» Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:58 pm
I'm not sorry because you are an even bigger idiot.
The things that crytek allowed you to do on crysis 2 were almost unimaginable. Whatever direction or move your simple mind could think of it allowed you to do
Yes,called ledge grab.I recall some 1990 games having it.Also crouch slide,featured in hundreds of games.Really groundbreaking.Are there any other moves i forgot?
. Crysis 2 was by far the best shooter game ever created, no other game has the capabilities of crysis 2. You are not a true gamer if you could not love Crysis 2.
That sentence makes you either a troll or an even bigger idiot.A CoD map size game,with cod gun mechanics,noobvisilibility to hide like a sissy,thousands of bugs,extremely consolized and the most boring campaign of its year is the best shooter ever?
Why don't you go back to Xbox with your 10yo friends and come back when you realized how big of a stupid statement you just made.
By the way what is your kill to death ratio on other shooter games that you find better than Crysis 2. Take a pic of them and post it.
For fux sake are you retarded? What does my K/D ratio have to do with the quality of any game.Also who cares about k/d except nerdy fat kids?
What is your gamertag i'll beat you at any game.
I don't own a console.I'm not that stupid.Also with a controller good luck beating anyone with IQ over 20.
Overall = troll 9/10 , fell for it initially