I played all the Elder Scrolls games and started Fallout with the third release. I love all of these games. I just got my phsyical copy legally aquired like many others for PC. Hyped as hell, I insert the disk and try to install it. Then after activating the code it says that this game cannot be installed because it is not released yet.
I cannot even install the local files; instead I have to preload it for a day with my super bad internet connection. I literally cannot make use of the physical CD. He downloads ALL the files of the game instead it seems cause it is "not released".
I don't understand...All the consoles players are allowed to play it before release. I am like them and many others, a simple guy that just wants to play the game without leaking any content or streaming or whatever you ban people for.
I don't get it D': Have mercy Bethesda. This is suffering. I look at my copy and can't do anything with it I mean I can't even "pre-install" it from the CD
Nooooooooooooooooooooo. Not another 3 days. What did the PC consumers do different than the console ones?
Release us from our suffering