Personally, I think Lynda Carter is a pretty horrible voice actor, in Oblivion she really started to get on my nerves.
What do you guys think about her returning for skyrim?
I agree 110%/. And my girlfriend agrees with you 210%. We talk about it whenever the subject of Oblivion voice acting comes up. The fact that she was the voice of an entire gender of a an entire race was bad enough, but some bonehead at Bethesda said well hell, she's the boss's wife, so let's give her TWO races! (Well that wasn't really the reason. Afterall, the same lame tiddly winks fairy-boy did all the voice for all the elves, so that's three to Lynda's two). But anyway, I'm happy Bethesda plans to take their voice acting more seriously this time and hoping Lynda's part will be very small, as in just one character. If she's the voice of the female Nords and/or Orcs again it's really going to svck.