This is wrong. Your one hand skill will raise damage but destruction skill doesn't raise damage at all. All it does is lower mana cost. This is why you see all the threads about destruction being underpowered
You're right, sorry. I misrepresented what I was saying by including destruction in the damage portion. Except that if you think about it, the fact that it reduces mana cost means that I can use more spells before I run out of mana which in turn puts out more damage. So I'm still right.
What I actually meant is that every skill gains a bonus from being leveled up, regardless of which perks you choose. 1H and 2H up your damage the higher the skill is. Destruction, and I think every other spell group (I know they have a bonus, but I'm not sure what they are because I don't use them), decreases the amount of mana each of your spells cost, which in turn means you can output more damage before you need to use a potion. Heavy and Light armor both increase your AR the higher they get. Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy all make your products more powerful just from leveling up the skills. Lockpicking, Sneak and Pickpocket each make their own action easier. Speech allows you to persuade and intimidate people easier, as well as giving you a bonus to how well you sell. Block increases your chance to block damage as well as how much damage you block. So EVERY SINGLE SKILL gives you a bonus as you level it up, which means that you don't need to have tons of perks in combat specific trees just to succeed.
I have two perks in combat trees. Those two perks are Novice and Apprentice Destruction, because when I first started playing my first character I thought they seemed really useful and they were until I hit about level 10. After that it didn't seem necessary to put any perks in other combat trees. All of my perks are in other trees, my main character does just fine without combat perks.
I'm sick of everyone complaining about how bad this perk system is. Bethesda tried a new system, they wanted to see if they could improve their game, they've made a load of amazing games for us to play and created a rich world for us to enjoy. Occasionally they're bound to do something that we don't necessarily like, and then when people come back with constructive criticism, that's fine. Coming onto the boards svcks right now though because every day there are like thirteen new threads about how people hate the perk system and that TES has been dumbed down for the console generation. Sorry that some of us don't hundreds and even thousands of dollars to buy new generation computers every couple of years. Although I do have a computer that can run Skyrim, I had the same junker computer for five or six years before I could afford this one. It could barely run the original Starcraft and buying a console was MUCH cheaper than buying a computer.
Sorry, I ranted, couldn't help it, but I'm done now. I'm sorry for those of you who suffer having the game ruined because you're so upset about the perk system.