I was surprised to find out that their tweaking made 95% of the games mostly lagless for me, or decent enough to where it doesn't seem to almost ever affect my gameplay. I still get the occasional "How did he live?" moments, but I can't think of any online shooter out of the bunch I play that doesn't have that syndrome once in a while.
My friend had quit for a while due to the lag (including some ragequit moments), but now him and I are just absolutely rolling the enemy teams, match after match. I had 2 bar in a game and went on a 23 kill streak without dying. He went 29-5 on a match. Most of the matches ended with us 20+ kills and at the top of the scoreboards. Feels damn good!
I've also been fairly surprised at how easy it has been to find games on both of the map packs. Was in full games the majority of the night. I'm not sure what times people are playing at that causes them not able to find any other players. Yes, it happens ONCE in a while for me, but I can get on at 5am EST and still manage to find full games.
I only wish this game had a large following like the other big games out there. Maybe I'm a bit of a Crysis fanboy, but I just love the series. It is my absolute favorite.
Anyone else been noticing improvements, or been having fun in general?