Name - Dom 'Doc'Kill
Age - Unknown
Race - Caucasian
Gender - Male
Armor - Wasteland surgeon outfit, Combat armor
Primary - Service Rifle
Secondary - 9mm Pistol
Special - Hunting Rifle (all mods)
Other - Frag Grenade x3
Frag Mine x3
Name - Paladin Eagles
Age - 24
Race - Caucasian
Gender - Male
Armor - T-45d Power Armor
Primary - Plasma Rifle
Secondary - Plasma Caster
Special - N/A
Other - N/A
And I have created my MAD-MAX character, A free-roamer, a loner, a Lone Wanderer if you will :vaultboy:
Waste lander - hardcoe
Name - Jack 'Hacker' Battle
Age - Unknown
Race - Caucasian
Gender - Male
Armor - Leather Armor, Reinforced
Primary - Lever-action Shotgun
Secondary - .44 Magnum
Special - Stealth Boy
Other - Lots of Purified Water
I think the last load out is such a fun way to play, Jack collects comics, not to read just to see if he can collect more then any other person. Also, Jack is looking for his lost Sister.
BTW - Did everybody know the Lever-Action Shotgun was so powerful??
Do you create small RP situations and interactions with people like i do?
If the answer is yes or if you just have similar character creations comment and tell me im interested to know about other FO:NV players