Low Level Crafted Gear

Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:54 pm

Since the game launched Obsidian has been adding in quite a bit of new crafting recipes for some very useful low level gear and I thought I'd collect them together. This batch is for items that don't require any special perks to get the recipe for. If anyone notices one I missed please kick in.

Rushing Water (Lonesome Road)
(25 Survival Skill / Made at Campfire)
-Combines Jet with Purified Water (Non-addictive but Legion treats it as a drug)
-Increases your attack speed by 50% for a short length of time. This works but only with certain weapon animations.
-It has no effect on the number of attacks you can make in VATS, it has no effect on full automatic weapons or weapons with scopes while they are zoomed in
-It will work with regular shots from non-full auto weapons and when zoomed in with iron sights. For example it will work while zoomed in with a regular Varmint Rifle but put a Night Vision scope on the rifle and it fires at the regular speed when zoomed in.
Note: Taking multiple doses doesn't increase the speed of your attacks but (unlike most other consumables) it will increase the duration the effect lasts (not sure if this is intentional or a bug so may be patched out).

Satchel Charge (Lonesome Road)
(25 Explosives Skill / Made at Workbench but you have to break down pistol ammo at a Handloader bench for some of the ingredients)
-Combines a Sensor Module, Scrap Electronics, 50 Pistol Powder, 50 Lead
-It's placed on the ground like a land mine and does a lot of damage for such a low level recipe.

Weapon Binding Ritual (Honest Hearts)
(25 Melee Skill / Made at a Campfire but the leather belts are made at a Work Bench)
-Combines a Knife, Healing Powder, Leather Belt and Wonder Glue
-Increases the damage of each Melee and Unarmed attack by 10 points for 2 minutes, increases limb condition by 150 points and drains 2 hit points per second for 2 seconds.
-The big pro for the WBR is that is the only craftable item that will heal crippled limbs that doesn't require Cave Fungus. The big con is it uses Wonderglue which is semi-rare (though not as rare as Cave Fungus) and might be better used for Weapon Repair Kits.
Note: Because it increases a set amount rather than percentage of each attack it's best used with fast attacking weapons like knives rather than slow heavy hitters like sledgehammers.

Healing Poultice (Honest Hearts)
(20 Survival Skill / Made at Campfire)
-Combines Cave Fungus, Nevada Agave Fruit, Xander Root and Broc Flower
-Increases Limb Condition by 250. At 100 Survival skill it also increases hit points by 12 points for 18 seconds and inflicts -2 Agility for 18 seconds.
Note: Very useful recipe but Cave Fungus is hard to come by in the regular Mojave (being a rare drop from Legion troops) so it requires regular trips to Zion where the fungus is much more common.

Large Wasteland Tequila (Honest Hearts)
(40 Survival Skill / Made at Campfire)
-Combines a Large Whiskey Bottle, 2 Nevada Agave Fruit and 2 Purified Water
-With low Survival Skill it does +3 Strength / +1 Charisma / -3 Intelligence for 4 minutes and +2 DT for 2 minutes
-With 100 Survival skill it does +9 Strength / +3 Charisma / -9 Intelligence for 4 minutes and +6 DT for 2 minutes
Note: The Strength boost can be very handy for hard melee fights and for loading up with extra loot before fast travelling to a merchant but this has a very high Addiction Chance of 15% so be sure to save before using it. Also if you're having trouble finding Large Whiskey Bottles check the NCRCF.

Firey Purgative (Lonesome Road)
(25 Survival Skill / Made at Campfire)
-Combines Vodka, Jalapeno Pepper and White Horsenettle
-Cures animal Poison, -5 rds per second for 10 seconds and -1 Endurance for 10 seconds.
-This recipe would have been a god send in Fallout 3 but in FONV it seems to be more for roleplaying flavor (for those that like to play a primitive survivalist type character that doesn't go to doctors) as irradiated areas are much rarer and Radaway very common. It does have the advantage that, of the poison cures, it has the most readily available ingredients.

Snakebite Tourniquet (Lonesome Road)
(30 Survival Skill / Made at Campdire)
-Combines Buffalo Gourd Seed and Surgical Tubing.
-Cures poisons and increases your Posion Resistance +85 for 30 secs.
-This is applied automatically when you're posioned but it can be used from the inventory like any other consumable if you want the poison resistance prior to the fight.
Note: Surgical Tubing is relatively rare as a placed item or drop so be sure to buy any you find on merchants.

Gas Bomb (Dead Money)
(40 Explosives Skill / Made at Workbench)
-Combines Duct Tape, Pilot Light, Scrap Electronics and Sensor Module.
-An area of effect "land mine" it does 80 damage and sets it's victims on fire, doing a bit more damage over 5 seconds.
-Pros are it can be thrown further than most other land mines so it's safer to use when you're being chased but the big con is it weighs 5 lbs so you're really better off using the sensor module and scrap electronics to make a Satchel Charge which does considerably more damage and weighs only .75 lbs.

Black Coffee (Honest Hearts)
(15 Survival Skill / Made at Campfire)
-Combines a Coffee Pot (you get this item back after the combine), a Coffee Mug (you don't get back),a Honey Mesquite Pod and Coyote Tobacco Chew.
-At low Survival skill it gives +2 Intelligence / -1 Agility / +5 Hit Points / +5 Dehydration / -20 Sleep / -2 Starvation.
-At 100 Survival skil it gives +6 Intelligence / -3 Agility / +15 Hit Points / + 15 Dehydration / -60 Sleep / -6 Starvation.
-Mainly useful for passing intelligence checks it has the advantage of not being addictive the way Mentats are.
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Tom Flanagan
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