No Love For The Imperials?

Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:00 am

Not my cup of tea. Humans are boring in video games when there's 6 other races to chose from, but that's just my opinion.

I will eventually play other races other than Imperials, but I will play Imperials on my 1st and 2nd Playthrough for sure. I feel they give me the opportunity to be whoever I want and fight in every way I want and can change my fighting style in the middle of the game/progress. I wille eventually play a beast race too.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:45 am

Humans have been cliched to a painful death in fantasy games but people like them for some reason, like in Dragon Age Origins i think 65-70% of players chose to be a human for some reason. Why? Is it because you are a human? I can't say I hate being a human but it really is nice to have a chance to play something else.

DA:O is kind of a poor example, only 3 races to chose from with the humans being the most acceptable looking. Plus, elves from the dragon age universe are pretty pathetic compared to other franchises and the dwarves are just dwarves, nothing new there.
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sally R
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:51 pm

I guess that also makes them like... idk, the Greeks, Romans, Ottomans, Persians, Mongolians, Germans/Prussians, British, French, Spanish, Chinese, and umm... any other country ever with the exception of Sweden?

Hey, we did our fair share of pillaging and looting!

Also, imperials throughout the series have always had roman influences. Saying anything else is bonkers.
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john page
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:07 am

For me all the human races appeal the same as each other. This is taken even further in Skyrim since it's cosmetic only. So if I see a face I like, I take it.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:40 pm

Honestly I just find them boring. I find a lot of the human races to be boring though. Not only that but I am tired of Imperials after Oblivion.
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Rach B
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:03 pm

I'll probably play as an imperial sometimes in Skyrim. Every race looks like it's worth playing with :)
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:39 pm

because Imperials are pretty much the racist white land owners of Nirn.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:48 am

For me all the human races appeal the same as each other. This is taken even further in Skyrim since it's cosmetic only. So if I see a face I like, I take it.

Races still make a difference in Skyrim...
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:50 pm

I'm from MN, and while the Canadian's here have a stronger connection to snow than I's just I feel more at home when there's snow outside. I absolutely hate snow, because that means shoveling is soon to come...but at the same's so...damn...pretty. And, well, it makes a home feel warmer on the inside when that white stuff is outside. It's hard to discribe...but, well, I feel connected to races in games that hail from the north.

Add the fact that living in cold climates is so far deep down in my blood and family history that it's now impossible to set asside, the only human race I can play and feel connected to are the Nords. Everything else is, well, lacking for me. The imperials seem to think they own everything. The altmer have their noses so high in the sky you just want to punch them in the gut so they have to look down. The dunmer are so full of their history that it's a wonder they were able to eat the humble pie and come to Sk, the damn outlanders. The wood elves just have the crazy eyes, so I tend to shy away from them. The argonians are lizards who came from trees...I just don't know enough about them to really care to start learning, plus the few who are smart enough to hold a conversation with always seem be lying to me with their forked tongue. Bretons I'm pretty sure are french, and french people just kinda scare me for some reason. Khajiits all just seem to be high as kites all day long. Orcs are respectable, but just to ugly for me to connect with. And lastly, redguards...well, they're respectable in a fight, but seem to want to prove something so bad they ended up way to strict and military-esk for my liking.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:43 pm

I'm from MN, and while the Canadian's here have a stronger connection to snow than I's just I feel more at home when there's snow outside. I absolutely hate snow, because that means shoveling is soon to come...but at the same's so...damn...pretty. And, well, it makes a home feel warmer on the inside when that white stuff is outside. It's hard to discribe...but, well, I feel connected to races in games that hail from the north.

Add the fact that living in cold climates is so far deep down in my blood and family history that it's now impossible to set asside, the only human race I can play and feel connected to are the Nords. Everything else is, well, lacking for me. The imperials seem to think they own everything. The altmer have their noses so high in the sky you just want to punch them in the gut so they have to look down. The dunmer are so full of their history that it's a wonder they were able to eat the humble pie and come to Sk, the damn outlanders. The wood elves just have the crazy eyes, so I tend to shy away from them. The argonians are lizards who came from trees...I just don't know enough about them to really care to start learning, plus the few who are smart enough to hold a conversation with always seem be lying to me with their forked tongue. Bretons I'm pretty sure are french, and french people just kinda scare me for some reason. Khajiits all just seem to be high as kites all day long. Orcs are respectable, but just to ugly for me to connect with. And lastly, redguards...well, they're respectable in a fight, but seem to want to prove something so bad they ended up way to strict and military-esk for my liking.

I seriously envy you and those who live in countries where it snows :( Here in the middle of the Mediteranean, the tundra with lightning and rain setting where Todd was fighting the two dragons in the demo is as close as we can get to Winter. Absolutely no snow :/ Guess it makes Skyrim more special as it gives me a chance to explore landscape that is so different than I am usually in. I like how you describe each race haha. But why do you say that the Imperials seem that they own everything? Sure they own the huge Empire and in Oblivion, they were the main guards that got to pretty much snap you for your crimes, but that's obviously because Oblivion took place in Cyrodiil, where Imperial influence is greatest. I'm pretty sure this time around, in Skyrim we'll get to see the Nords look as though they own everything ;)
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:36 pm

I seriously envy you and those who live in countries where it snows :( Here in the middle of the Mediteranean, the tundra with lightning and rain setting where Todd was fighting the two dragons in the demo is as close as we can get to Winter. Absolutely no snow :/ Guess it makes Skyrim more special as it gives me a chance to explore landscape that is so different than I am usually in. I like how you describe each race haha. But why do you say that the Imperials seem that they own everything? Sure they own the huge Empire and in Oblivion, they were the main guards that got to pretty much snap you for your crimes, but that's obviously because Oblivion took place in Cyrodiil, where Imperial influence is greatest. I'm pretty sure this time around, in Skyrim we'll get to see the Nords look as though they own everything ;)

It's just the vibe I get from them really. I'm not sure as to why to be honest. I just connect them to the empire, and the empire seems to have this need to have their hands in every provence, or in otherwords their fingers in everyone's pie. It's not fair of me really. Everything I said about the other races is really unfair. It's just the empire seems to have this need to make sure everything is under their power, even when their would be ruler is asking for help to protect Bruma, which is in their very own Cyrodiil.

...hmm. That actually might have a lot to do with it actually. And it's sad, because that...that...high elf...Ocato wasn't even an imperial, but because of him I feel this way about the Empire.

[censored] elves.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:01 pm

I find them a bit boring. Especially if I have so many non-human races to choose from.
But I do have a Imperial Character planned.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:23 pm

They're ok, but they don't interest me as they're like the most average joe human race in the game. They've Speech skill, and they're like Romans...
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:22 pm

I've got nothing against them but to me they just seem rather bland.
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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:11 pm

Meh... they're just so... boring I guess xD
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:20 am

I have lots of love for Imperials, provided they are buxom, comely and disease-free.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:37 pm

I don't feel Imperials belong in Skyrim, as in rulers, this is the Nords lands.

I would rather the wild lands of the Nords were not under Imperials thumb.

I will play a Nord, a wandering Breton mage, and Khajiit.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:59 pm

Wait wrong thread
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:07 pm

My reason is simple....Nord-warrior.....Argonian-stealth.....Breton-mage... :glare:
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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:39 pm

I never played one in Oblivion but I played a female Imperial in Morrowind once, an enchantress/merchant whose skills revolved around doing local bartering to gain gold, and then when she had to go out on adventures I'd use the gold to buy scrolls and enchanted items and then I would fight with the items.

Almost done with the mages guild with her and I have a ton of enchanted items in my bag but no real magic or weapon skills to fight with :P only my scrolls and enchants. Which obviously were expensive so I went for an Imperial that would fit the merchant bill perfectly.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:42 am

No particular hatred, but I won't even get around to playing as an Argonian, Nord or Orsimer, I just love Altmer and Redguard too much for Imperials even to be considered.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:08 pm

I am planning on role-playing a handsome Imperial serial killer though who is going to marry as many women as he can find and then murder them in a cave somewhere.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:39 am

I noticed that not much people play/fancy imperials.. why? Maybe because not much people roll a warrior type (1h+shield+heavy armor) of character? Imperials are great warriors as well being able to talk others into liking them and give them discounts on all sorts of things (not sure about this in Skyrim).

It's because people have different tastes. Don't expect everyone to like the same things as you like.
Imperial is my favorite race, and I'm going to play an Imperial assassin in Skyrim.

The (morally evil) enemies of the Empire will fear my blade in Skyrim!
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:51 pm

Do you know anything about physical anthropology? The Imperials of Skyrim look like Mestizos (Part Native American, part Spanish, often with a percentage of Black/African DNA). I was extremely disappointed with the appearance, they are no longer my favorite race.

Sad how Bethesda has to make an Elder Scrolls equivalent for every Human race on the planet(Despite some sharing multiple race and culture origins). Wood elves appear Chinese, Orcs are Aboriginals, etc. A lame marketing strategy.

They should just combine all of the human races into "Goobacks..." Come from the future to steal your XP by killin' all yer dragons. But, I've got some love for Imperials, especially their women. ;)

I'm from MN, and while the Canadian's here have a stronger connection to snow than I's just I feel more at home when there's snow outside. I absolutely hate snow, because that means shoveling is soon to come...but at the same's so...damn...pretty. And, well, it makes a home feel warmer on the inside when that white stuff is outside. It's hard to discribe...but, well, I feel connected to races in games that hail from the north.

Shovelling: This is why you invest in a buff snowblower. (Or contract someone to plow your driveway for you.) If I had to hand-shovel my patio, driveway (which is something like 15' wide by 60' long) and the sidewalk to my door, not only would my back snap in two, but by the time I'm halfway through, the parts I did would be buried under another foot or two of snow. I don't even attempt to keep my deck clear. :P

I seriously envy you and those who live in countries where it snows :( Here in the middle of the Mediteranean, the tundra with lightning and rain setting where Todd was fighting the two dragons in the demo is as close as we can get to Winter. Absolutely no snow :/ Guess it makes Skyrim more special as it gives me a chance to explore landscape that is so different than I am usually in. I like how you describe each race haha. But why do you say that the Imperials seem that they own everything? Sure they own the huge Empire and in Oblivion, they were the main guards that got to pretty much snap you for your crimes, but that's obviously because Oblivion took place in Cyrodiil, where Imperial influence is greatest. I'm pretty sure this time around, in Skyrim we'll get to see the Nords look as though they own everything ;)

Careful what you wish for/envy because sometimes snow can get rather tedious... :) My area averages something like 9-10 meters/30-32' on a normal winter season. Well, I've posted this before elsewhere, but this is my front yard in winter in a rather average year:
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:11 am

I Don't Have Anything Against Them, But They're Not My Cup of Tea. Well if they're rich I may want something from them. :hubbahubba:
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Laura Richards
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