Major dissapoint.
Dwellers I am sending out are just bringing back countless amounts of trash also which I sell straight away.
Mostly I am getting rusty laser pistols and not much else.
I am lonely please hug me lunchbox had no lunch, qq. ;(
if you want good stuff make sure your explorers last past 3 hours and have maxed out luck....there are good drops )level 4 clothes and lots of >15 weapons) with maxed luck.
agreed I bought lunchboxes first thing to support the game and haven′t bought any since. true that almost no legendary drops are found out in waste (i did get a rusty gauss rifle whcih is legendary no?) but I get lots of rares on each set of explorations...
Haven't paid for a single lunchbox, i earn them all. Last lunchbox i opened, the first card was 50 Water, the second card was 500 Caps, the third card was a Hardened Minigun (my best wep), and the fourth card was Star Paladin Cross. Then the game crashed, and i about had a heart attack. Luckily, the game had saved just after i had got them, would've been pissed if i had lost the Hardened Minigun and Star Paladin Cross to a crash.
LOL, I wish I could see your face in that crash moment. I'd be squashing the phone in my hands...
I have Gary 23 and Gary 46 scouring the wastes both with 10 luck. They have brought me back A) Lots of caps A Hardened Minigun C) Power Armor D) Hardened Flamer and lots of 'stuff'.
And then are now both maxed at level 50 which is kind sad (I didnt realise that level 50 was the cap).