Low average framerates: normal or bug?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:54 pm

I'm running Win7 64 with twin 5850 in Xfire and phenom II 955 at 3.5Ghz with 8GB 1333 RAM. I'm getting about an average framerate of 35 or 40 in most multiplayer maps, and it often dips into the 20s on Skyline and Pier 17 even without explosions or gunfire around me. The framerate drop is completely random, I could be overlooking the entire map or at a wall and it would still have drops into the 20s. This choppiness really hurts my aim and manuverability when someone does jump out in front of me, and it's made the whole gameplay feel sloppy.

I'm currently running all graphics settings on 'very high' and post processing on 'custom' due to ATI Xfire. I have everything turned off in background and I always have ping of 100 or below.

What framerates are you people getting?
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:51 am

I have noticed that ever since Update 1.8 that whenever I get close to someone who has a ping of over 200 my screen will start to lag and becomes choppy. It's infuriating because I can become disoriented and die because of this. My ping is usually around 20-40, pretty good right? But that only matters when a person with a similar ping comes around. If someone with a bad ping comes near you the only upside is that, you know that someone with a bad ping is near you. Past that there are no upsides to this, well, maybe there is for them at least. Oh, and it doesn't seem to matter if they are friend or foe, lag is lag, and they are giving it to you like the flu. The notion that it is the people with bad pings that cause this is supported by the fact that if I get past the lag and kill them, everything goes back to normal.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:59 am

Im on the other side of the coin with flairtonic, I have bad ping eversince (200+ on a "good" server), but after 1.8 I'm choppy as hell and stays that way, from 45 fps my average is down to 18. Sometimes I will have good fps but still is choppy.

Playing on unranked server with a few guys is still smooth though
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:37 am

crossfire don't work right, its that simple, crytek needs to get crossfire going.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:23 am

crossfire don't work right, its that simple, crytek needs to get crossfire going.

No sh1t man, this is a big fail for a company that created the most graphically advanced videogame in the world just 4 years ago.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:38 am

Im on the other side of the coin with flairtonic, I have bad ping eversince (200+ on a "good" server), but after 1.8 I'm choppy as hell and stays that way, from 45 fps my average is down to 18. Sometimes I will have good fps but still is choppy.

Playing on unranked server with a few guys is still smooth though

I am not surprised by your statement, it seems that they may have changed how the game deals with lag. Obviously for the worse, proves that it is the game programming and not the user's computer.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:38 am

my framerates went up but the game is soooo choppy now. i cant get into a firefight at all. I freeze and then when it catches up i am dead. I installed the newest nvidia drivers, and i am running 2x285 gtx in sli mode. Am getting 100 to 150 frames a sec.
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