i had not played skyrim for about half a year and when i started playing again and updated and at first my game was fine till i started doing the dawnguard and had serana i later on in the day gave her a shrouded cowl and the texture was broken and was purple.i then later told her to go home and spoke to nazir for my 2nd/3rd set of contracts and what he was supposed to say only came up n the subtitles and said completely different things to me and the same happened with all the other members that i spoke to.when i left the dark brotherhood lydia was doing the same thing but with quotes i have never heard from her(and i had a save lv 91 with her as a follower)saying stuff from maby dawnguard about the soul stuff ,the dwarves and thinking she had an amazing idea.i decided to go on to my lv 91 save to see if everything was broken which surprised me as i had never had any problems with this save.i then made a new save but my carriage would never stop in helgen i tried this a few times then deleted my saves dlc updates and anything skyrim-related on my ps3.after i downloaded everything i could make a new character and was fine till i went to the college and found some of the elves had purple skin (broken texture)i then went to the thieves guild and some of the members armour texture was broken as it had lines and patches through it.i carried on thinking it would not make a difference and did the quests till i have to speak to the 2 people about goldenglow because when i went in there one of the archers hoods was purple and when i got under about 3m close my game crashed and there was no way to stop this as he keeps moving around.so i made another save and was fine textures were broken in the thieves guild but i didnt do till goldenglow.my save was fine till i did the quest where you get the crown in the war.and my follower faendal vanished i new he wasnt dead because i didnt get a letter from a jarl and he was not at home,his house,i his town or in the place he lived.i then went home to my house in falkreath and lydia was not there i looked around the house went to dragonsreach and did this several times between quests.i then started to do the stormcloak quests where you take the fort after the battle of whiterun but went down the road to look for something i had found in my first save but could never get in.i found a shrine to meridia in the snow but she was purple and my game crashed and i give up on trying to fix it unless someone gives me and idea i didnt try.