Lydia Nooooo! I'm so, so sorry... *sniffle*

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 pm

So I find that all too often I'll initiate a dangerous encounter with 3-4 enemies... Bandits, thalmer, undead... whatever they may be. Lydia will boldly charge in shield raised. Not to be out done I attempt to rush past her, swinging my sword left and right, laying into the enemy with reckless abandon!! "Glory or Death!!!" and all that good stuff. When the dust settles I realize that Im the last one left standing and Lydia is now lootable... Not unconscious but totally dead is dead is deader than a doornail. Seeing how she typically just gets right back up from any beating the enemy NPCs give her Im left with the sad realization that somewhere along the line I ended up disembowelling her in my excitement. :violin:

Cant help but feel a little guilty as she lies there, ass up in the sky, face buried in the dirt... Its horrible... And kind of hilarious. I'd keep going but shes hauling a lot of valuable junk and I cant carry it all my self. Ive done this not once, not twice but several times already. So here's my confession/apology to my poor, poor abused NPC companions to whom it seems I am a much bigger threat than any zombie, giant or some combination thereof.

(Note: Benor and Uthgarde have also been subjected to similar treatment on my mage... Mt fire rune spell seems to be especially fond of blasting them across the room in charred little pieces)

So what's the biggest hazard your companions face?
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Setal Vara
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:30 pm

T'was funny coz my Lydia died on the first giant I ever met, by lvl 5 or so.

Then I got another follower, the Azura lady, and damn was she awesome.

By lv 7 she saved my butt from Krosis by single-handedly soloing on master difficulty him in an epic mage vs mage battle by wielding dual firebolt staves,while I hid behind the word wall. Lol.

She's been my companion ever since, and I'm lv 43 now.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:43 am

Could you guys imagine having Fawkes as a companion? that would be crazy! would break the game of course... but Fawkes would be too cool.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:04 am

Oh poor little lydia i have "accidentally" sacrificed her on an altar, and poor Olda? i not remember the name, i have "accidentally" send her alone against a dragon, and poor little horse i have "accidentally" burn him with fireball and eat him.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 am

YOU LET HER DIE?!?!?!? You should be ashamed!!!! You're a horrible human being!!! *reload*
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Big Homie
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:26 pm

I have had to repeat encounters to many times to count because of the AI of the NPC's. Wish they would make them non-attackable as there movements are too unpredictable. I love realism but when I have my bow out you would think they would not run right in front of you...
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Jon O
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:23 pm

I have had to repeat encounters to many times to count because of the AI of the NPC's. Wish they would make them non-attackable as there movements are too unpredictable. I love realism but when I have my bow out you would think they would not run right in front of you...

She keeps charging in when I lay down my traps. At first Lydia just keeps her bow out and what not. But I put down a fire rune one day, to have a Deathlord Scourge follow me while she recovered her heatlh. She staggered up, one little bit of health and went to charge the Deathlord Scourge that was going to step onto my fire rune. Well you can guess what happened. Deathlord Scourge dead and Lydia too. I had to reload.

As a mage with Lydia as a companion it's very tiresome. I have to go into full support mode if she is in front of me, otherwise I attack her too with my magic. Not on purpose by accident. Also recently was fighting a bandit chief and had to reload becuase I used "Mark for Death" shout. And even though the shout supposedly doesn't damage the enemies it only weakens their lifeforce and everyone was dead. Lydia was on the ground recovering and I was being chased by a bandit chief with a poor and dumb Frost Atronauch. I used it and Lydia ends up dead. -.-

I had to reload.

Not only that, but I am careful and like to avoid pressure plate traps. Lydia keeps stepping on the [censored] traps I have been avoiding. My god. -.-

It's frustrating, but I need Lydia as a mage I need to keep the focus away from me.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:56 pm

Love Lydia, she draws so much attention to herself, allowing this khajiit to backstab and slice throats to my hearts content :D
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:35 pm

I haven't got a problem with her/any other people dying, they won't die for me :/

I got married to vilkas for a achievement and wanted to break the marriage up, after 10-20 tries for him to die against bandits he didn't die, so I hit him to death, still nope.

The way he says love scares me (._.)
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:24 pm

I'm quite attached to Lydia (she's like someone in real life I knew long ago---). She doesn't lie to me, cheat on me, and only stabs me in the back by accident during a melee. Losing her is a bummer, even with "reset". She's a lot better with a sword than I am, while I try to excel at the arcane arts--we actually do quite well as a team. However, last night while battling the "magic anomolies" attacking the town--and after killing all 10 anomies, I walked up to Lydia, only she was in a bluish semi- frozen state and still in battle mode, as were two mages from the college. When I walked up to her, her name no longer said Lydia, but instead, "Arniel Gane's Lydia"--he's a mage at the college. My first thought was "what kind of crap is that?". I got no answer from her but after one of the semi-frozen mages said to inform the college, I assumed it was part of the Staff of Magnus quest. Once that was completed, I went looking for her--to no avail. She wasn't with the other mage who's name was in her caption, nor at the great dining hall. I found the console command used to find her. (player.moveto a2c94) I did, and was brought back to the same spot in town were the 3 of them were standing, but no Lydia. I looked at the ground, and saw several of the "ghostly remains" from the anomolies--and one ash pile with a sword and shield mixed in with it. My heart sank when I saw the pile, and was hoping for the best--then I saw the necklace I had given her--I was crushed. Is this just the bug from Hell or what? Has anyone else lost her to such a fate? Glad I make occasional real saves besides quickie's, but still.... I lost many hours of game time on that glitch. Now I have to kill those anomolies over, get the Staff of Magnus again, whack Ancano. I do believe I'll be leaving Lydia at the dining hall for those particular events.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:45 am

I'm quite attached to Lydia (she's like someone in real life I knew long ago---). She doesn't lie to me, cheat on me, and only stabs me in the back by accident during a melee. Losing her is a bummer, even with "reset". She's a lot better with a sword than I am, while I try to excel at the arcane arts--we actually do quite well as a team. However, last night while battling the "magic anomolies" attacking the town--and after killing all 10 anomies, I walked up to Lydia, only she was in a bluish semi- frozen state and still in battle mode, as were two mages from the college. When I walked up to her, her name no longer said Lydia, but instead, "Arniel Gane's Lydia"--he's a mage at the college. My first thought was "what kind of crap is that?". I got no answer from her but after one of the semi-frozen mages said to inform the college, I assumed it was part of the Staff of Magnus quest. Once that was completed, I went looking for her--to no avail. She wasn't with the other mage who's name was in her caption, nor at the great dining hall. I found the console command used to find her. (player.moveto a2c94) I did, and was brought back to the same spot in town were the 3 of them were standing, but no Lydia. I looked at the ground, and saw several of the "ghostly remains" from the anomolies--and one ash pile with a sword and shield mixed in with it. My heart sank when I saw the pile, and was hoping for the best--then I saw the necklace I had given her--I was crushed. Is this just the bug from Hell or what? Has anyone else lost her to such a fate? Glad I make occasional real saves besides quickie's, but still.... I lost many hours of game time on that glitch. Now I have to kill those anomolies over, get the Staff of Magnus again, whack Ancano. I do believe I'll be leaving Lydia at the dining hall for those particular events.

Thats pretty sad. Dont think it was a glitch though. Sounds like she died in the battle and that mage raised her as his zombie thrall. Just be glad he didnt take her back to his room at the mages college to act out his twisted necrophiliac fantasies. :liplick:
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:00 pm

Oh hey there Mr. Dude, lets party up together and kill some undead.

10 minutes later...


Mr. Dude? Mr. Dude??? MR. DUDE!!!!!!

And thats how I've killed 6 separate followers.
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lacy lake
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:53 am

Because Sven is such a brave chap, he almost always goes down at the feet of my enemies. Means I have to be super careful about casting spells and shouts...and yes, I do often execute him on accident.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:20 am

Seriously, why is everyone on this board all over Lydia? I thought she was just very annoying.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:38 am

Seriously, why is everyone on this board all over Lydia? I thought she was just very annoying.

First follower and all that
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:26 am

Do Flame, Storm or Frost thralls count? cause Ive often killed them casting lightning storm of a dragon.

My Lydia has stayed in my house since I forgot that Farkas replaces her for a quest.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:20 am

Seriously, why is everyone on this board all over Lydia? I thought she was just very annoying.

They like her carrying their "burdens".
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:51 am

I think she's just great and such a sweet voice. She's strong, tough, loyal, fearless and I've reloaded more than a few times to keep her. I just enchanted a bow with soul trap for her and gave her some soul gems. I haven't had a chance to test it yet though. Yesterday we had a fight with a bear on the road and she went down on both knees. I healed her with Healing Hands and checked her heatlh and she was back to 100%. She talked and said Let's go as if she was fine but she wasn't. She tried to follow me crawling on her knees and it was the saddest thing I've seen. I felt so bad. I fast-traveled away and she was fine again though. whew. She's not the strongest but she's a great companion.

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:12 pm

I make her stay at home where its safe.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:35 pm

Seriously, why is everyone on this board all over Lydia? I thought she was just very annoying.

Well I felt pretty bad when I killed any one of my companions. Just used Lydia as the thread name because:

1) Shes the companion Im using on my current character (and has been killed the most)
2) Shes the first companion most people get. (Most in that mine was actually Uthgarde the Unbroken)
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:06 pm

@ tobs...Thanks much for the input, as it makes me rethink the situation--Lydia was still moving, and had some funky looking pixie dust stuff floating around. "We didn't have such fancy potions and spells when I was a young mage in Balmora". Actually, had I known that, I would have killed him where he stood--really. Suppose that's something others might want to consider with that character. I was using Healing Hand on her during that battle, so it seems hard to believe he'd do that to a living person--Can that be done? Guess it'd be a shame if he accidently stumbled into one of my Firebolts--4 or 5 times--you know, right before he tripped face first onto my axe. Like I said before though--she'll be at the dining hall sipping ale when that battle rages--yet again.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:32 am

Sven and Lydia down along with around 3000 in equipment I had given them! Gutted
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:47 am

I was extremely heartbroken when i killed Lydia,
she was turned into a vampire, and attacked me.
Unfortunately i didn't even think to reload my game xD
but, after i had bought the house in Whiterun (Breezehome)
after a certain quest she showed up in the bedroom where the bed is owned, on the floor, dead
I of course was devastated, but at least i got to see her again
[have not done anything with her, i'm not sure what to do lol]
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:56 pm

Famous last words:

"Hey, I'm on your side"

"What are you doing"

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:33 am

I was extremely heartbroken when i killed Lydia,
she was turned into a vampire, and attacked me.
Unfortunately i didn't even think to reload my game xD
but, after i had bought the house in Whiterun (Breezehome)
after a certain quest she showed up in the bedroom where the bed is owned, on the floor, dead
I of course was devastated, but at least i got to see her again
[have not done anything with her, i'm not sure what to do lol]

Vampire Lydia... awesome!
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