Spellbreaker + Mace of Molag Bal
Too bad there arent any Daedric Artifacts of gloves, boots, and amulets. Then we could be a walking Daedric Artifact.
Spellbreaker a must but I like a Daedric mace. I think most dont like the mace because it's heavy and hard to swing, but when it connects "BAM"
I always thought of it as pretty much baseballing the enemy's head off. You swing the blunt weapon with enough force that it just knocks their head off, I guess?
Also, Cleric/sort-of paladin style is the best style.
Why not? 75% armor penetration is too sweet to pass by.
Why not? It sounds just as normal as Sword & Shield. Probably even more so because of the slower swing. Need the defense.
Poor maces never gets any love
It works really well. While they are recovering from bash you have plenty of time time to crack their skulls
Maces and Orcs go together like PB & J
My female Orc wields the Mace of Molag Bal with the Targe of the Blooded
^ This. It does fit their image really well. I think the Ebony mace looks the best although I do miss the normal steel one from Oblivion. That thing was beastly!
Yep, that's still one of my favorite combos.
Especially when you have Deadly Dragons or SkyRe, which gives creatures/monsters Armor Rating (which they didn't have in non modded Skyrim).
I don't really use maces anyway.
I go either Sword and Shield. or Bow
Sometimes I use two-handers
Not a huge fan of maces. Unless its my best weapon i have/ a really cool looking one
My Dwemer Loving character uses Spellbreaker and a Mod added Morrowind Style Dwemer Mace. Vampires and Undead get Dawnbreaker, everything else gets to experience Dwemer craftsmanship.
In reality it would probably just make their head explode like a watermelon.
Nice one, I might try that with my Dunmer character.
I used it for my Dwemer roleplay; http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130217233545/elderscrolls/images/e/e1/Concept_art_of_two_dwemer_people.jpg
aside from roleplay or preference there really isn't much of a difference in practicality. do what you want, nothings stopping you, nothing will be different