Or it could happen at the cost of the playable status of Argonians, Khajiit, Orcs and a few other race options, because after all, the core audience probably only ever played as Nord in Skyrim anyway, so why bother wasting resources on ten playable races?
Above reason is why I'm telling people to NOT take the feature of ten playable races in TES for granted, and expect the distinct possibility that BGS might consider chopping a few races from the playable status if they don't feel they are a bigger priority than something like a voiced protagonist or a "more gripping story" or something (not that I don't want a better story, just not at the cost of race selection).
I can see a voiced protagonist working okay for Fallout, but I just get an impending feeling that for TES it'll mean chopped-down race selection and subsequent heated arguments between fans of the chopped races and fans of voiced protagonists. Hopefully they would consider having some race and gender options having unique voices or using a silent protagonist instead of chopping races from the playable status.