I know what you going to say, just reroll a new play through. I will but hear me out. I first wanted to have a charactor to at least reach lvl 50, maybe even 75 to get all the stuff i want. I have played the whole run on survival. While it was fun at first, im now too OP. What im left with is a bunch of repeatable quest that are too easy. Well, you might say, dont use all your lengenary gear or all that OP crafted gear you got, otherwords gimp yourself to keep to keep it real. To me thats self defeating for several reasons. First whats the point for grinding for epic gear if I wont use it. Second, whats fun about leveling up if im just going to find ways to not benifit from it. I like games that challenge you, not games where you have to challenge yourself. Im not bashing the game, its probably my favorite game this gen. I am however, trying to find out if im missing something or is the end content really this boring? I hope im wrong or future dlc has some better end game stuff. Well there it is, besides rerolling and self gimping my play style whats left? I know i can build up settlements or go exploring for getting more game time, but my question is: What is there left to challenge me as i go forward? Or after 50 hours should i accept the fact the challenge is gone and just be thankful i at least have stuff to do?