Joystiq also gave a bad review, but take a look at the update on this page
wow - Talk about extremely pathetic.
Is that what journalism + reviews have came to nowa days? Complete lack of.
Anything for any reviewers to quickly get his name out and get the publicity attention.
This is truly quite a shock to say the least.
It now makes you wonder - "why have reviews been coming out so quick" - The game hasnt been out for more than 24hours, yet almost 50 different reviews almost all at once have arose 1 by 1.
Most good - some bad....But really? Is this really the time to review a game, based sorely on a mere 2hours of gameplay, to then LIE to the public by stating "Ive completed all campaign mode offline & online" When infact they have barely even scratched the surface!
This is proof alone that, in 2011 - Everything is far from the truth! Anything for quick press - quick attention, and a quick buck!
I will and never have "trusted" game reviews in my life - there is only 1 person in the world, ive actually ever listened too..
Omar from - This guy is amazing with his 15min reviews on games.
I will be asking him to do one on Brink to get his ideas on what he thinks of the game - But as to most others out there, with only a staggering 1-2hours gameplay, then the nerve to print a solid [censored] review on something they have barely glanced over.....Shame on them.