Lydia is a racist!

Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:28 am

So, I never understood why everyone hated Lydia. I thought she was an okay follower, and strong too. In fact, one time she survived a direct impact from a giant's club (one who makes you fly).

Lydia and I were heading for High Hrothgar when we stumbled upon this fort. It had obviously been stormed by Stormcloaks, so the only ones left were 2 Altmer necromancers. I killed the first one pretty quick, and was heading for the second one when Lydia (obviously enraged) shout:

"Your kind doesn't belong here"

What the hell? My battle stopped immediately as I turned around to look at Lydia. I won't tolerate racism, [censored]! So I did the obvious and noble thing and flung my Orcish war-hammer upon her egg-shaped head. That's when she yelled:

"Stop it! Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"

Are you blind? There's an Orc in front of you. Jesus! Am I glad that she's dead?

So, why do you guys hate Lydia?
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:03 am

Skyrim DOES belong to the nords.

But that's no reason for the nords to be jerks about it...
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Solène We
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:29 pm

My lydia died distracting a frost dragon while i fired arrows at it.Brave woman that one
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:23 pm

But Skyrim does belong to the nords. D:
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:37 am

My lydia died distracting a frost dragon while i fired arrows at it.Brave woman that one
My Lydia died from a Frost Troll attack I used flames and acidently hit her.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:08 am

Well, you sure don't have my respect at all.

Also, yakyakyak Skyrim does belong to the Nords. Hey, what? Were they there first? I don't think so. Tamriel is Multi-Culti.

The Snow Elves were there first !
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:58 am

Skyrim doesn't belong to the Nords. Skyrim belongs to its original civilization, the Snow Elves. Atmora belongs to the Nords.

So faak Ysgramor and his 500 companions.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:09 pm

The Snow Elves were there first !
And the Native Americans were here first as well, what's your point?

There's an old saying that goes, "To the victors, go the spoils." The Snow Elves fought and lost. Like it or not, Skyrim no longer belongs to them. That doesn't mean there's no room for each to co-exist with one another if they could get along.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:33 am

Skyrim doesn't belong to the Nords. Skyrim belongs to its original civilization, the Snow Elves. Atmora belongs to the Nords.

So faak Ysgramor and his 500 companions.
The Atmorans were from Skyrim originally.

The Reachmen have been in Skyrim since the start as well.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:38 pm

The Atmorans were from Skyrim originally.

No O..O

The Nords came from Atmora , they lived in Atmora since forever , there was war in Atmora so they sailed to Skyrim.
At first they lived in peace with the Elves , but the Elves thought that the Nords are dangerous for their land and so they destroyed the Nords in Skyrim.

However Ysgramor survived and came back with the 500 companions.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:16 pm

But every race in Tamriel is racist except the Orsimer.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:56 pm

No O..O

The Nords came from Atmora , they lived in Atmora since forever , there was war in Atmora so they sailed to Skyrim.
At first they lived in peace with the Elves , but the Elves thought that the Nords are dangerous for their land and so they destroyed the Nords in Skyrim.

However Ysgramor survived and came back with the 500 companions.

The races of Tamriel all come from Old Ehlnofey which was destroyed during the Ehlnofex wars of the Dawn Era.

The Atmorans/Nords originally came into existence at the Throat of the Word.

Nords consider themselves to be the children of the sky. They call Skyrim the Throat of the World, because it is where the sky exhaled on the land and formed them.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:49 am

name='Sonic Snap' post='21165696' timestamp='1341697075']
The Atmorans were from Skyrim originally.
Originally like before the Snow Elves? Nope. The very first inhabitants were the Mer. The Nords came to Skyrim after.

name='lil_rhys' post='21165722' timestamp='1341697258']
But every race in Tamriel is racist except the Orsimer.
That's why the let everyone party in their strongholds in Skyrim right?
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:40 pm

Originally like before the Snow Elves? Nope. The very first inhabitants were the Mer. The Nords came to Skyrim after.

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Anne marie
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:30 am

But every race in Tamriel is racist except the Orsimer.
I haven't seen any racist DarK Elves, but your right
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:41 am

I haven't seen any racist DarK Elves, but your right

Cause the Dunmer were busy fighting each other ( the Great Houses ) , but well now everything is gone :D
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:05 pm

Originally like before the Snow Elves? Nope. The very first inhabitants were the Mer. The Nords came to Skyrim after.

The Nords came into existence on the Throat of the World in the early years of the Dawn Era but were kicked back to Atmora during the Dawn Wars

The Falmer originate from the Aldmer of the Summerset Isles and arrived in Skyrim during the Merethic Era.

Therefore the Nords were in Skyrim first.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:28 pm

Cause the Dunmer were busy fighting each other ( the Great Houses ) , but well now everything is gone :biggrin:
I love lore wars, I learn so mutch!
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:51 am

The Nords came into existence on the Throat of the World in the early years of the Dawn Era but were kicked back to Atmora during the Dawn Wars

The Falmer originate from the Aldmer of the Summerset Isles and arrived in Skyrim during the Merethic Era.

Therefore the Nords were in Skyrim first.

Quote from UESP:

"The spiritual relationship between the Nords and breath is crucial to understanding Nordic beliefs and motivations. They believe Kyne breathed life into them at the, the highest mountain in Skyrim."

The Aldmeri Dominion also believes that they are the best race , is that true ?
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:35 pm

The Nords came into existence on the Throat of the World in the early years of the Dawn Era but were kicked back to Atmora during the Dawn Wars

The Throat of the World is just a place of peace and meditation used by the Greybeards. The Nords are from Atmora since the beginning. Also legends don't necessarly tell the truth.

The Falmer originate from the Aldmer of the Summerset Isles and arrived in Skyrim during the Merethic Era.

Absolutely not. The Dwemer turned the hunted Snow Elves blind as a price for their protection.

Therefore the Nords were in Skyrim first.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:52 pm

I haven't seen any racist DarK Elves, but your right

Please say your joking.....

The Dunmer are far more racist than any other race (maybe not the Altmer).

They kept Khajiit and Argonian slaves.

They called all foreigners "N'Wah" or "Outlanders" and wanted them all out of Morrowind.

The Argonians invaded Morrowind for the soul purpose of revenge.

The reason the Argonians aren't allowed into Windhelm is because they'd kill the Dunmer for more revenge.

Please play Morrowind.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:49 am

Please say your joking.....

The Dunmer are far more racist than any other race (maybe not the Altmer).

They kept Khajiit and Argonian slaves.

They called all foreigners "N'Wah" or "Outlanders" and wanted them all out of Morrowind.

The Argonians invaded Morrowind for the soul purpose of revenge.

The reason the Argonians aren't allowed into Windhelm is because they'd kill the Dunmer for more revenge.

Please play Morrowind.
Thanks for the information
No i haven't played Morrowind and really don't plan on it I might read into to it however. I was more refering in Skyrim the lack of racist Dark Elves. There are always going to be slaves in one country or another across the World of the Elder Scrolls, or other worlds.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:29 am

Thanks for the information
No i haven't played Morrowind and really don't plan on it I might read into to it however. I was more refering in Skyrim the lack of racist Dark Elves. There are always going to be slaves in one country or another across the World of the Elder Scrolls, or other worlds.

Nobody else except the Altmer keep slaves.
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:22 am

The first thing I did when I got Lydia was take her outside of Whiterun and decapitate her. I wanted her armor.

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:48 pm

Quote from UESP:

"The spiritual relationship between the Nords and breath is crucial to understanding Nordic beliefs and motivations. They believe Kyne breathed life into them at the, the highest mountain in Skyrim."

The Aldmeri Dominion also believes that they are the best race , is that true ?

Ask the lore forum if you don't believe me I don't have the time to correct you.


1) You made no new point there and you didn't correct me at all....

2) What? That didn't make sense.

Yes, the Dwemer did turn the Falmer blind but the Falmer come from the Summerset Isles it doesn't say anywhere otherwise.

Look up your lore.
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