I LOVE this game, but worried?

Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:28 pm

Hey guys so I took part in the last beta for this game and let me tell you this game just feels AWESOME and I'm so sad the beta's over. I just love how dynamic the combat is, and how scattered the quests are and...I just LOVE IT!

But the thing is I was going to play with a couple of friends of mine, we've been hopping from MMOs for a while but we started off as raid guilds pals from vanilla WoW and...well, they keep telling me that they won't buy this game because the end-game is PvP, that PvP is the most important aspect of the game, that they put most of their design team is PvP, that the game designer designed mostly games that centered around PvP.

Pretty much everything that would break any interest I had but I REFUSE to believe them and I keep telling them, hell throughout my entire play time I didn't even PvP ONCE. It was just glorious, glorious exploration and none of that stupid PvP.

And after the weekend I told them that and now they're saying "Yeah well guess what end game is all about PvP this is a game for PvP'ers more than PvE'ers and if we want the most out of it we'll have to PvP" and at this point I just don't believe them but I know I won't have any fun at all without my usual gang of compadres so I want some input from people who likely know more about this game (CBA to look up developer info TBH, at least this only required a quick google search to find :P)

So is it true? Is PvP the main end-game, would I have to PvP to get PvE content? Would we have to PvP to get advantages in PvE?

I mean the last game we played was GW2 and I was so excited for how they portrayed PvE in that game too but it was all BS and it ended up as almost a completely PvP game and after that point I really don't know what to think nobody else but me wants to really give this game a shot =\ Hell if what they're saying is true I wouldn't want to play it either but I don't think it would happen.

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maria Dwyer
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:28 pm

If they're WoW players (not an insult) and are used to the level of PvE available there, they WILL be disappointed with TESO. No mmo comes close to the PvE end-game content WoW has. NOT A ONE.

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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:00 pm

Haven't done much research into it because I'm all for the PVP myself, lol.

But I quite often hear the devs talking about how they don't want to force you into Cyrodiil so I'm assuming there's quite a lot of end-game content for non-pvpers.

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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:59 pm

Thing is they keep saying that there's another game coming out I forget which or what its called but they said the same person who made WoW is designing this one and that the PvE in that game is great but I really like the PvE in this game or at least the design the combat seems so much more fluid than WoW =\

Honestly when they told me about it I thought they were talking about this game but now I don't even...

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:48 am

I dont know the PvE in this game is odd...

There is something clunky in it yet i am enjoying questing around and killing stuff.

Imho the world makes up for a less than perfect combat system.

I didnt see enough to judge anyway.

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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:20 am

My only experience with WoW is their starter edition. Tried to get into it a few years ago, and it just seemed too bland and flat to me.

Also saw quest-givers getting whacked and dozens of high-level players hanging around with their ridiculous mounts. Just couldn't see being part of all that.

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Andy durkan
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:26 pm

I re-read some of the Skype convo (was reading before and they said this:

lol no the game will die


PvP, PvP everywere

so we just raid like usual...

nope chuck testa

you cant they have dungeons and mats an [censored] in the pvp area

say wut?



dungeons in the pvp area for pvpers, dungeons were you'll get ganked like a [censored]

high level mats an that shizz in there too its all open world pvp too

like theres not even arena or bgs just non stop ganking and big groups attacking stuff

So what I got from that (don't insult my grammar there please :P I don't bother in Skype) is that there'll be unique dungeons and mats in the PvP area only for that? Is this true?

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:06 pm

I LOVED the combat system, rolling around and blocking and seeing those mini-bosses fly back when you blocked them at the right time and seeing that spell go whizzing past when you rolled at the right time, it was awesome.

I just wish I could see more numbers but it was REALLY fun

It felt a lot less clunky but stealth kinda felt meh. It was pretty much only three phases of stealth XD hidden, suspicious, and seen. And if they find you, there's no hiding. But still combat felt AWESOME

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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:15 pm

There are materials and dungeons in Cyrodill, yes. That isn't the only place to find endgame PvE though. It's just mixed in.

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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:02 pm

But can we go into those dungeons and get the mats without going into PvP?

I bet there's a dungeon finder or something that tele's us straight in, they're instanced right?

Cuz like XD I'll be all like "Time to get that epic staff!"






I dunno XD I don't PvP so I can't really even risk it. Oh btw are those mats just int he PvP thing? Are they easier to get in there or something?

Is there a way to tele straight in? Like dungeon finder in other games and a way to get the heck out XD so we don't have to risk it?

Also I found something else in skype and it's a long page of text so what I'm getting from it is that apparently some PvP rewards make getting end-game PvE stuff easier and you get special buffs for doing really well in PvP that also work in PvE? Anything to that?

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Jaki Birch
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:16 pm

Probably the delay i had by playing from EU made it clunky.

I hope its like you say :P

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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:17 pm

I had a couple of lag spikes from my end during the weekend and did indeed make it a lot more annoying XD

But when it's there and not lagging and reflex based it's awesome, especially since I rolled light armor so I didn't have much defense so a lot of my fights were riding on my ability to run around like a headless chicken XD so hectic and I died so much but the difficulty made it feel awesome.

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:14 pm

It sounds like your friends are just looking for an excuse not to play. Honestly, I'd let them figure it out the hard way instead of not taking your opinion seriously.

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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:17 pm

If ESO has too much PVP for you, i dont know what to tell you... Go play Maplestory? Im sure that game is still online.

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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:05 pm

That's what I thought after I heard them ragging on this game but I didn't think they'd all hate on a game for no reason XD usually I'm the only one in our little group that never really reads about games I'm much more of a visual learner I don't bother reading developer blogs or that shizz

Thing is though I know that if what they're saying is true I'd probably not want to play either O_o but I don't think it's true but I don't know so I 'm here XD

Wha? Maplestory, isn't that a 2d piece of crap XD?

I don't know what your'e talking about lol I thought this forum was about Elder Scrolls not Maplestory...

I really don't care about PvP XD I just don't want to have to do it and still be able to raid at maximum efficiency XD like in WoW and other games but what I'm being told is that a lot of good stuff is in there with the PvP so =\

XD but I don't know what you were talking about so I'm probably babbling tbh "too much PvP' for me is any PvP at all XD if I have to do it I mean, just not a PvP'ers and neither are my friends so can't really play a game where PvP gives you an advantage in PvE so T_T that's what I'm worried about apparently there's dungeons in the PvP place but I hope that its stuff I can get to without PvP'ing XD

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Princess Johnson
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:20 pm

I bet they have a great end game in mind. I really doubt that they spent 6 years making this game and thought "lets focus it all on pvp", they know that the market for a great mmo is a great end game pve experience. I've always been a PvP guy, played WoW since beta and was never interested in raiding or any end game pve content. But I know what the general MMO community wants in a game and the creators know that a heavy end game pve experience is a must to keep people interested enough to be willing to pay the monthly cost to play. I'm going to say this....

..Don't be surprised if they saved the best for last.

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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:33 pm

Outside of cyrodil ther wil be adventure zones. Adventure zones are supoosed to be raidlike content for 12 player groups. I have seen a map with unknown origins but it was 50+ and lithered with dungeons. So yes, i belief there wil be plenty of pve content.

They know pve players are the largest % of a player base, even in a pvp centric mmo. Unless youre going hardcoe pvp. I wouldnt be worried.

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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:19 pm

As a mostly pvper i think having good pve is healthy for the game.

But it needs to be HARD and time consuming and rewarding, or the pve crowd will devour it and ask for more before the next expansion is half ready.

And no tokens pls, no farming the same instance for too many times and no 100% scripted events. Make it a bit random.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:04 pm

See see (who amm I alking to? XD)

this is EXACTLY whatI said it was pretty much "Hey guys are you forgetting that no dev would be stupid enough to make aPvP game lol almost everybody plays MMOs for the PvP..." and they just said "that's why it'll die lol" and apparently they said that the designer of this game made a game like this before and it failed too? Why would somebody repeat that lol I think they'r BS'ing but XD I don't want to google it besides is that info even available?

Hang on I'm gonna look through Skype

Oh found it they said the designers of this game made something called Warhammer? And that it failed because it also made PvP more important?

I dunno :\

I really don't think anybody would ve stupid enough to make a PvP game though XD like not even a percent of the people I've met in MMO PvP more than PvE and PvE is much more mportant because PvP is the same boring shizz but these guys aren't giving in =\

BTW they said "Wildstar" is the WoW game the game I was talking about before, never heard of it is that game like this one for combat or is it like WoW combat (WoW combat feels so dull compared to the combat in this game...)

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louise fortin
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:49 pm

Ever since gaming for me, if I wasn't able to prove to someone that was better than them at the game then why play the game. PvP to me is everything, but like everyone knows, without PvE a MMO will just die...

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:56 pm

Yah agreed!

That's one of the things I loved in this game (just one of many XD) the combat was so darn difficult if you weren't careful like I could feel the threat unlike in other MMOs even the beginner mobs were hard if I wasn't paying attention because I rolled a class with like no defense XD but it was so awesome!

What I want is that difficulty and really difficult raids to grind my way up to the boss over a few weeks (AQ style :D) and have this freaking AWESOME boss at the end that just makes it all worth it on its own and just YES

I still remember AQ from WoW even now and going through and hearing "You...will....die" and XD I just want that level of epicness but its hard to get to too so like in WoW if you didn't minmax you basically got kicked out =\ hard modes and gear checks and that shizz and I don't want to PvP just so I can be #1 DPS XD

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:32 pm

It's DAoC not warhammer. Personally, I've enjoyed the instanced dungeon. Hoping to have something similar but on a grandeaur scale.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:49 pm

You're stressing out about nothing. I wouldn't worry about it. There will be a ton of PvE content.

You can solo a bunch of stuff in Cyrodiil, too.

The only problem I see right now is that PvE feels more like PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP v E

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:32 pm


Sorry, I had to laugh.

I'm a mix (hybrid) PvPer/PvEr, just like this game seems to be for me.

If you are so adverse to PvP as you state, look for games in the list (whenever you find one) that PvP column is NOT checked and, by all means, don't even get close to EVE Online for the sake of your, well, forgot the word... carebearsomething... someone help me remind that?

It's ok, it's not a problem at all, you can live with that but I really recommend you to try something into the PvP area and maybe, only maybe, you will be surprised by your own feelings and thoughts.

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jessica sonny
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:57 am

Hopefully :D hopefully more info will be in on this game soon so I can convince them...

I remember getting a few server firsts and coming close to getting a few world firsts in WoW and it was just awesome when it happened, I really wanna feel that rush again knowing that I'm neck and neck with somebody but not knowing how far they are and seeing that achievement pop up and just knowing everything I did for the last few weeks was worth it :)

I've always been really competitive XD which is why I'm just hoping I won't need to PvP to like that pokemon theme song says "be the very best, that no one ever was" XD.

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