Lucky 38 Suite Expansion by Marksman
Change Log:
Version 1.2
-Removed background music
-Changed Bed Name to 'My Bed'
-Added Well Rested perk to Bed
-Replaced Ovens to fix overlap (please remove any items you have in the 2 ovens before upgrading to this version)
-Repositioned Fridges to sit on the floor instead of hovering 2 inches above it.
-Added a working computer terminal to the bedroom which allows control of radio stations and performance lighting.
(Please Note: The Master lighting is only a method to allow use of 5 light sources instead of all the original light sources, the original lighting can still be turned on and off if the master lights are enabled or disabled)
-Added an optional compatible bobblehunt.esp (version 1.15) to download (all credits to Galahaut and LePropugnator, original version can be found here:
-Changed installation method to install files directly into the data folder rather than the New Vegas folder.
Version 1.1
-Added and fixed the NavMesh
Lucky 38 Suite Expansion by Marksman
Installation and Use:
-To install this mod simply extract the files folder into your Fallout New Vegas DATA folder
(Typically located here: \Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data)
-Then enable the 'Lucky 38 Suite Expansion.esp' in your launcher under Data Files.
About this mod:
This mod completely overhauls and expands the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite, when I first arrived at the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite I was very dissapointed with what I saw, as a result I completely redesigned the layout of the suite making it more functional for a wasteland explorer. With a significant increase in storage added plus the many crafting features this mod now gives you the player a true base of operations in a upper class environment, this mod is everything the Lucky 38 suite should have been! Many of the changes within this mod have been built into the Upgrade Terminal within the suite, the new upgrades are not free and the original upgrades have been repriced to more realistic levels, it may be abit more expensive but its worth it!
Features include:
- Added Camp Grill Upgrade
- Added Ammo Bench Upgrade
- Added Infirmary Upgrade
- Added Chemistry Set Upgrade
- Added Crafting Storage Upgrade
- Added Ammo Storage Upgrade
- Added Food Storage Upgrade
- Added Weapon + Armour Storage Upgrade
- Added Nuka Vending Machine Upgrade
- Added Jukebox Upgrade
- Added Map Marker to front of Casino
- Added Light Switches for each room with vastly improved lighting
- Redesign of all rooms including changing the entrance hall into a small display room
- Added Workshop room
- Removed Dust Particles
- Priced and Repriced all original upgrades and new upgrades to more realistic costs
- Added a computer terminal to the bedroom which allows you to enable low lag lighting and change the music station on all the radio's
- Created a compatible version of the Bobblehunt mod by Galahaut
- (Original version can be found here:
Known Issues:
- Sometimes when purchasing the 'Lucky 38 Upgrades' from the terminal the upgrade goes into your inventory instead of automatically installing, if this happens drops the upgrade (by right clicking in your inventory) and pick them up again, this will install your upgrade.
- The Jukebox Upgrade will not be affected by changing the radios via the bedroom terminal and is currently set to the Mojave Radio station only.
- When enabling the Master Lights via the bedroom terminal the light switches will not work on the first click, the second click will set them back to normal.
Any mod that changes the interior of Suite 38.
Any feedback, sugggestions or problems please leave a comment and if you enjoyed this mod please endorse