Many of you might know that after you pay the $60 USD for Elder Scrolls Online it self there's a $15 USD monthly fee to keep playing Elder Scrolls Online. This Decision from the Dev's are making people reluctant about buying the game because for most people, they don't want to spend a extra $15 a month to play Elder Scrolls Online. A possible solution to this not to get rid of the monthly fee at all but to decrease it to $5, many people that I spoke to loved the idea behind it. Then I also asked people if they would pay $10 a month the repose from that was not the same as the $5 but many said " I would like that over $15". So in all terns maybe lowering the monthly fee to $0-10 would be good to bring more players to the game. Also another way to bring more players is to open a downloadable F2P Mini-Beta for all platforms this includes ( PC/Mac, Xbox, PlayStation) Now on the Topic about (Pre-Paided cards) Maybe half of the player base that would play Elder Scrolls Online don't have a Credit/Debit card to pay for the monthly fee online. Now speaking on a personal matter I'm one of those people that don't have a Credit/Debit card so I have no way of paying the Monthly fee . So i think they need to consider on marketing the monthly fees on a Pre-Paided Cards like at local game vender's.
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