No Love for the Redguards?

Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:56 am

I've noticed in the amount of time that I've been on this forum, little to no people have mentioned Redguards, whether in terms of favorites, or even at all. I'm just wondering why that is? Is it the race itself, or the culture, or maybe that they just don't get much prominence? I'm personally very fond of Redguards, and would even go so far as to call them my favorite race. Any thoughts on the matter?
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:20 am

Hmm if you try hard enough Im sure you could make a few inferences. Regardless of how people feel, Vsions has stated that Redguard fans should be pleased in TES 5. As long as certain races do not get shafted, then Im happy
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:36 pm

I never once played as a redguard in oblivion because I didnt see anything unique about their race. They also didnt cater to my love of spellcasting. I also found very little about their culture, whether this is because I didnt look in the right places or because it wasnt there I can't say. Maybe they will be more abundant in future TES games.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:46 pm

Redguards are my favourite race, and I always say so in the forums. They are the best warriors and just all round best (Not necessarily stats wise, just in general) imo. I also love Baurus; hence the avatar.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:34 am

There have been tons of topics about this bud, when leads me to believe that people DO like the Redguards :P

They're my favorite race too. Ridiculously awesome backstory, too. I plan on playing one in Skyrim: roleplaying a Redguard from Dragonstar (town contested between Skyrim and Hammerfell).

But yeah, I think they're pretty well liked. They just get shown up by more exotic races like Bretons or Mer, and they're for sure shown up in Skyrim (in terms of popularity) by the Nords...for obvious reasons.

Edit: for those who are interested/haven't checked out their page on TES wiki.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:36 am

I've never played one actually, same with Altmer or even Imperials. and i don't actually know why i haven't.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:15 pm

I've noticed in the amount of time that I've been on this forum, little to no people have mentioned Redguards, whether in terms of favorites, or even at all. I'm just wondering why that is? Is it the race itself, or the culture, or maybe that they just don't get much prominence? I'm personally very fond of Redguards, and would even go so far as to call them my favorite race. Any thoughts on the matter?

nords are my favorite but since i liked the spinoff game "redguard" i made my character background of skyrim to be kind of a tribute to that.

First name: Cyrus

Last name: Dralas (family name of the adoptive father)

race: Nord (a more tanned skin than the average nord and dark hair due to dilluted redguard heritage)


A calm and intelligent mind contrast with his big stature and imposing demeanor. he learned from his adoptive dunmer father everything from combat to blacksmithing, although his father wanted to teach him more in the ways of fencing he found that Cyrus was attuned to use 2 handed blades and so he often sent him on specific hunts in order for his son to improve himself.


Cyrus's adoptive father was in his youth a wandering fencer and scholar, he often visited cities in order to visit their libraries and challenge passing warriors. approaching his 100 years of life he was sent to morrowind in chains as a slave and worked his way up until he was allowed by the argonians limited freedom to keep researching for them.

Brief Biography:

found as a baby on the shores of Morrowind in the arms of a dead nord captain. A dunmer passing by noticed this morbid scene and came near to take a better look, as he investigates the captain's body he finds an ancient medallion that seems to have been crafted in skyrim, in the back he finds an inscription with the name Cyrus. "Curious" -the dunmer thought to himself- though the medallion is from skyrim the inscription is written in the old redguard's language, he then takes a look at the infant and sees that he is on the brink of death. Unphased by its cries the dunmer turns back and starts to walk away... as he distances himself from the shores he is struck by a powerful force in the back, making him lose his footing and look back, he looks to the baby surprised to see a torn trail of ground rock with the unconscious infant at the end, "I can use him to leave this wretched place" - the dunmer though to himself - and brought the infant with him to the small town of Gnaar Mok.

Years have passed, and young Cyrus grew amongst the dunmer slaves and argonians learning everything he could from his adoptive father who often sent him on hunts and odd mercenary jobs and while Cyrus was a formidable fighter, he never saw him recreate that shockwave from all those years ago. the rest of the village shunned Cyrus due to his heritage and often warned the father to abandon or even kill him in fear of a possible betrayal, the father knew that in time the villagers would lose their patience and drive Cyrus, if not them both, out from the village in slavery or worse...
one night, the father called the young nord to their home saying he had something important to show him, he showed Cyrus all the books and scrolls he had collected over the years, all of them describing Nord and redguard history as well as culture, he told Cyrus that the time to leave the village was coming near and that they would have to prepare for the inevitable outcome.

after a few weeks, it was time to leave morrowind and head towards skyrim, in search of knowledge and a better life away from the slavery of the argonians.
weeks, maybe months later at sea, the father and his son reached the shores of skyrim disguised as a nord slaver and his dunmer slave. the ploy worked well enough for them and they managed to travel the roads fairly safely, until cyrus was ambushed by dunmer rebels who took his father and slashed Cyrus's face cutting out his right eye, the attack left Cyrus unconscious and the rebels disappeared as fast as they came leaving him with nothing but rags on his back. Cyrus then wakes up in a prison, apparently the guards recognized him when he came into shore and after a bit of investigation they learned that Cyrus was not a slaver but rather a mer sympathizer and was awaiting execution for it, this accusation left Cyrus laughing at the irony of it all.
what happens next is yet to be told...

what do ya think? :P
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:38 pm

According to all the media I've looked at, Redguards are actually the best warriors, stat wise. To me, they are incredibly versatile, not just in warrior roles, but also in Mage, Ranger, Thief, and Assassin roles as well.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:22 pm

Like always redguards are my favorite race i have been playing one since morrowind and i still say is the best warrior class and my magic is second to none there are lots of opinions about them but they still are the best and i will be playing one in skyrim to.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:55 am

I never once played as a redguard in oblivion because I didnt see anything unique about their race.

Nothing at all? :P

And I'm sure redguards will be just fine, though I've never played as one.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:25 am

I like them as a race but just not as much as some of the others. My Top 3 races are Nord (Warrior), Breton (Mage), Argonian (Thief)
oh and @aiden2412 Baurus was one of the most badass characters in Oblivion and everyone knows it
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Deon Knight
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:22 am

Vsions has stated that Redguard fans should be pleased in TES 5.

Really? :teehee:

I think people don't like Redguards much because they never played TESA: Redguard. Not that the game itself is really good, but the Redguard people are really awesome. Cyrus alone is enough to make Redguards stop being one of the least popular races. They have a great pantheon, a great culture, and as I've said many, many times, I've never met a Redguard that I didn't like. They're my favorite race.
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Isabella X
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:44 am

I'll play a warrior run with a Redguard. Their distrust of Eastern magic is the perfect reason for not using any, rather than just saying I am a warrior and I don't use magic just because, which to me is almost like deliberately gimping a character. If you play a Nord and don't use any magic at all, that's almost going against type seeing they use restoration, getting a +5 to that skill in Oblivion.

Oh, and Redguard definitely have the best religion, being led to the afterlife by the God of Nobody Really Cares.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:24 am

I attribute that to the fact that the only thing that sets them apart from Nords and Imperials is this: They're black. Not much else about them that's unique besides their lore, which doesn't interest me all that much.

I never play a character that is strictly a warrior, so I guess that's why I cant get behind Redguards. I have a hard time playing a character who uses no magic at all, not that its impossible to play a Redguard who does use magic, it just seems weird to play one that does.

Also, I REALLY don't like He left a bad taste in my mouth against all Redguards.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:22 am

Personally I would rather just be an Orc or Dunmer.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:27 am

They're my second favourite race, after Dunmer.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:49 pm

While i have tried every single race except for Redguards and Orcs, i prefer to play as human males and when i do that, it's important that the character resemble myself atleast a little. He doesn't have to have the same eye or hair color etc but it's important that he is white. It has just always felt wrong to me when playing as something else. It feels, i don't know... unnatural? i don't connect with the character the same way. I know that sounds more than a little strange, especialy when i don't mind playing as a woman from time to time but when i do that, the experience is a little different. I relate better to male characters and play as female characters when i want to try something completely different. Ofcause i could always play as a female Redguard, i might even do it at some point. I think this is the reason most people prefer the other races, because most of the fanbasse is white and people (no matter their race) prefer to play as someone similar to themself. That said, i would love to see a game in Hammerfell.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:55 pm

I don't like Redguards. One of them called me a pit dog.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:56 pm

I very rarely play the human races at all (mostly Khajiit for everything, just always felt right :) ) , but I usually make an evil female Redguard character to contrast my usual "good guy" persona.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:52 pm

Redguards are pretty cool I liked their attitude in Oblivion and they always said some cool lines, like the dude from the arena. They felt unique to me but at the same time they didn't feel too much diffrent then say nords or imperials just skin color. Basicly like IRL across diffrent ethnics. Since I'm of a lighter skin tone I mainly play as Nords or Imperials, but i find they add alot to TES as a whole in my experience at least.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:19 pm

I actually like the Redguard's home, Hammerfell, the most So there's my love.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:40 pm

While i have tried every single race except for Redguards and Orcs, i prefer to play as human males and when i do that, it's important that the character resemble myself atleast a little. He doesn't have to have the same eye or hair color etc but it's important that he is white. It has just always felt wrong to me when playing as something else. It feels, i don't know... unnatural? i don't connect with the character the same way. I know that sounds more than a little strange, especialy when i don't mind playing as a woman from time to time but when i do that, the experience is a little different. I relate better to male characters and play as female characters when i want to try something completely different. Ofcause i could always play as a female Redguard, i might even do it at some point. I think this is the reason most people prefer the other races, because most of the fanbasse is white and people (no matter their race) prefer to play as someone similar to themself. That said, i would love to see a game in Hammerfell.

I think its just cause we releate to "white culture" or something like that better, mabe you can play as a nord or imperial woman more becuse our mothers/sisters/probably the majority of female friends we had growing up were the same race as us and overall we share a culture.

IRL I appreciate all cultures and find them all interesting, but i find them interesting cause they're diffrent to me. Equal but diffrent.
So it can be alittle hard to think as from a diffrent point of view I've never had.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:08 am

In Skyrim my characters will consist of three races. One of them will be a Redguard. She will be a sort of witch, or seer type.

Magic might be rough at first, but I am sure she will be up to the challenge. Hoping alchemy will help along the way.

In fact, that challenge could be quite fun.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:00 am

nords are my favorite but since i liked the spinoff game "redguard" i made my character background of skyrim to be kind of a tribute to that.

First name: Cyrus

Last name: Dralas (family name of the adoptive father)

race: Nord (a more tanned skin than the average nord and dark hair due to dilluted redguard heritage)


A calm and intelligent mind contrast with his big stature and imposing demeanor. he learned from his adoptive dunmer father everything from combat to blacksmithing, although his father wanted to teach him more in the ways of fencing he found that Cyrus was attuned to use 2 handed blades and so he often sent him on specific hunts in order for his son to improve himself.


Cyrus's adoptive father was in his youth a wandering fencer and scholar, he often visited cities in order to visit their libraries and challenge passing warriors. approaching his 100 years of life he was sent to morrowind in chains as a slave and worked his way up until he was allowed by the argonians limited freedom to keep researching for them.

Brief Biography:

found as a baby on the shores of Morrowind in the arms of a dead nord captain. A dunmer passing by noticed this morbid scene and came near to take a better look, as he investigates the captain's body he finds an ancient medallion that seems to have been crafted in skyrim, in the back he finds an inscription with the name Cyrus. "Curious" -the dunmer thought to himself- though the medallion is from skyrim the inscription is written in the old redguard's language, he then takes a look at the infant and sees that he is on the brink of death. Unphased by its cries the dunmer turns back and starts to walk away... as he distances himself from the shores he is struck by a powerful force in the back, making him lose his footing and look back, he looks to the baby surprised to see a torn trail of ground rock with the unconscious infant at the end, "I can use him to leave this wretched place" - the dunmer though to himself - and brought the infant with him to the small town of Gnaar Mok.

Years have passed, and young Cyrus grew amongst the dunmer slaves and argonians learning everything he could from his adoptive father who often sent him on hunts and odd mercenary jobs and while Cyrus was a formidable fighter, he never saw him recreate that shockwave from all those years ago. the rest of the village shunned Cyrus due to his heritage and often warned the father to abandon or even kill him in fear of a possible betrayal, the father knew that in time the villagers would lose their patience and drive Cyrus, if not them both, out from the village in slavery or worse...
one night, the father called the young nord to their home saying he had something important to show him, he showed Cyrus all the books and scrolls he had collected over the years, all of them describing Nord and redguard history as well as culture, he told Cyrus that the time to leave the village was coming near and that they would have to prepare for the inevitable outcome.

after a few weeks, it was time to leave morrowind and head towards skyrim, in search of knowledge and a better life away from the slavery of the argonians.
weeks, maybe months later at sea, the father and his son reached the shores of skyrim disguised as a nord slaver and his dunmer slave. the ploy worked well enough for them and they managed to travel the roads fairly safely, until cyrus was ambushed by dunmer rebels who took his father and slashed Cyrus's face cutting out his right eye, the attack left Cyrus unconscious and the rebels disappeared as fast as they came leaving him with nothing but rags on his back. Cyrus then wakes up in a prison, apparently the guards recognized him when he came into shore and after a bit of investigation they learned that Cyrus was not a slaver but rather a mer sympathizer and was awaiting execution for it, this accusation left Cyrus laughing at the irony of it all.
what happens next is yet to be told...

what do ya think? :P

Uh, yeah. That kind of breaks Tamriel race laws, the child inherits the mother's race so no mixed-race Nord for you!
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:34 pm

I've noticed in the amount of time that I've been on this forum, little to no people have mentioned Redguards, whether in terms of favorites, or even at all. I'm just wondering why that is? Is it the race itself, or the culture, or maybe that they just don't get much prominence? I'm personally very fond of Redguards, and would even go so far as to call them my favorite race. Any thoughts on the matter?

maybe I'll play as a redguard when the elder scrolls go to hammerfell?.
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