[RELEASE] Luggage

Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:08 am


I'm calling this a beta right now because it's a bit complicated and I bet someone can figure out a way to break it. It works as far as I can tell though.

I'm thinking of changing this to one container that has multiple add/remove options, and then a few different models. Let me know what you think.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:01 am

Aww I was expecting The Luggage from Discworld. :D

But this is cool too.
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James Potter
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:04 pm

Aww I was expecting The Luggage from Discworld. :D

But this is cool too.

The Luggage from Discworld would pwn every mutant, kinda like cheating
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:32 pm

Aww I was expecting The Luggage from Discworld. :D

But this is cool too.

I named it at two in the morning and decided to go with simplicity. Maybe I should rename it. :P
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anna ley
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:59 pm

BETA 2 is up. It fixes a few issues and makes the bag smarter about sorting for craft purposes.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:17 pm

BETA 3 is up.

The bag now transfers to containers without crashing the game.

The bag won't look like it belongs to someone else in another owner's cell.

The bag now has an option to take all campfire crafting items back out.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:21 pm

Aww I was expecting The Luggage from Discworld. :D

But this is cool too.
Yeah, me too.

The Luggage from Discworld would pwn every mutant, kinda like cheating
No law against God items, are there?

I named it at two in the morning and decided to go with simplicity. Maybe I should rename it. :P
into "perfectly ordinary, non-sentient, non-eaten luggage, with-no-legs"
I'd trademark that if I was you B)
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:05 am

So can this be used like a Bag of Holding where I can load it up with all my stuff and it will only weigh 5 lbs (whatever the Luggage weight is set to) or is it I put 50 lbs into it and it weighs 50 lbs in my inventory? If it's the 50 lb way would it be possible to make another version that has the items inside have no weight for all us hoarders?
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:02 pm

And perhaps make it also a cosmetic item so it shows up on your back? :sadvaultboy:

The JNF Portable Camping did something similiar. Without NVSE.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:27 am

I've been ninja'd...

I did pretty much the same thing as you have with my FO3 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8876.
If you're having any issues doing anything, you are more than welcome to look at my mod to see if there is anything in it that will help you.

Although the way I did some things (like keeping up with the weight of the items inside) needed some FOSE functions that never got added, maybe NVSE will get them.

Good luck with it, Kobu.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:32 pm

So can this be used like a Bag of Holding where I can load it up with all my stuff and it will only weigh 5 lbs (whatever the Luggage weight is set to) or is it I put 50 lbs into it and it weighs 50 lbs in my inventory? If it's the 50 lb way would it be possible to make another version that has the items inside have no weight for all us hoarders?

It would take some effort to remove the weight functions. Making a cheat version is pretty low priority for me. Maybe when I have everything else working the way I like.

And perhaps make it also a cosmetic item so it shows up on your back? :sadvaultboy:

The JNF Portable Camping did something similiar. Without NVSE.

Oh, that's no problem at all. I mention it at the bottom of the readme. I've already made a backpack version but I wanted to think about the implications of taking up that backpack slot before I get crazy with the coding for it. I'm also still having archiveinvalidation issues so I'm going to stick with existing meshes and textures for now such as the dufflebag.

I've been ninja'd...

I did pretty much the same thing as you have with my FO3 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8876.
If you're having any issues doing anything, you are more than welcome to look at my mod to see if there is anything in it that will help you.

Although the way I did some things (like keeping up with the weight of the items inside) needed some FOSE functions that never got added, maybe NVSE will get them.

Good luck with it, Kobu.

Oops. :)

I must have goofed my search on the Nexus because I hadn't seen that before. I'm doing things the hard, non-extended way right now but I've made a few requests that will make the bag much easier to script for. If you've got input, I'd love to hear it. I bet I'm not thinking of some handy functions to request for NVES, so if you've got ideas, maybe you could chime in in that thread?

BETA 4 is coming along nicely. I ran into a big problem after BETA 3 with handing the bag to a companion. They don't get the weight added in any way. I've got a fix. It's not pretty but I think it will improve things overall until the script extender is released. Then it's just coding in the rest of the sort lists and it should be ready for release.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:11 am

Well, of course! I thought it would be kinda neat having the said dufflebag on the back :celebration:

But hey, just throwing in mah 2 cents.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:00 pm

Oops. :)

I must have goofed my search on the Nexus because I hadn't seen that before. I'm doing things the hard, non-extended way right now but I've made a few requests that will make the bag much easier to script for. If you've got input, I'd love to hear it. I bet I'm not thinking of some handy functions to request for NVES, so if you've got ideas, maybe you could chime in in that thread?

BETA 4 is coming along nicely. I ran into a big problem after BETA 3 with handing the bag to a companion. They don't get the weight added in any way. I've got a fix. It's not pretty but I think it will improve things overall until the script extender is released. Then it's just coding in the rest of the sort lists and it should be ready for release.

Well, I haven't got FO:NV yet (can't afford it right now), so I can't look at how you're doing anything.

First off, you'll need a SetWeight function. FOSE had it, you might want to get a request in to NVSE for that.

My Gunny Sack weighs .1 lbs empty. If the player adds 10 lbs to it, I did a SetWeight on the Gunny Sack to .1 + 10.
The catch was, the modified weight was not saved in the save game, so when the game was restarted, the weight of the Gunny Sack reverted to .1.
To fix that, I had to use a quest running all the time that used a GetGameRestarted (FOSE) to reset the weight.

I had talked to behippo about how to get around that, and he said that the save game file to save such data would be added in version 2 of FOSE... but the project was dropped before it got that far.
I'm hoping that Steam Cloud doesn't complicate the matter by controlling your save games online. We will just have to wait and see how the SE gurus handle it.

If you're having any specific issues, I'll be glad to help (if I can).
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:50 pm

I saw your post in the NVSE thread:
One more weight request that may be a bit trickier. I'd like to know how much weight a container is holding.

If you are looking for the weight of the items in your luggage, there is a way to do it without NVSE.

When the player opens the container, get the weight of their inventory with
Set fIW1 to Player.GetAV InventoryWeight
Then when they close the container, get it again.
Set fIW2 to Player.GetAV InventoryWeight
If the two weighs are not equal, then find the weight that was transfered:
Set fIW1 to (fIW1 - fIW2)
Then add that weight to the weight of the container:
Set fGSW to (fGSW + fIW1)

If you want to then modify the weight of the container to reflect the weight of the items, you're gonna have to have SetWeight, which was a FOSE function.
I don't know if there is a substitute for SetWeight in the NV:GECK... if not, you can put in a request for it in the NVSE thread.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:17 am

Thanks Ssenkrad. I've got weight functions are already working like that but I mod the player's inventory weight. That request was for some other functionality I had in mind. It's probably not too critical but it would be handy.

I'm working on an alternate method now that puts dummy items in the inventory to represent the weight. It gives a clearer current weight picture and works with the companions. Unfortunately, quest items have no weight so I have to rig it so the player can't dump the dummy items on the floor or in boxes. I've got two last tricky situations to clear up with it, but standard transfers work fine right now.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:53 am

Thanks Ssenkrad. I've got weight functions are already working like that but I mod the player's inventory weight. That request was for some other functionality I had in mind. It's probably not too critical but it would be handy.

I'm working on an alternate method now that puts dummy items in the inventory to represent the weight. It gives a clearer current weight picture and works with the companions. Unfortunately, quest items have no weight so I have to rig it so the player can't dump the dummy items on the floor or in boxes. I've got two last tricky situations to clear up with it, but standard transfers work fine right now.

Heh... Like I said, I don't have any way of looking at your mod, so I'm kinda just taking shots in the dark here.

I actually like the way you handled that better than the way I did it.
Have you looked at FO3's FWE? It has an "Ammo Has Weight" feature. It adds a quest item to the Misc tab of your Items menu on the Pip-Boy that adds the weight of your ammo to your inventory. I'm under the assumption that quest items can have weight... The Observer given to the player during the "Wasteland Survival Guide" quest also has weight... :shrug:

If you want, you could look at the FWE scripts and see how they are doing it. If you have any questions about it, you can always ask in the FO3>Mods forum in the FWE thread.
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marie breen
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:32 am

Ah, I see how AmmoWeight did it. Pretty neat trick with putting it on a piece of equipment without a biped object selected. It won't show up at all then. The only drawback is that there is nothing in the inventory to show how much the ammo contributes to weight. The other consideration is that the script is constantly running. I think I'll continue to pursue my dummy item and see how far I can get with it. If I can get container transfer of the direct dummy to work I think I'm set.

http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/Quest_Item will show that they have a weight, but don't contribute to the weight at all. If it weren't for the weight thing, they'd be ideal.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:08 pm


I'm calling this a beta right now because it's a bit complicated and I bet someone can figure out a way to break it. It works as far as I can tell though.

I'm thinking of changing this to one container that has multiple add/remove options, and then a few different models. Let me know what you think.

How is the rest of the Luggage coming along? :)
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:36 pm

How is the rest of the Luggage coming along? :)

I should have the first real release ready today. It will be called (I think) "Portable, Sortable Backpacks and Bags". Guess I'll need a new topic too. :/
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