low poly graphic replacers

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:19 pm

I don't have a terribly powerful pc, so I'm looking for low-poly graphics replacers. Are there any?
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Misty lt
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:46 am

I don't have a terribly powerful pc, so I'm looking for low-poly graphics replacers. Are there any?

I use Richer Textures by Lattice as my base replacer. It just sharpens up most of the vanilla textures without any affecting frame rates. Unfortunately Lattice decided to retire from modding and pulled it off TES Nexus so there aren't any screenshots. He did however allow it to be uploaded to a temp site. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22081676/Richer_Textures_v1-34510.7z
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:23 am

I'm kind of confused by the question. Are you looking for just slight upgrades, or something that's even less demanding than the vanilla Morrowind graphics?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:14 am

I don't have a terribly powerful pc, so I'm looking for low-poly graphics replacers. Are there any?

Using the originals would likely be your best bet.

You say "poly" which means you're asking about meshes (not textures.) There is http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1179002-wipreplacer-better-meshes-plus-optimization/ that is improving the poly counts on many meshes, but the improvement in overall gameplay is going to be very minimal for you.
If you meant textures, you don;t really have to worry about any performance loss from using almost any texture you want.

Worrying about polys for basic gameplay is rather pointless. You are much better off using something like the http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=utilities.detail&id=22 to hep stabilize your game. It has options to "Hide small objects currently small (ie: not near you)" and other such things. This improves performance a lot for weak laptops, etc.

There are other tricks/options for boosting performance. Utilizing them is much easier than finding mods that lower poly count.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:23 am

I use Richer Textures by Lattice as my base replacer. It just sharpens up most of the vanilla textures without any affecting frame rates. Unfortunately Lattice decided to retire from modding and pulled it off TES Nexus so there aren't any screenshots. He did however allow it to be uploaded to a temp site. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22081676/Richer_Textures_v1-34510.7z

Thats a bad link unfortunately It works! Thank you!!

Using the originals would likely be your best bet.

You say "poly" which means you're asking about meshes (not textures.) There is http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1179002-wipreplacer-better-meshes-plus-optimization/ that is improving the poly counts on many meshes, but the improvement in overall gameplay is going to be very minimal for you.
If you meant textures, you don;t really have to worry about any performance loss from using almost any texture you want.

Worrying about polys for basic gameplay is rather pointless. You are much better off using something like the http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=utilities.detail&id=22 to hep stabilize your game. It has options to "Hide small objects currently small (ie: not near you)" and other such things. This improves performance a lot for weak laptops, etc.

There are other tricks/options for boosting performance. Utilizing them is much easier than finding mods that lower poly count.

Thank you for correcting me. yes I had mean textures. I do have FPS Optimizer, and it works wonders. What other tips and tricks to improve performance are there?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:54 pm

There is http://morrowind4kids.com/mw4kfiles/LowFatMorrowind/. I don't know if it will really increase your FPS, but it may be worth a try.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:30 am

There is http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1179002-wipreplacer-better-meshes-plus-optimization/ that is improving the poly counts on many meshes, but the improvement in overall gameplay is going to be very minimal for you.

Lol minimal? It'll kill his gameplay, that guy is not "optimizing" them, he is just adding overly too much amount of polycount.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:15 pm

Search The morrowind anti mod on google. It removes a ton of objects and can really help framerate. For bloodmoon someone made a mod which removes some of the trees and twigs and such to improve framerate as well.

I dont have the thread anymore but there was a tweak guide to improve fps for low end computers which you should look at.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:12 am

Thank you for correcting me. yes I had mean textures. I do have FPS Optimizer, and it works wonders. What other tips and tricks to improve performance are there?

Well, like I said, you can use almost any texture you want it your performance will not change. My crappy laptop can handle any texture I've tried.

Other tricks are:
- open your Morrowind ini file and change this line: Max FPS=240 to Max FPS=60
- Disable shadows
- Make sure your music isn't fully muted in-game. (turn it up one notch to the right if so)
- use the "Accelerate pointer" option in the FPS Opt
- try the "Input lag fix" that MGE has
- close all other programs, and play in full screen mode (not windowed)

Avoid mods that add lots of NPCs or have intense scripts running, these are what cause the most slow-down.

Search The morrowind anti mod on google. It removes a ton of objects and can really help framerate. For bloodmoon someone made a mod which removes some of the trees and twigs and such to improve framerate as well.

I would not recommend that, since it removes things from the game entirely. Instead use the "Hide objects..." option that that FPS Optimizer has. It does the exact same thing, except that it only hides objects that are far away instead of deleting them forever. :)
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Alba Casas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:46 am

Lol minimal? It'll kill his gameplay, that guy is not "optimizing" them, he is just adding overly too much amount of polycount.

Alright dude, really? I dare you to make the models look just as good with alot fewer polys then I am using. And dont act like I am not optimizing them or you didnt read anything in that thread, current replacers overall add double the number of polys I am using and in some cases, current ones use 4x or more then what I do.(I use the word optimization, but I am not sure that is truely correct as I am making the models from scratch and not actually editing anything done by other people, either way I have reduced use of polys from current replacers) I am all for constructive critisism but unless you know something I dont, you shouldnt say things like that to put it kindly. Besides, in most cases my poly number doesnt excede 4-10x the original model that came with the game and I would say computers today are at least that good to keep up, wouldnt you?

As for the thread at hand, as long as you arnt using overly huge textures(in otherwords the ones currently out there are fine) it shouldnt have much effect at all. If you dont have a videocard you could see some effect, otherwise you should be fine.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:20 am

Rather than dumbing down your games to fit a lousy machine, have you actually started by optimising the hell out of the machine you have got?

Can you add more memory? That makes most difference to game speed and is a very cheap and cost-effective upgrade. Can you get a new, faster hard disk to run your OS and games from? If your machine is very old then I can assure you that access speeds have improved tremendously over the last five to ten years, even on magnetic disks, never mind SSDs which are rapidly becoming mainstream. Have you defragmented your disk thoroughly? Have you updated to the latest drivers for your hardware?

Have you considered reinstalling Windows? Sometimes old installs just get choked with adding and removing stuff continually and a complete reinstall is an effective spring clean. Have you set your pagefile correctly? If you must have one because your RAM quantity is low, the best practice is to fix the minimum and maximum size setting the same and NOT to allow Windows to manage it, as this causes major disk fragmentation. It should also be on a different physical disk (not just a different partition on the same disk) from your OS if possible. But if you need one, it should be on the fastest disk you have available.

I'd suggest that with a little time and a small amount of cash invested you can make a significant improvement to the machine you have got, which will benefit everything you do on it. That's surely better than reducing your game experience without checking to see if there are simple fixes you can try first.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:59 am

(I use the word optimization, but I am not sure that is truely correct...)

You just said it yourself. I don't have anything against you, but using the term "optimization" obviously confuses people, as you can see by above suggestion by Pluto.

and I would say computers today are at least that good to keep up, wouldnt you?

It's funny to say that in a thread like this :P Not really, no. People still have to mess with old machines and most people use FPS Optimizer and such to svck out most of the game's fluidity.

So not to get me wrong, I'm not against your project at all.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:45 am

Sometimes it is not the replacers that make the game but rather the extra gameplay from companions such as Julan, quests like Reign of Fire, more active towns with LCoV and CoM 2, or delicious filler like LGNPC

MCP helps significantly in improving the game's stability - though if you really want to enjoy the game in all it's modded glory then i agree with IanB2 - pump up your machine - Morrowind can give years of enjoyment and is worth the investment - I was truly blown away the day i could finally play using MGE - Vurt's trees and grasses made my jaw drop :)
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