None, please, assuming they do it in the style of hackdirt or the dunwich building. Lovecraft is only scary if it's about unreckonable monstrosities which humanity has no hope of defeating. The ghouls and puffy-faced people of dunwich and hackdirt just weren't frightening.
Agreed hack dirt isnt scary if you look at thier ugly domes, but i was playing with no lights on and in game lighting dimmed, so i couldn't tell first time through. as a huge Lovecraft fan though I appreciate the effort
It would make my day to see a true lovecraftian story, a misssion full of creepiness and lore, and at the end finding a tome that upon reading it puts you into a dream like state "dream quest." you have to fight/think your way out. and getting a spell or a "perk" with maybe a tiny negative side effect showing that your scarred for life. something akin to the quest from oblivion i forget the name where the mans trapped in his dream.