Hey guys,
I love Fallout 4 with all of its huge area to explore, fun combat, interesting side-quests etc, but I'd like to give my opinion on the main character and story.
Basically, whoever i converse with, I can't forget that i'm the wronged father that's searching for his son. I don't want to be a wronged father all the way through the game, I don't want to search for Shaun, I don't want that backstory, or the lacklustre voice that keeps reminding me of who i'm supposed to be.
I'm the type of player that plays Bethesda games for hundreds of hours with mods, years after they came out, and I can honestly say that if an Elder Scrolls game was released where i'm forced to play a character as specific as this one, I wouldn't buy it, and it pains me to say that as ES is my favourite series.
Restricting the player like this is in my opinion, a huge step backwards. I remember Todd once saying that the world is the star and not the character, i hope they go back to that way of allowing the player to express themselves and find out what they want to be, in their next game.
Just to finish off, I'm not saying i'm right, i know this is entirely subjective, but that's how i feel about it after being a Bethesda fan since Morrowind.