I don't mind this story specifically, but I'm more interested in it as a one off. At least the "find Shaun" portion. It's like they actually took some criticism from New Vegas about how some people had issues with their character even bothering to find Benny. And this portion of the story is a lot like a combination of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you are looking for a family member, and potentially looking for revenge.
I'd prefer just being a wastelander in the future. The main quests and side quests would be nowhere near as vague as TES, but I don't think the hook into the story necessarily needs to be as aggressive as revenge, finding a family member, etc. A nudge into the main quest rather than a lasso would be nice, because whether it's the originals or Fallout 4, you get put into this world and you want to look around and see what's in it. The external pressure of the main quest can get in the way of that sometimes, at least right at the beginning. Part of the appeal to me, and what makes me want to make several characters, is being able to be anyone and make decisions based on the different people I create. I really wish they'd just drop the pretenses sometimes, just go right into the character creation process (no You're SPECIAL, looking into the mirror with your spouse, vigor tester, etc.), and have a starting situation that doesn't assign backstory to your character, and multiple reasons (or not) to pursue the quest. I'm honestly surprised that Bethesda isn't more interested in this kind of approach.