Ltag is unbalanced since they nerfed Max nano suit, a direct hit can 1 hit you using the kill streak max nanosuit award :/ Indirect is far less effective, taking around three hits. A car can 1 hit you as well, either from exploding randomly, or being thrown at you. During server lag, max nanosuit is near perfectly nerfed.
Marshall as far as I am aware can not 1 hit a max nanosuit (unless its during orbital lag, as the benefits of max nanosuit a lagged out, yes i'm serious that its that lame). Marshall can 2-3 hit Max nanosuit (getting normal 1 hit kill shots), single shot jackel takes about 3-4 hits (getting normal 1 hit kill shots). Marshall head shots are reasonably hard to get perfectly, i've seen some people do it especially when the game first came out (cheaters) then a very large decline in the number of players that could do so. If you get shotgun headshots, then it may take less. I have been killed and killed people with less, however that was usually after or during a firefight where they took damage from else where. Three people can take down a max nanosuit near instantly now.
Also Marshall does a bit better at 3-5 metres than at 1-2 metres.
Rather than armour enhance, I think nano recharge 3 is a fair better option for making max nanosuit better.