Hello All,
First off, let me start by saying I have searched the internet far and wide, posted on the reddit Skyrim forums and asked friends and I cannot find an answer to this. Hopefully you guys will be able to point me in the right direction.
Lydia was my follower. We went into a dungeon together and she ended up dying. I saw her dead corpse on the floor and looted her body and put all my stuff into a burial urn next to her since I couldn't pack it back.
I waited for about a week (game time and now coming up to real time) thinking she would re-spawn in breezehome. Well she didn't. I was told to go back to Dragonsreach. She wasn't there either, just a bunch of stormcloak guards and Jarl Vignar Grey Mane with the court wizard, the dining table is all empty since the Stormcloaks took over.
I went back to the dungeon and her body was gone but all my stuff still in the urn.
This is driving me crazy. Is it possible that once she dies she never ever respawns again!?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!