Level 39 for pro mode is down right ridiculous... You work your but off too get to lvl 39, just to find out that the Pro(hardcoe) community does not exist. Because of this outrageous ranking system in order to unlock game mode, there is NO COMMUNITY within many of the game modes. The only option is STANDARD for all gametypes.
This is something that should be looked into in terms of longevity within this game. The players that are level 39+(that want to play Pro/hardcoe) are forced to play STANDARD gametypes being that it is next to impossible to get a game in Pro(hardcoe) mode. Please take this issue under consideration along with the other small and simple issues that would make this game even greater than it already is!!!
IMO, it was pretty **** stupid for Crytek to have gamemodes still be locked past level 20. How do they expect people to want to squirm their way through **** games over and over to get to the one gamemode they want. I haven't played this game in weeks because the MP is too generic, boring, and bug-filled. I am only waiting to see if a patch gets released that will resolve some of the more serious issues. Can't say I'm going to buy Crytek again. Hope BF3 isn't a mockery of all FPS like this is. The campaign is good (minus the fact they removed the sandbox aspect and all of the bugs), but the MP is basically a CoD clone.