Dear Bethesda,
i just bought 40 Lunch-Boxes for 20 Bucks. What did i get? A Power Amor, a Fat-Man and a tuned Laser Rifle.
The Rest was Crap. Some Dwellers. Thank you, i already have a Jericho, and the others? In the mean Time, i have better trained People.
What i also get was the famous 500 Caps. Hmmm... I have already 500.000 Caps. So... wow...
Wow... Three good items for my Money. Ju. Hu. 20 Bucks.
Don′t get me wrong. It is not the Money. For good things, like a lot of good weapons, i′m your′s, but for that?
I just feel ripped off !!!!!!!!!!
I′m a Fan of your Games since Fallout 3. All DLC′s, and after that New Vegas. also with all DLC′s.
I liked it alot. So much, that i thought spending Money for your Mini-Game is ok. No, it isn′t.
Do you know what a multiplicator is? Well, i dragged some People to your game. Now i will tell the same People to not buy Lunch-Boxes.
I don′t need to tell you why. I have the Feeling after the last Update you tuned down the Lunch-Boxes.
Yes, it was not the first time i bought some. Like i said, Money is not the issue, but i don′t like the Feeling to be ripped off.
What will i do? The Money is gone. Thank you.