Since the start of this beta weekend the mac client has been very unstable. It seems to be crashing at seemingly random intervals while playing.
I've tried a bunch of different settings and configurations without any luck. I also removed add-ons to see if that would help but no luck there either.
Is anyone else using the Mac client experiencing these problems? My wife has the same exact computer and it's happening on hers as well. I checked with a buddy who has a similar configuration and he seems to be experiencing the same thing.
Any help is appreciated, at the very least this could be brought to the devs attention. I submitted every crash report as well as submitting a ticket to support as well.
I played the last beta weekend without any issues.
Specs: iMac 27, 680MX 2gig (Running the game at 2560x1440), 16 gig ram, several hundred gigs of free hard drive space.