What's the best loot you've got so far from Lunchboxes?
Mine are a Gutsy Model and Protectron Model to put on my shelf above my bed.
Anyone know why they have the names on them like "Stan" etc.?
What's the best loot you've got so far from Lunchboxes?
Mine are a Gutsy Model and Protectron Model to put on my shelf above my bed.
Anyone know why they have the names on them like "Stan" etc.?
Another lunchbox... may have been a bug.
A bottle of Nuka Cola. I was so happy?
I think the names are just who they belonged to before the war. I've seen a couple whose names were also mentioned in logs on close-by terminals.
I've found a Protectron model and an Eyebot model so far.
Those are my favourite! Now if only we can figure out a way to file it down into a sharp shiv...
That would certainly make sense. I mean where was the market competitors of lunchboxes pre-war? The only way to determine lunchbox difference is by taking a thick red pen and writing your name on it.
Some part of me thinks that's not it as there seem to be only 2 names, 1 male and 1 female. Can't remember the female one though. STAN is the one I see most often.
The Mr Handy model is the best I've had so far. Mostly plastic knives or Nukas.
Got an Ice cold Nuka Cola Quantum (heals 650 hp) from one of them. First time I saw one too
Me too. And some model. And Bubblegums. Never can′t have enough of those I swear!
A lot of junk and a Protectron. I still want my Eyebot and Mister Handy.
in 200+ hours, nothing but plastic forks, pens and random pre-war food...
But then again my character's luck is only 1.
I was out exploring last night and came across a school that must of had 20 of them. A LOT of plastic fork. I keep thinking that if I open up enough of them I will find a uber item, but so far no luck
You mean people get stuff other than pens and chalk? LOL who knew. I wonder if you have to have a higher luck stat, mine is only 2.
A LOT of bubble gum. Coolest one yet has to be Nuka Cola Quantum and a nice pair of shades
sometimes i only get a couple letters on the luchboxes, sometimes letters flash like they slide behind the lunchbox texture. Ive found models and nuka colas. i play with 3 luck and +1 from hat. I think hard mode, or difficulty period also play a part. maybe things like perks that lets you find more valuable items and ammo helps as well, if it goes off value.