Spoiler When i Enter the casino everything all robots are hostile so i figure kill them make my way to house and maybe ill get a dialogue option. (this is before i knew what his deal was) in the pent house i see a big computer with a connection errorr screen and i hack two terminals to get to his body open him up and run through the limited dialogue options. go back out and there is now a face on the computer, both screens with error and face had no action option so i could not start a conversation with him
now i got frustrated last night when i encountered this and realised i have a big problem i have to straighten out, so i just shut off the 360 and decided id get some imput from others before i load a game. Also i had an idea that i have yet to try(in class till 2 est) I'm not sure if this would work but the owner of the atomic wrangler has a dialogue option for him to spread word of your awesomeness. An option is " I would like people to forget what i have done" and after that screen there is a few price options ranging from 200-1000 caps. I figure whats it going to hurt to try this option before restarting? though i highly doubt it will work
I really don't what to load that saved game because it was so long ago and ive done so many things since then i don't really want to redo. I'm hoping they will patch it since the bug is their fault for making robots in vault 11 lucky 38 faction! but i doubt they could or would patch it to save not only my time and game but countless others with this problem.