One of the travelers said something like they weren't welcome in the cities, so maybe that has something to do with it. Your spouse would always be caravanning around Skyrim, you'd be... doing whatever it is Dovakhiin do and you wouldn't know where to find each other. :ermm:
I don't think many right-headed people would want to argue with a Thane (requirement for house) over the matter of having a Khajit spouse, let alone the Dovahkin himself.
It is a little unfair :/ Hopefully it will become different with patches/DLC. Considering there is only one High Elf to marry. Only one. x__x And I don't even know what she looks like yet. I didn't WANT my High Elf to be a lisbian, but since she'd rather die than marry outside her race....guess she's gonna have to get used to other womenz...
But hey there is still hope, there may be more marriageable people than we know, we just haven't found some of the harder to convince ones yet.
You're in for disappointment then. The only High Elf that you can marry is an incredibly irritating clothing merchant in Solitude.