I love Skyrim, but would like help

Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:49 pm

Hi, I'm hoping Bethesda reads these posts and might offer a glimmer of hope.

I have been playing Skyrim happily, adjusting to some of the games eccentricities without complaint, but for the last 8 months I have been stuck in Japhet's Folly. My character is on level 68 and a save glitch has meant that the last hard save the game has is level 21 - there is no way I am going to go back and do all those hours of completing quests and gaining skill levels again. It simply isn't fun!

Is there any hope on the horizon that some incredible developer will work out a way of escape for those of us who would like to complete our games and get the add ons? Is it being considered at all?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! :smile:

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:14 pm

where did you stuck?

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kristy dunn
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:50 pm

Yea, if you don't have any autosaves to revert to you're pretty much boned. Sorry about that.

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Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:35 am

Japhet's Folly

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:34 pm

Think he meant what part exactly did you get stuck on. Did you complete the stuff and then fast travel back? Are you stuck under a bridge somewhere, did you proceed normally and now can't find your way through something? A little more detail as to what exactly the problem is would be helpful. I just know that if you fast travel to Japhet's Folly after or if you go back into the sea cave after the bombardment you're boned.

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:02 pm

> I have been stuck in Japhet's Folly. <

What's the exact problem anyway... :confused:

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:16 pm

1.9 patch fixed this. So if you haven't, update to the newest patch.

To Mark: before patch 1.9, if you fast traveled there after you finish the quest associated with it, you can't leave Japhet's Folly except by loading an earlier save.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:49 pm

In earlier versions of the game, traveling to Japhet's Folly after the quest Rise In the East was completed would result in your being stuck there forever (unless you were on the PC and had access to the coc console command). The island is a separate worldspace, and had invisible barriers that prevented you from swimming away from it, and fast travel was disabled there. That was supposed to have been patched up though, as noted above.

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:13 pm

Hi everyone - thank you for your replies.

I completed the Japhet's Folly Quest and left the conventional way and then months and months later, I was just wandering around Skyrim and fast travelled to Japhet's Folly and I am stuck in that entire location. I can go in and out of the Folly and swim in the sea, but only so far before I cannot travel any further. I cannot fast travel out of there.

The latest patch has not fixed this, it only prevents this from happening to new players by removing Japhet's Folly from the Skyrim Map, so once the quest is completed you can no longer fast travel there.

For anyone already stuck, patch 1.9 is absolutely not a fix, which is why I was hoping Bethesda or some amazingly inventive gamer, might have a different solution - like the 'jumping through plates' fix which works with some problems. (And believe me, I've spent hours launching myself at crockery! :) )

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:36 pm

aerkat, the Folly glitch has been known for at least a year and a half. People were stuck there long ago snd then they did the patch nearly 6 months ago. I think patch 1.9 was for the release of DLC for the PS3 and I think that was about Feb. of this year. How did you manage to slip into that small time frame between the patch and 8 months ago? And you have some kind of save file problem on top of that?!

You are most unfortunate. The general consensus is there will be no more patches so you have limited choice. I'm like you, there is no way I would go back down more than 40 levels. I would start a new character or just quit Skyrim.

By the way, I read one person who said she managed to find a spot on the island that allowed her to fast travel out. Do a complete keyword search as I think it was over a year ago. Good luck!
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