Hey guys so I took part in the last beta for this game and let me tell you this game just feels AWESOME and I'm so sad the beta's over. I just love how dynamic the combat is, and how scattered the quests are and...I just LOVE IT!
But the thing is I was going to play with a couple of friends of mine, we've been hopping from MMOs for a while but we started off as raid guilds pals from vanilla WoW and...well, they keep telling me that they won't buy this game because the end-game is PvP, that PvP is the most important aspect of the game, that they put most of their design team is PvP, that the game designer designed mostly games that centered around PvP.
Pretty much everything that would break any interest I had but I REFUSE to believe them and I keep telling them, hell throughout my entire play time I didn't even PvP ONCE. It was just glorious, glorious exploration and none of that stupid PvP.
And after the weekend I told them that and now they're saying "Yeah well guess what end game is all about PvP this is a game for PvP'ers more than PvE'ers and if we want the most out of it we'll have to PvP" and at this point I just don't believe them but I know I won't have any fun at all without my usual gang of compadres so I want some input from people who likely know more about this game (CBA to look up developer info TBH, at least this only required a quick google search to find )
So is it true? Is PvP the main end-game, would I have to PvP to get PvE content? Would we have to PvP to get advantages in PvE?
I mean the last game we played was GW2 and I was so excited for how they portrayed PvE in that game too but it was all BS and it ended up as almost a completely PvP game and after that point I really don't know what to think nobody else but me wants to really give this game a shot =\ Hell if what they're saying is true I wouldn't want to play it either but I don't think it would happen.