Loyalists vs Rebels

Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:23 am

I've been lurking for a while and have yet to see a thread about this, so here it is:

I know that Skyrim is under and civil war and its also being attacked by dragons. Everyone is focusing on the flying reptiles, but not on the civil war itself. What I want to see is the rare seige of a rebel town and our ability to decide to help the town, help the attacking forces, or just leave it be. Or the occasional rebel foray into a Loyalist town or just field battles against the 2 factions. I mean there is a civil war going on, right? I know that dragons are important, but ad a rebel leader, I'd take advantage of this and go and disrupt supply lines or something.

tr ; dr
You should stop being lazy and read the thing but, Would you prefer to see rebels and loyalist forces battle each other: in towns, seige warfare, in open fields?

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:24 pm

i just want dogmeat
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:49 pm

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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:50 pm

Brian: Brothers, brothers. We should be struggling together.
Nord Rebel: We are!
Brian: We musn't fight each other. Surely we should be united against the common enemy.
All: The Dunmer!!!
Brian: No. No. The Dragons!!
All: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes.
Nord Loyalist: Yeah. He's right.
Nord Rebel: Right. Where were we?
Nord Loyalist: Uh. You were going to punch me.
Nord Rebel: Oh yeah.
--------[The fight breaks out again. More dragons approach to find all
members of both groups except Brian basically kill each other.
They walk up to the surprised Brian, and all goes black...]
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:01 am

That's going to be awesome, along as the chaos doesn't start until i do a certain quest, cause id like the explore with the worry of saving towns. Imo it would be annoying if the town started getting raided while i'm shopping in the first few hours of my gameplay.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:14 pm

I don't know why, but the title made me think this was a tie in to Star Wars. :lol:

Do you also want to put a giant death ray on Secunda and have Alduin end up being your father? Because that would be pretty sweet too. :P
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:36 pm

I hope we get to choose a side in the conflict instead of having our side presented too us.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:44 pm

The topic of the Nordic Civil War has unfortunately been skimmed over at every opportunity. As awesome as dragons are, the political situation of Skyrim and our character's ability to affect it can have a huge impact on the game world.

I'm very heavily in favor of 'random events' between Loyalist and Rebel factions. Raids and full out battles in the wilderness would be very cool to stumble upon in your travels. Seeing prisoners being lead to internment or executed would be a great (if grim) way to remind the player that there is more going on than just Alduin's return. Becoming a high ranking officer in one of the factions could mean the difference between being greeted in towns by cheering or angry glares. Also, lest we forget that it would give Bethesda great incentive to design snazzy looking armour for the factions' warriors.

I also hope dearly that we are given the choice to support one of the factions rather than just being a random observer that fights dragons. We should be able to determine the future of Skyrim politically as well as saving it from being turned into dragon chow.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:17 pm

Very nice idea, allowing more quest lines to open up, and change the way a town works by siding with one side or the other.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:12 pm

I hope we get to choose a side in the conflict instead of having our side presented too us.

^Yes, please.

Also, since there are some dragons who A. can talk B. are involved in quests and C. aren't trying to eat us on sight -- maybe one side of the civil is trying to use the dragons against the other side. perhaps the PC must try to enlist a particular dragon to help whichever side he wants to win the war.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:29 pm

yes the civil war unfolding while the dragon invasion is going on is exactly what i want. im pretty sure Skyrim will touch the civil war, but im unsure how much. with an economy system, it would make you think that logistics would have an effect on the civil war. cities probably wouldn't change hands outside the MQ, but i think forts/outposts might. field battles getting interrupted by dragons would be amazing to witness. the sheer chaos as loyals and rebels are fighting themselves and dragons at the same time. and then you show up and start Shouting and the chaos gets cranked up to 11!
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:48 pm

yes the civil war unfolding while the dragon invasion is going on is exactly what i want. im pretty sure Skyrim will touch the civil war, but im unsure how much. with an economy system, it would make you think that logistics would have an effect on the civil war. cities probably wouldn't change hands outside the MQ, but i think forts/outposts might. field battles getting interrupted by dragons would be amazing to witness. the sheer chaos as loyals and rebels are fighting themselves and dragons at the same time. and then you show up and start Shouting and the chaos gets cranked up to 11!

Great visual image, there

I'm sure at least one of the soldiers will yell "Come on, you monster!"

Dragon: "Om nom nom" (as he bites the soldier's head off)
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:10 am

I don't know why, but the title made me think this was a tie in to Star Wars. :lol:

Do you also want to put a giant death ray on Secunda and have Alduin end up being your father? Because that would be pretty sweet too. :P

I thought of the american revolution :P
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:18 pm

The topic of the Nordic Civil War has unfortunately been skimmed over at every opportunity. As awesome as dragons are, the political situation of Skyrim and our character's ability to affect it can have a huge impact on the game world.

I'm very heavily in favor of 'random events' between Loyalist and Rebel factions. Raids and full out battles in the wilderness would be very cool to stumble upon in your travels. Seeing prisoners being lead to internment or executed would be a great (if grim) way to remind the player that there is more going on than just Alduin's return. Becoming a high ranking officer in one of the factions could mean the difference between being greeted in towns by cheering or angry glares. Also, lest we forget that it would give Bethesda great incentive to design snazzy looking armour for the factions' warriors.

I also hope dearly that we are given the choice to support one of the factions rather than just being a random observer that fights dragons. We should be able to determine the future of Skyrim politically as well as saving it from being turned into dragon chow.

Totally agree, I imagine myself that being Dragonborn would give you noticeable significance in the civil unrest situation anyway. What Warlord wouldn't want a mythical hero fighting on their side? And after you've chosen a side, I'd also imagine that the other side is going to do everything they can to try to counter that advantge, i.e. anything from assassination attempts, to raids, to sabotage, or even bribery and coercion. There's a lot of possibility for political complexity, I think.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:11 pm

yes the civil war unfolding while the dragon invasion is going on is exactly what i want. im pretty sure Skyrim will touch the civil war, but im unsure how much. with an economy system, it would make you think that logistics would have an effect on the civil war. cities probably wouldn't change hands outside the MQ, but i think forts/outposts might. field battles getting interrupted by dragons would be amazing to witness. the sheer chaos as loyals and rebels are fighting themselves and dragons at the same time. and then you show up and start Shouting and the chaos gets cranked up to 11!

This too, would love to see a large scale organized battle turned barbeque :D
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alicia hillier
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:19 pm

I'd love to have a mutual hatred between two factions that eventually escalates into a riot in the streets.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:40 am

I hope we get to choose a side in the conflict instead of having our side presented too us.


I would love to be able to decide which side I'm on.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:09 pm

The topic of the Nordic Civil War has unfortunately been skimmed over at every opportunity. As awesome as dragons are, the political situation of Skyrim and our character's ability to affect it can have a huge impact on the game world.

I'm very heavily in favor of 'random events' between Loyalist and Rebel factions. Raids and full out battles in the wilderness would be very cool to stumble upon in your travels. Seeing prisoners being lead to internment or executed would be a great (if grim) way to remind the player that there is more going on than just Alduin's return. Becoming a high ranking officer in one of the factions could mean the difference between being greeted in towns by cheering or angry glares. Also, lest we forget that it would give Bethesda great incentive to design snazzy looking armour for the factions' warriors.

I also hope dearly that we are given the choice to support one of the factions rather than just being a random observer that fights dragons. We should be able to determine the future of Skyrim politically as well as saving it from being turned into dragon chow.

^ THIS !!!!!!!!!! ^ :tops:
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:43 pm

yes the civil war unfolding while the dragon invasion is going on is exactly what i want. im pretty sure Skyrim will touch the civil war, but im unsure how much. with an economy system, it would make you think that logistics would have an effect on the civil war. cities probably wouldn't change hands outside the MQ, but i think forts/outposts might. field battles getting interrupted by dragons would be amazing to witness. the sheer chaos as loyals and rebels are fighting themselves and dragons at the same time. and then you show up and start Shouting and the chaos gets cranked up to 11!

That reminds me of a time in F:NV I stumbled across Ceasars Legion and NCR troops fighting and a giant rad scorpion came in an dominated the fight. The sheer hilarity and awesomeness of stuff like that makes the game feel soo much more alI've.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:19 am

I want some hanging, some execution for treason....

or we could send them to the wall to take the black.... :)
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:30 pm

Whoa! you mean Skyrim's fight for Independence. We shouldnt call it a civil war, because Skyrim is just trying to claim their own land, so it should be view as a fight for independence.

Skyrim! Skyrim! Skyrim! (im for the rebels if you dont know by now.)
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:38 pm

That reminds me of a time in F:NV I stumbled across Ceasars Legion and NCR troops fighting and a giant rad scorpion came in an dominated the fight. The sheer hilarity and awesomeness of stuff like that makes the game feel soo much more alI've.

i encountered something like that although it was a deathclaw that had been following me unbeknownst to me. i saw NCR and Legion fighting and then joined in and all of a sudden both the legionares and NCR stopped fighting each other and started shooting behind me. i turn around and to my chagrin a bigass deathclaw was racing towards me. needless to say i was at a low level so i ran and put the NCR guys between him and me..........it worked although they all died. i chose to use the NCR as bait not because i was againt them i just figured they would last a bit longer. :)
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:17 pm

Well Winterhold is apparently a rebel city... and the College of Winterhold is in Winterhold (probably).... so Rebels :P
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:14 am

Rebels, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH8b5ruc_-E
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:52 pm

Honestly, Cyrodil needs all the help it can get.
I would love to see all types of battles though.
I would probably be a nordic rebel.
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