But what I cannot stomach is how certain really important quests are broken, like the Twilight Sepulcher quest which locks you out of the sanctum making it impossible to finish the Thieves guild quest-line.
These types of story progression quests should not be allowed to be broken. Some random townsfolk task, sure. But not thses quests. Extra care and attention ought to have gone into these quests.
Second, after the patch you guys just released, Skyrim (for me at least) crashes A LOT... I mean like several times an hour... It's gonna end up hurting my Ps3 having to hard reset all the time and it's frankly not ok.
Nor was the initial frame-rates from hell problem on the Ps3 for a full-price retail game.
You guys really need to get your act together with this stuff and stop taking us consumers for granted, if the game isn't finished don't release it just because you want it out in time for the fall releases.
I also bought New vegas back in the day and that game was a train-wreck.
You guys make such excellent games and us gamers/your fans are very understanding towards your games and their various problems but there has to be a limit to how much is acceptable.
And I draw the line at broken down story-quests and potential damage to my console.
I realise I am opening myself up to a lot of hate from the most loyal fans on here with this and fine bring it on.
I want to go on record saying that I love this game, one of the best this year but as a consumer I also feel I have the right to demand finished products,
fixing it up as you go along with patches that fixes some problems and creates others and reassuring us that you want to make the game as good as you can for us
is not good enough.
Sky-diving mammoths, dragons flying backswards, townspeople acting werid.... etc etc, that's all acceptable for a game this magnitude, but anything other that I've touched upon above is not ok.
I actually decided not to play Skyrim anymore today after the 10th crash because I AM worried about my Ps3. I'm basically going to have to NOT play the game I bought and love wo wait for you to fix it.
That's really bull...