For the Grand soul, you will need:
1.) Grand Soulgem/Azura's star
2.) Sanguine Rose
3.) A zero weight cursed equipment.
4.) Soultrap for at least 20 secs.
Now go to the Bruma City Barracks. There you will find lots of guards. Now, find a sleeping guard and reverse pickpocket the cursed equipment. Talk to him, and he will go back to sleep, taking damage. Rest for an hour, the guard will die. Now position yourself that you are pointing Sanguine Rose on the body with the soultrap spell ready and save. Use the Sanguine Rose on the dead body, and it will summon a daedra. keep resetting until it summons a Xivilai. Now cast soultrap and watch the guards beat up the Xivilai and w00t! Grand Soul!!
- It works in any barracks, but it is better in Bruma. Sometimes in other barracks there are few guards, and Bruma has lots.
- If the Xivilai glows pink then un-glows, it means it absorbed soultrap. Use it again.
Now that you have Grand souls, but you don't have moneys! Here's what you need.
1.) As many zero weight cursed equipment you have.
Go to barracks, reverse pickpocket them to all sleeping guards, talk to them, they will go back to sleep, dying. When they die, pick up their equipment. Sell them. ????. Profit!!!!!
Warning: When to many guards are dead (as in, all of them) sometimes when you go again to that place, you will be stuck in loading screen. just rest for 73 hours, and the bodies will be gone.