of any fixes to this. I have sat outside the SRB and waited for several days but he still has not reappeared. Nick has been gone for several real world days so waiting is clearly not an issue for him either. I guess the only thing I can do is to add to your feedback request for upcoming patches, and ask that you add some sort of item in every companion's default hub that will spawn them in place. Something like the bell in settlements that calls all of your settlers to it.
I hope this can be resolved as Nick was my favorite character and I would very much enjoy his return. X6 can come too."
Since then I have been made further upset by the addition of Cait's personal quest Benign Intervention not triggering. She will talk to me and set the quest up, but it never appears in my quest log and there is no way for me to advance further. I am unable to go back to an earlier save as I didn't realize the problem until after I had already gotten to the end of Vault 95, and all of my autosaves were used up getting there. My manual save was last made yesterday, but luckily I had a quicksave from the middle of the conversation, allowing me to break it off before a point of no return. I would appreciate some sort of fix for this in addition to the earlier problems. If possible.
However, this is now the third major problem I have with the game and to be honest I am fed up with it. I know that these are minor problems in the long run, but they are keeping me from being able to play the game as I want to, and that is unacceptable. I want to enjoy this game further but this whole situation is really bringing me down. I don't know what could be done to help, but anything would be appreciated.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:39 am


I've just submitted a support request after losing Codsworth in Trinity Tower. I was doing the mission to rescue Rex and Strong and dismissed him in favour of Strong at the top of the tower. When he didn't go back to Red Rocket as instructed I returned to the tower to look for him. As I investigated I could hear him commenting but I couldn't find him. Later, by chance, I was on a rooftop to the south of the tower and had a look at it using my sniper - and there he was, in an area inaccessible by normal gameplay (where the mutants shoot from as you descend). I returned and managed to jump to the area from the lift, but he wasn't there. I could still hear him however and when I returned to the rooftop I could see him again with my sniper.

Not quite as bad as your experience, but thought I'd add it. Clearly some patch to retrieve trapped, glitched or lost companions is required.

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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:49 am

If you send your compaion to a place , they have to travel there , befoure you can re require them again ,

The longer the distance , the longer it takes them to travel !

They will slowly walk to the destination , if it's a long way from point a to point b then it will take time ,

But beware they may meet thing on the way that may pin them down , they won't die but they can't move

I had dog meat stuck on a fence , between dubble doors , I had to resure him from radiders once , he wasn't my companion at the time , but dog meat needed a helping hand ! To wonder back to the selected destination , once back to that destination I could require dog meat again !

Not a glitch , well the stuck part is !
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